Love and Let Die (Masters and Mercenaries #5)(21)

Serena sat up, a notebook in her hand. “I am.”

Great. The novelist was interested in what she had to say. So all her hard-won data only meant something to the chick who would combine it with double penetration and lubricant in a literary extravaganza. “Look, this is serious. I want everyone except members of the team out of this conference room. This is not playtime, people. Eli Nelson isn’t a joke.”

Grace frowned her way. “Yes, I know that. I have a metal plate in my head to prove it. You’re not telling me anything we don’t already know. Except that you’re here without Ian. I know Serena. Serena is here because she’s a member of our little family. No matter what Sean says, you haven’t proven anything to me so far. So I would tread carefully or we’ll call security and have you taken out.”

Damn it. She’d lost Grace the minute she’d questioned Serena. So there was a “girl power” thing going. She didn’t need to piss them off, but she did need to make herself clear. “I’ll make my marriage license available to you.”

Simon smiled, but it was a predatory thing. “We won’t need to call security, love. I’ll escort you out myself.”

Yeah, she was sure he would escort her out in the nastiest way possible. “I’m here because I love Ian. I’ve already bled for this team.”

“Grace, she saved Alex,” Eve explained.

“She’s the reason Evans’s whole terrorist plot was brought down,” Serena added. “I was there. I might not have been right there, but I know she was helping. They wouldn’t have taken him down without her.” She turned to Charlie. “I’m only here because I’ve been spotting lately and Jake and Adam are twelve kinds of freaked out about me losing the baby. I can wait in Adam’s office if you prefer.”

Yep, she was a bitch. God, life was easier when she hadn’t cared about her conscience. “No. Please stay, Serena. I’m sorry. I’m trying to do something I’ve never done before—be professional. I want Ian to be proud of me.”

“He’s likely going to be mad pissed off at you,” Liam pointed out, but even he was studying her with something other than complete rage.

She perked up a little, thinking of just how well Ian had spanked her in the past. He had a very strict set of rules.

“Yes, I’m totally counting on that.” She sobered up. “I understand that the majority of you have zero reason to trust me. Adam, what else have you discovered about me in the last twelve hours, because I’m betting you haven’t slept a wink since Alex figured out who I am.”

Adam sat up straighter, his eyes lighting with enthusiasm. “I’ve figured it all out, honey. You’re deeply interesting. Your name is Charlotte Dennis, born Charlotte Denisovitch, though I think maybe that name change wasn’t completely legal.”

It hadn’t been, but her mother had been desperate. “Mom thought an American name would help.”

“Your father was a son of a bitch. He was a brutal, violent man, and he didn’t limit it to his business.” His eyes softened slightly. “He didn’t break you the way he did Chelsea.”

She didn’t like to think about those times now. “My torture was more mental than Chelsea’s, but I assure you I was put through his rigorous tests. My father believed his children should be strong or they should be dead. We’re lucky, Chelsea and I.”

“Is the syndicate still looking for you?” Adam asked. “Is that why you’ve had thirty-four residences in the last five years?”

Had it been so few? It felt like a hundred. “Yes. My uncle took over after my father was killed. Uncle Mikhail took Dad’s death personally. He blames me. He should. I traded my work for Eli Nelson for his assassination services. At the time, I didn’t feel like I had a choice. I could work for my father and hope he didn’t kill my sister or I could hope Nelson upheld his end of our bargain. He did, in the end, though he tried to take more than we’d originally bargained for.”

“He wanted you to continue to work for him?” Adam asked.

Jake huffed, sitting back in his chair. “Shit. He’s looking for you, too.”

Charlie shrugged a little. They weren’t telling her anything she didn’t know. “Not personally, but he’s sent plenty of assassins after me. I might have stolen a whole bunch of his money.”

“I knew there was a reason I liked her,” Eve said. “You know, besides the whole saving my husband’s life thing.”

At least she had one person on her side. “Chelsea and I have been on the run ever since. I’ve had one goal in life. I’m going to get my husband back. I’m going to make everything up to him and spend the rest of my life making him happy. I’ve done some terrible things, but I’m trying to do good now. I’m trying to make things better, and the best way I can do that is by helping you bring down Eli Nelson. Chelsea and I managed to damage him financially about a year and a half ago.”

Adam’s eyes went wide. “Shit. You’re the reason he was dealing with the Chinese. You stole his backup money.”

And just like that, she was back in the doghouse.

“Most agents keep a stash in case they get burned. Normally it’s like a hundred grand or something, but not Eli. No. He was dirty as hell and it had paid well. He also liked to make certain business investments. When I took his two million, he owed a nice chunk of it to some South American gentlemen. Yeah, he had to think fast to make that up. It’s probably why he went with the bearer bonds finally. I know he’d planned on keeping them for his retirement, but I forced him into the open. I’m sure you blame me for that, O’Donnell.”

Lexi Blake's Books