Love and Let Die (Masters and Mercenaries #5)(18)

“Does she know that? Because I don’t think she got the memo,” Sean said. “Look, why don’t you tell me the story from the beginning? Where did you meet her?”

He had no intention of rehashing old history. Something was wrong. It played around in his mind. He was missing something important. “She was at a club. I f*cked her. She wouldn’t go away. Then she died. Story over.”

“God, you’re obnoxious. You married the woman. There has to be more.”

What the hell was he missing? “I’m not joining your *-whipped men’s therapy group, Sean.”

Sean shot him the finger. “It’s called a poker club, *, and we wouldn’t have you.”

The bacon. That was the problem. He got still, forcing himself to really listen. Someone was cooking, and it sure as hell wasn’t Sean. “Did you bring Hans with you?”

Sean waved that idea off. “Nah, that’s Alex.”

Motherf*cker. He rose to his feet, his head only threatening to crack wide open. A man couldn’t simply drink himself to death quietly around here. No. His friends had to show up to watch the show. “He’s supposed to be on his honeymoon.”

Alex’s big body was suddenly in the doorway. “Eve and I canceled. This is so much more important.”

God, Alex was going to kill him. He really was going to vomit. “I don’t need anyone to hold my f*cking hand.”

“Oh, no. You misunderstand. I wasn’t talking about being here for you emotionally. I know you would never let me do that. I was talking about how much fun it’s going to be to watch you deal with Kris…Charlotte. Eve and I agreed watching this shit go down is going to be way better than Hawaii.”

Now he sent his best friend his happy middle finger. “Fuck you, Alex.”

“Come on, man. You were always there for me. You have woman troubles. You can lean on me.”

“You make it sound like I’m menstruating, Alex.”

Sean nodded. “That would explain the mood swings, and so very much of my childhood.”

He sent his brother a look that should have had him running. “I don’t have mood swings. I just hate everything. See, that’s what they mean by even tempered.”

Alex just chuckled. “I think Eve would disagree, but it’s good to see last night didn’t change you. I worried your beloved would come back from the dead and you would be a changed man, all hearts and flowers.”

“She’s lucky I didn’t kill her.” He hadn’t really even thought about it. He’d had a gun in his hand. He’d had someone who betrayed him in his sights, but no, he’d just convinced her to give him a blow job and insulted her and sent her away. Maybe Alex was right. He was totally going soft. If he didn’t watch out he would be at Sean’s Thursday night “poker” club which was really just an excuse to drink imported girlie beer and discuss their feelings. They played poker so they could nominally call themselves men.

He should have shot her. Then he could be in a nice comfy jail cell far away from his meddling friends.

Alex frowned a little. “I was actually surprised she wasn’t still here. I thought you wanted to question her. I came over to make sure she wasn’t tied up somewhere.”

But if he’d tied her up, he wouldn’t have been able to leave her alone. He would have spanked that juicy ass of hers and it wouldn’t have been long before he shoved his cock up her tiny *.

God, he’d never f*cked her ass. He’d been training her for it when she’d “died.” That’s what he should have gotten out of her. He should have gotten some nasty anal sex.

“I don’t care what she has to say.” He wasn’t going to talk about what was going through his head. Alex didn’t need to know he still had a perverse obsession with his ex’s ass.

“Ian, she’s smart,” Alex pointed out. “If she says she has a line on Nelson, we should check it out.”

“She was working for Nelson, so we can’t believe her. She’s also a criminal.”

“I don’t think she does that anymore. You didn’t see her in Florida.” Alex leaned against the doorjamb. “I think she’s been trying to redeem herself. For you.”

Getting remarried had made mush of his best friend’s brain. “She’s a liar. She f*cked me for money and information, and that’s why she’s here now.”

Sean whistled. “Tell me you didn’t call her a whore.”

Ian shrugged. He tried not to lie to his brother.

“Fuck,” Sean cursed and reached into his pocket, pulling out what looked like a stack of twenties.

Alex took it with a shake of his head. “I told you.” He turned to Ian. “We had a bet on how you got the shiner.”

“Fuck you both. Get out of my house.” He stalked toward the bathroom. He needed a shower. He needed to get back on an even keel. Whatever Charlie was trying to do by contacting his brother, it didn’t matter because it wouldn’t f*cking work.

“Don’t feel bad. It’s how he says I love you,” Sean explained to Alex.

Alex laughed, shaking his head. “Breakfast is ready when you can stomach it, brother.”

He slammed the door. Those two wouldn’t go away. He might be able to scare Adam into leaving. Jake would follow orders. Simon didn’t care enough to f*ck with him, but Sean and Alex wouldn’t believe him even if he threatened to shoot them both.

Lexi Blake's Books