None of that mattered.

What mattered was the look on Ana’s face.

There was a small white fence in the yard. The house had shudders, not red, but I could paint them.

I took her hand and kissed it.

“Look at the garage,” I said.

There was a basketball hoop above the garage, just like she always wanted.

When she started to cry, I pulled her close.

I then took my darlin’ to our house.

I let her unlock the door and then I lifted her up and carried her in. I kicked the door shut and gently placed her on the floor.

“I f*cking love you, Knoxville,” she growled at me.

“And I f*cking love you, Ana,” I said.

Right there on the floor, I made love to my darlin’.

Don’t worry… I wasn’t going soft…

When we finished on the floor, I carried her to the shower and f*cked her until we ran out of hot water.




I went into labor two weeks early. Of course Knox was out on a ride. I woke to a sharp pain and fell to my knees. I called Knox and he said everything would be okay. Then my water broke.

Matteo showed up, the giant hulk of a biker he was, yet he was so gentle as he stood me up and helped me out of the house. He got me to his car and got me to the hospital. He even let me hold his hand as the contraction went from hell to f*cking death in a matter of minutes.

The baby was going to be there really fast.

When it was time to really push, Matteo tried to leave. I begged him to stay but he feared seeing anything down there would piss off Knox.

I refused to let Matteo’s hand go.

I then shut my eyes and pushed.

The feeling can’t be described unless you’re doing it. The whole watermelon through the eye of a needle is pretty accurate.

Matteo’s hand slipped away as the doctor said the head was coming out.

I let out a breath, a scream, and turned to see Knox standing there.

Matteo winked at me and got out of the room.

I had no idea how Knox made it there just in time but that was his thing. He was always just in time. Always there to save me, comfort me, love me.

He leaned over and kissed me. “You’re f*cking beautiful, darlin’. You are my hero.”

I let out a cry and had the urge to push again.

That was the last push.

A minute later, a healthy baby boy was placed on my chest. He screamed, I cried, and Knox had a smile that I never saw before. He touched the baby’s back and we had our first real moment as a family.

We named the baby Jayson and took him home two days later.

The first night Knox and I were up every three hours with Jayson. I nursed the baby and Knox sat next to me, waiting his turn to burp the baby. Every time the baby fell asleep we’d sit there in silence, staring at each other, smiling.

Our eyes spoke one thing… the truest thing I’d ever known…

He was my outlaw, I was his darlin’.




I slid into Ana with a hard thrust and she let out a whimpering cry. I was on my knees, she on her back, my eyes all over her beautiful body. She never fully understood how pretty she had become while pregnant. She hated her hips, ass, her puffy cheeks. I loved every second of it and I loved taking care of her the entire time. And even now, it was just… goddamn.

Her tits were huge, full of milk. They bounced like never before, sometimes getting so wild, Ana would have to hold them in place. That only f*cking turned me on even more.

Tonight, I feasted upon her. I put my mouth to her left breast and sucked hard. She let out a hiss sound and dug her fingers into the back of my head. She arched her back to me, offering more and I took it. I could taste her leaking, something else she was unsure about, but I wouldn’t dare pull away.

My hands grabbed her waist and pulled my mouth away, letting my teeth graze her nipple enough to make her bite her lip. I slid my right hand across her stomach and Ana instantly grabbed the sheets. She hated the way her belly looked. I knew it and I played into it by always touching her there. Yeah, sure, maybe that was an * thing to do to her, but I didn’t care. If she thought some stretch marks and skin was going to chase me away she needed to find something better to worry about.

I pulled myself out of her body and watched as her hips bucked toward me.

“What the f*ck?” she whispered in a growling voice.

I inched down her body, kissing her softly, right to her stomach. She grabbed my hair again, pulling.


“No, darlin’,” I said. “You need to know how beautiful you are.”

I kissed down to her clean shaven mound and inhaled the sweet scent of her *. For months we f*cked like crazy and after Jayson was born she still took care of me every single day while she recovered. So I made it a point to make her * my breakfast every morning, no matter what.

I reversed my kissing all the way back up to her mouth, devouring her. I came forward with my throbbing cock and pounded right back inside her. We weren’t protecting ourselves at all. Fuck that. We wanted another baby as soon as possible. It was all up to fate at that point.

Jaxson Kidman's Books