Fear For Me (For Me #2)(93)
Lauren should have been back inside by now. She should have returned with Jim and Matt.
“Why isn’t Lauren here?” Paul asked. He’d jumped to his feet, but hadn’t advanced on Anthony. The guy had finally lifted his hands—showing he had no weapon, and he stood, still as a statue, a few feet away from Anthony.
Anthony glanced toward the back door. Lauren.
“Cuff yourself,” Anthony snarled as his eyes snapped back to Paul.
Paul blinked at him. “What?”
“You’ve got your cuffs on you. I see ’em at your hip. Cuff yourself!”
Paul pulled out the cuffs. Snapped them in place as he glared at Anthony.
“Now don’t f*cking move,” Anthony ordered. “Because if you run out after me, I will put a bullet in your head.” He wasn’t staying in that room any longer.
Lauren should have returned.
Where was she?
He ran for the back door. Shoved it open. No Lauren. No Matt. No—
Jim was on the ground. The glow from Anthony’s flashlight made it look like black liquid soaked Jim’s clothes, but he knew what that blackness was.
Anthony hurtled off the porch and flew to the marshal’s side. He put his fingers to his throat.
Jim was dead. Where was Matt? Lauren?
“Help…” A low, weak plea from the line of trees to the right that led farther into the swamp. Tightening his hold on his weapon, Anthony followed the sound. His flashlight cut through the trees, both helping him to see and making him a target.
There wasn’t any choice. He needed the light.
Christ. The light landed on Matt. Like Jim, blood soaked Matt’s clothes, but he was still alive. Barely.
So much blood.
“He got…Lauren…” Blood dripped down Matt’s face. “Heard…him…take…”
“Who is it?” Anthony demanded. “Who the f*ck has her?”
It couldn’t be Paul, he’d left him cuffed inside. Wesley Hawthorne was struggling to survive, so who the hell—
“Me,” a hard voice said from the darkness.
A hard…familiar voice.
Anthony surged to his feet and turned toward the taunting voice.
Kyle rushed into the cabin, shoving aside the already broken door, with Cadence right on his heels. Her partner had his gun ready as he swept the room.
It was too damn dark. She grabbed for the light switch, but nothing happened.
Kyle had already gotten out his flashlight. She fumbled for hers and saw—
The detective—Paul—trying to unlock a pair of handcuffs. Wesley Hawthorne was at his feet, a bloody mess.
“Freeze!” Kyle roared.
Paul’s shoulders stiffened. “Not again.” He looked up. “It’s not f*cking me!” He raised his cuffed hands and pointed toward the back door. “Ross went out that way. Lauren’s missing…go find her!”
Emotion shook beneath his words. She wanted to believe the guy, but she couldn’t ignore the wounded man at his feet. Cautiously, Cadence advanced so she could check on Wesley.
When she got a good look at him, her breath hissed out. With that kind of trauma, the guy was lucky to still be breathing. Actually, she wasn’t quite sure how he was still breathing.
“Cadence?” Kyle stood protectively over her, his weapon drawn.
“It wasn’t me!” Paul screamed. “Look, Ross is out there. The other marshals should have been helping him, but something happened. If you won’t help them, I will.” He lunged forward and slammed into the barrel of Kyle’s gun.
“You aren’t going anywhere,” Kyle growled, his voice lethal. “Now you settle the hell down.”
The grated whisper came from Wesley.
She leaned forward, heart racing. “Stay still.” She wasn’t sure how long the guy had. He needed to be airlifted out of there, freaking ASAP. A trauma unit would have to be on standby for him. Looking up at her partner, she said, “Kyle, we need a medevac—”
Wesley had a giant hole in his head, and the man was still managing to speak. Talk about a fighter.
“Was it Paul?” she asked, leaning close to see his response.
“What did he say?” Paul shouted. “Did he say it wasn’t me?”
“Right? Who’s—” She sucked in a sharp breath, understanding. Not right. Wright. Her head snapped up. “Kyle, get out there! See if you can find Ross!”
He hesitated. His gaze slid from her to Paul. He didn’t trust the detective. Neither did she, not with this scene, no matter what a bleeding man was telling her.
She’d learned long ago not to take risks.
Cadence lifted her gun. Centered it on Paul. “I’ve got this.” She’d stay until help arrived for Wesley. She’d keep Paul covered.
Kyle gave a grim nod, then headed for the back door.
“Fuck,” Paul yelled, his body vibrating with tension. “I can help.”
“Yeah, you can. Come over here and help me to save Wesley’s life.”