Faking It(28)

The memories made me smile. I saw Rufus smiling too, and knew he was thinking about trying to sleep with me again. For a second, I was tempted but, just as quickly, I knew it wouldn’t be a good idea, long term. Besides, I thought, Tyler might still find me. I shook my head, banishing that ridiculous thought from my mind.

“I’m sorry, Rufus,” I offered. “I can’t, not now. I understand if you change your mind about me staying.”

Again, Rufus seemed to consider things for an age. “No worries,” he eventually smiled. “You’re welcome as long as you want. I need an evening waitress, ‘kay?”

“Perfect!” I yelled. I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him again.

“Is nice kiss,” smiled Rufus as we broke apart. I nodded. “Do it lower,” he suggested.

I punched him in the chest.

Two days passed. The evening shifts were fun, lively and went fast enough, but my days were slow. I didn’t really have anywhere to go in the daytime, so I just hung around the bar. I even cleaned or carried a tray, simply because I had nothing better to do. From the time Charlie’s opened, around midday, I sat in the darkened bar, drinking occasionally but mostly simply staying out of the heat, and listening or chatting with Rufus and the barflies until things got busier and my shift started. It wasn’t long before I told Rufus all about Tyler and the charter. Understanding my feelings for him better than I did, it seemed, Rufus said he hoped Tyler would find me soon.

On the third day, the time was rolling around to four in the afternoon and I still hadn’t quite figured out what I was going to do. The hopeful part of me was still expecting Tyler to walk into Charlie’s any minute, while the grown-up part of me knew that it was never going to happen and I should be making plans for my next move.

It’s fucking typical, my brain said, as it often did when I was feeling particularly resentful, everything his family and his father did to me, and he’s allowed to carry on with his carefree life while I, not even having done anything wrong, am probably ostracized from the yachting world and need to find another career. And he’s so rich it wouldn’t even matter if he lost his job. But because he’s so rich, nothing bad ever happens to him. I realized I was fuming and in danger of crushing the glass of water I was holding with my bare hand.

I did what I always did when I felt that way. I wandered over to the classic Wurlitzer jukebox and fed it. I selected Bob Marley and watched the robot arm travel across and pick up the record. I leaned against the glass, feeling it cool on my forehead in the dark heat of the bar, and began to move slowly in time with the music. Dressed in my short-shorts and sandals, my little tank-top with no bra, at least one of the local daytime drinkers must have found it a bit too much. There was a wolf-whistle from behind me. I ignored it. Don’t worry… sang Bob, …Bout a thing…

I congratulated myself on being right. Well done, you knew he wouldn’t come. Gold star for Misty, I said to myself but, just as I thought those words, a familiar voice sounded behind me.

“So, so far you’ve cost me an extra eighty thousand dollars on what I was going to tip.”

His voice was deep, husky, and it made my whole body come alive to hear it. I smiled but didn’t turn around. “Really? How so?” I managed to sound cool and confident, but my heart was pounding like it never had before. …Cause every little thing… Is gonna be all right…

“They told me you’d left, but I knew they’d get your tip to you. I needed to make sure you had enough to be okay till I found you. Leaving ten thousand for everyone was the only solution I could come up with in time.”

I felt him step softly up behind me, so close I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. “Trust me,” I smiled to myself, “they earned every penny.”

Tyler laughed, short but loud. He gently traced his fingers along the backs of my arms until his hands rested on mine. I looked over at Rufus, behind the bar. He gave me a little smile. I blew him a discreet kiss back.

“Well, it’s your own fault. You knew I was off limits and, come to think of it, so were you.”

“You’re right about that,” he said, suddenly spinning me around to face him, “but neither of us is off limits now.”

Our eyes locked and, for a moment, I could feel us gazing deep into each other’s hearts and souls. I was still unsure we were meant to be together but, when Tyler finally kissed me, long and hard, I couldn’t help moaning with the pleasure of it. I leaped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Again, I found him hard as our covered crotches met. My breath left my body and I couldn’t help grinding myself along the length of him. It felt delicious.

Rufus called out and whistled at us to take it outside. Returning to myself, I realized that this was not the place. It was too public and not really fair on poor Rufus. He might wish us well, but banging right in front of him seemed a little cruel. I whispered into Tyler’s ear for him to follow me and led him upstairs to my makeshift bed.

The journey upstairs, at least, gave me time to remember how angry I was about his position of privilege, my family and the whole bunch of other things that should keep us from being together. We got into the room, Tyler’s face turning to mild confusion as I had him sit on the chair instead of jumping him. I poured two fingers of rum into two glasses. Handed Tyler one and threw mine back in one swallow.

Nikki Bella's Books