Faking It(23)

I said no more to Ada. She snorted back another line as I went into the closet and grabbed my small bag. I couldn’t remember what was in it, I just figured there might be something I could use. Anything I left behind was most likely going to be floating around the Caribbean by sunrise.

“The fuck are you going now?” Ada snarled at me. “Going to go give your stewardess whore a whole three minutes of fun?” I turned back to look at her. Ada’s normally phenomenally beautiful face was contorted into the ugliest mask of hatred I had ever seen. “Or do you think you’ll need me to send Bella over again to help you get it up?”

I turned and walked out, her insults following me down the passageway for the second time that night.


I didn’t stop running until I got to my little cabin. I ran in, closed the door a little too hard and started sobbing. I didn’t mean to disturb Tanya, asleep in the top bunk, but I wasn’t really thinking.

“Misty,” Tanya murmured, slowly rising from her sleep. She hit the light and her eyes widened as she saw my ripped shirt, torn open by Tyler in the heat of passion. “What the hell happened? Are you okay, did someone hurt you?” Tanya was younger than me but, because of her slightly more senior rank and because she’d been part of the crew for six months and me only two, Tanya always seemed to be on the lookout for me. And, although I was perfectly capable of looking after myself, I adored her for it.

“No, I’m fine, really,” I sniffed.

My makeup was running. I looked down at my shirt. It was ruined. My bra was still pushed up, too, exposing my breasts, where Tyler had shoved it so he could grope, kiss, and lick me. I felt better for a nanosecond, the memory of his hot hands and mouth all over my tits as I crushed his head to my chest, returning, along with the feel of him pulsing hot and hard in my pussy. I pulled off the tattered remains and took off my bra. Tanya handed me a tank-top, which I slipped on before thumping down hard on my bunk. Tanya slid down from the top, slipped on her fluffy robe to cover her own nakedness, and sat down beside me.

“You sure you’re not hurt?” she asked.

“I’m sure.”

“In that case, you’ve been getting naughty with someone,” Tanya teased. “Come on, spill.”

With Azure interrupting us, then dashing off to who knows where, the whole crew would know soon enough. So, I told Tanya. I told her about the kiss the first night, about the near kiss tonight, then about the sudden, desperate fuck in the galley just now.

However, I still couldn’t tell Tanya that I’d specifically joined the crew of Aphrodite to be on this charter, that I was only on board to take revenge on Tyler for what his father did to my family. Or that, in getting to know him, I’d discovered that he was nothing like his father, or that I thought I was falling in love with him.

“That little witch, though,” scowled Tanya about Azure. “She doesn’t have to tell the captain. He’ll fire you.”

“I know,” I said, resigned to the fact, “but who can blame her? Or him? My unprofessional behavior might be enough to screw up the tip for everyone. I should be fired.”

“Don’t say that. It sounds like Tyler really likes you. Maybe this is your Cinderella story,” She sounded so full of hope I had to smile.

“That remains to be seen,” I told her. By now, he’d be back with Ada. They’ll have been fucking like bunnies since I left him. Guaranteed. In the morning, he’ll be like ‘Misty who?’

“Well, if we get through this,” said Tanya, “next time a charter makes you feel all gooey, come tell me.”

“And you’ll what, Tanya?” I smiled. “Take care of my urges?”

Tanya smirked back and gave me a big kiss on the lips. “It’s tempting, but it might make bunking together a little awkward. So, I’ll just listen and tell you you’re an idiot, deal?”


It was rolling toward two-thirty and, even postponing our normal dawn running session, we still both needed to be up before seven, so Tanya popped back up to her bunk and put the lights out.

Lying in the darkness, there was no way I could sleep, though. My mind raced from my fear of what the morning would bring, and the elated emotions I couldn’t help feeling as I remembered Tyler’s hands on me, his arms around me, his mouth on me, and the sensation of his marble-hard cock as it touched my lower lips and then penetrated me. The urgency of his kisses, the passionate strength of his embrace, the way his beautiful dick throbbed in my hands, all those recollections made my body sing. Even after the thundering orgasm I just had, I twisted about with the frustration that I couldn’t have him again.

“Stop playing with yourself and go to sleep,” came Tanya’s mock-stern voice from above. “You don’t want to have to make me come down there.”

After what seemed like only five minutes’ sleep, Tanya and I were back up and getting ready for work. In the galley, where the crew was gathering for breakfast. Neither the captain or Azure were present, but everyone went suspiciously quiet when I walked in. Tanya strode in behind me and started taunting, teasing, and flirting her way around the room, as she always did, giving the crew no option but to think and talk about something other than me. She’s probably the most amazing girl I’ve ever met, I smiled to myself, before the dreaded call came over the intercom, summoning me to the wheelhouse.

Nikki Bella's Books