Faking It(26)
“I’m sorry it wasn’t meant to be,” I offered. For a moment, he continued to stare off angrily into the distance until, suddenly, his face softened and he gathered me in his arms.
“Just promise me you’ll be happy,” he murmured. I pulled back to look in his eyes, then gave him a long kiss on the lips.
“I’ll try,” I whispered back.
I turned to Tanya and Tarquin. Within seconds, tears were streaming down all our faces. We all hugged altogether.
“You cows!” wailed Tarquin. “My makeup’s ruined!”
“This is crazy. Why are we crying? We’ll Skype, Facebook, we’ll talk all the time!” I sobbed.
“We’d better,” sniffed Tanya. “I expect first class all the way when you hook back up with your billionaire boyfriend.”
I went to respond but my taxi honked its horn from behind me. I kissed them both, grabbed my bags and strode off the dock toward solid ground. I got to the car and looked back, as the driver loaded my luggage in the trunk. They waved, I smiled and waved.
“Misty!” called Tarquin. “Don’t let any bad meat past those lips!” Tanya burst out laughing.
“Yeah?” I yelled back, “That goes double for the two of you!”
“Find her, Henry,” spat I. “I don’t care what it costs, I don’t care if we have to go knocking door to door across this whole fucking island. Find her for me.”
Henry knew better than to argue with me when I was in this mood. “We’ll find her, buddy, don’t worry,” he said.
We drove on in silence. D Cash began to investigate the limo’s minibar. He pulled out a miniature bottle of Smirnoff, which looked even smaller in his big, black hand. He held it between his gold teeth and brought out another small bottle. This time it was a Glenfiddich 15-year-old, which he tossed to me.
“Cash,” I said, catching it, “it’s like one-fifteen in the afternoon.”
“Yeah?” replied the big rapper, opening the small bottle of vodka. “That means it's nine-fifteen in LA, right?” He downed the liquid in one practiced movement.
“Erm… nine-fifteen in the morning,” smiled Henry.
D Cash shrugged before exploring the refrigerator for another. I went to hand the scotch back, but Paul waved to me, indicating he wanted it.
“Are we going back to the hotel?” asked Ruby, sounding tired.
Henry turned to me, “Ada will be there.”
I hadn’t thought that far. We had four deluxe suites reserved at the Ritz-Carlton in Palm Beach, one of which was currently occupied by Ada and, possibly, Bella. Although there was nothing to stop Bella stealing Henry’s suite, so that was probably full too.
“Let’s go get some lunch and figure it out,” I decided.
I had the limo take us to the Hilton Resort and Casino, about a mile down the coast from the Ritz. Traipsing into the restaurant with all our bags made us look like a collection of hobos which, I considered, at the moment was exactly what we were. We took a table that looked out over the pool while Henry hung back to enquire about accommodation.
He came back wearing a very concerned look on his face. He sat down next to me.
“No room at the inn?” I joked.
“No, we’re all set,” he replied, staring off into the distance. “There were only three suites left so I figured you and I could share.”
“Of course,” I told him. “But why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”
“A phone call from the board,” Henry motioned at my martini. I nodded, so he drained the glass and set it back down, breathing heavily. “They said, and I quote: The situation had changed. You were unreachable.” I remembered that I’d turned my cell phone off. “They had to abandon our plans to invest in Hobbs’s firm. They’re proceeding with the hostile takeover.”
I sat still for a moment, dumbstruck. Henry and I had spent months orchestrating the deal so that we could save the workforce of three thousand people from being laid off. The board had wanted to simply break up and sell the firm, making a billion-dollar profit. I’d forced them, as majority shareholder, CEO, and son of the founder, to invest instead. It was a much smaller return, over a longer period of time, but the workforce kept their jobs.
“That fucking…!” I spat. “Fucking Banks! I knew he was never going to play along with us.”
“That’s the thing, Tyler,” Henry was still breathing rapidly. “Banks stepped down as chairman of the board this morning. Somehow, the new chair is…”
“What the hell, Henry? Who is it?”
“Ada Showazuki,” he said at last.
Again, I sat stunned. Paul, D Cash, and their girlfriends, across the table, were eating and laughing, with no clue to what Henry and I were discussing. I barely felt Henry place his hand on my forearm. He shook me gently and the numbness I was feeling seemed to subside a little. I looked at him, his concerned, earnest face, and giggled. I felt my smile grow wider and I laughed again, louder now. Everyone else at the table smiled at me.
“What is it?” asked Britney, unable to stop herself laughing along with me, as I began to lose control. I was laughing louder and longer, so the rest of the table couldn’t help but join in. Even Henry started to chuckle. I shoved my hand behind my old friend’s neck and pulled his pudgy face close, pressing our foreheads together. We laughed harder and harder, until tears were running down my cheeks.