Defiance (The Protectors #9)(78)

Brody was asleep in the bed, so my eyes quickly searched out Nathan. He was sitting in a chair next to the bed, but at some point, he too had fallen asleep. His hand was covering his brother’s on the bed. I was half-tempted to wake him so he could get some real rest, but decided against it. I went to the room Dom had directed me to and found both mine and Nathan’s bags sitting on the bed. Between the events of the day and the lack of sleep the night before, I was wiped out, and within minutes of lying down and closing my eyes, I was out. I didn’t wake up until a familiar weight pressed against my side.

I curled into Nathan’s body and pressed my lips against his temple. “You okay?” I asked.

He nodded against me.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“After nine. Brody, Beck, and Quinn went to bed already. Dom went home – said he’d be back in the morning. Cade’s keeping an eye on things so Cain could get some sleep.”

“Did you and Brody get to talk?” I asked.

“A little. The pain pills knocked him out pretty fast, so I told him to sleep and we’d talk more tomorrow. Ronan called Dom to give us an update. Reese is starting to wake up, but he’s still too out of it for them to determine if there’s any permanent damage. He said Everett is hanging in there.”

“He’ll be okay,” I murmured.

Nathan nodded as his hands began skimming over my body. It didn’t take much to get me going, so when Nathan pushed me to my back and covered my mouth with his, I gladly complied. There was a certain franticness to his moves as he began tugging at my clothes. I understood where it was coming from, though, so when he grabbed his shirt and yanked it over his head and then went to work on his pants, I grabbed his wrists.

“Baby,” I said as I rolled him beneath me and ground our hips together. “Let’s change things up a bit, okay?”

He nodded. “Yeah, okay,” he said impatiently. “Just…fuck me really hard, please.”

The desperation in his voice didn’t surprise me at all. Everything had spiraled out of his control in the last twenty-four hours and he was feeling rudderless. But as badly as he needed to not feel those emotions, I knew there was something he needed even more.

I brought his palm to my mouth and gently kissed the stitches I’d placed there what now seemed like a lifetime ago, but had really been only a week. Fortunately, the injury didn’t seem to be bothering him anymore, other than the dull pain that came with that kind of wound.

“I want you to fuck me tonight,” I said slowly as I ran his hand down my neck and over my chest.

He stiffened at my words, but not surprisingly, his dick jumped against mine, despite the clothes separating our bodies.


I kissed him slow and deep and only when we were both panting did I say, “Want to feel you inside me.”

“Have you ever…?”

I nodded. “A few times with David. It wasn’t his thing so it wasn’t often, but I loved it. I loved being with him that way, and I want that with you.” I sipped at his lips until he was squirming beneath me. “Tell me you want that, too.”

“Yes,” he whispered. “Yes,” he repeated and then his instincts and need took over as he rolled me to my back. His hands roamed all over my body as he undressed me, and then his mouth was everywhere. I certainly didn’t need the extra stimulation when his mouth closed around my dick, but I wasn’t about to argue with him about it. I did have to force him to stop, though, when the orgasm began to creep up my spine.

“Want you inside me,” I moaned when I pulled him back up to my mouth.

He nodded as he kissed me hard. I sat up to help him get his clothes off and the lube on his dick, because his hands were shaking so badly that he was struggling to get the cap off the bottle. I kissed him gently and nuzzled his ear as I smoothed the lube over his hardness. “It’ll be perfect,” I reminded him. “Being with you is always perfect.”

Nathan sucked in a breath and finally relaxed somewhat.

“What position do you want me in, baby?” I asked as I wiped my hand on the bedspread before clasping his face between my fingers.

“Just like this,” he murmured. “Wanna see you.”

I nodded and pulled him down on top of me. He gathered some of the lube from his dick onto his fingers and then began probing me with them. His nerves kicked in as he fumbled to get his finger inside of me, but once he realized he wasn’t hurting me, he seemed to relax and began exploring my reactions to his touch. When he found my prostate, I nearly bowed off the bed.

And he used that to his advantage as he teased me mercilessly at the same time that he sucked my dick to the back of his throat.

“Yes!” I called out as I closed my hands over his head and began fucking his mouth. When he added a second finger, I was done and I gently pulled him off my dick. “Now,” I ordered right before I kissed him.

“Bossy to the end,” Nathan said with a smile, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

But all jokes ended when his cock replaced his fingers and he began to push inside of me. I held onto his arms which were braced alongside me as he worked himself deeper and deeper inside of me. The pressure was intense, and I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever felt so full before. I hadn’t lied when I’d said I’d enjoyed the few times David had taken me, but I couldn’t remember it being this good before. I couldn’t remember this need to crawl out of my skin and bury myself under his so we’d never have to be apart again.

Sloane Kennedy's Books