Defiance (The Protectors #9)(77)

I chuckled and shook my head. Cade had always been the kind of guy who said exactly what he was thinking. “About as good as you getting married, I guess.”

Dom snorted and Cade shrugged. “If you saw my husband, you wouldn’t be saying that.”

“Jesus, Cade, are you ever going to remember that’s my little brother you’re talking about when you say shit like that?” Dom said.

“What about you?” I said to Dom. “You said you were married and with kids, no less.”

Dom nodded. “Four kids,” he confirmed. “Eli is our oldest, then Tristan. Tanner’s almost ten and Sylvie’s five. Logan and I have been together for almost eleven years now.”

“And if I’m not mistaken, there’s talk about maybe another baby on the way,” Cade remarked casually.

Dom took a swipe at his brother-in-law. “Just trying to keep up with you and your brood. Five kids,” Dom added as he jerked his chin towards Cade.

I shook my head as I watched the two men. I hadn’t even known them to be friends in the military before I’d been discharged, but looking at them now, they were so much more than that. I hated the regret that lanced through me as I once again considered how different my life would have been if I’d said yes to Dom all those years ago.

“What about you?” Dom asked. “You and Nathan, that’s…unexpected.”

I laughed. He had no idea.

“Yeah, didn’t really see it coming,” I admitted.

“Ronan told us what happened to your…to David,” Cade said quietly. “And your brother.”

I nodded. Since I hadn’t told Ronan about either man, I had to assume he’d heard it from Everett at some point. Surprisingly, it didn’t anger me.

“Things didn’t quite work out as expected,” was all I said.

“They rarely do,” Dom murmured. “When I lost my wife to cancer, I figured life was about waiting until my own number came up so I could be with her again. But life decided to throw me a curveball and sent me Logan. Not everyone’s lucky enough to get a second soulmate,” he said. His eyes pinned mine. “Hopefully you’re smart enough to recognize it when it happens to you.”

I sighed, because it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was saying. “Second chances don’t do you a bit of good if you aren’t in any position to accept them.”

“Vincent-” Cade began, but I put up my hand.

“Not all choices can be undone. I know that better than anyone.” Before either man could say anything, I straightened and said, “I should go check on Nathan.”

I was glad when they didn’t try to stop me. As I reached the front foyer where we’d entered the house, I saw Ethan coming down the stairs. He smiled at me and stopped when he reached the bottom step. “Wasn’t sure I’d ever get the chance to thank you,” he said softly.

“No thanks necessary,” I automatically said.

He cocked his head at me, but didn’t say anything.

“I watched the trial. You were amazing,” I said.

Ethan had been forced to testify in open court about the abuse he’d suffered at the hands of his ex-boyfriend. I’d suspected the man had traumatized Ethan when I’d met the fucker after Ethan had begged me to take him to stop Cain from killing the man. We’d arrived in time for the asshole to spew his hateful shit at Ethan and threaten to keep pursuing the young doctor. Ethan had talked Cain out of killing the man, but I’d been less interested in allowing the courts to deliver a message that I could send the man just as easily.

So I’d shot him in the dick.

Message received, loud and clear.

Just before I’d blown a hole in his groin, I’d made sure the former cop knew what would happen to him in prison if he so much as even breathed Ethan’s name.

The move hadn’t stopped him from trying to come up with some lame-ass defense when he’d been arrested for beating and raping Ethan on multiple occasions. He’d been convicted, of course. And I’d seen recent reports that he’d been charged with murdering another police officer and the man’s wife, a crime that carried the death penalty.

“I’m just glad it’s finally over,” Ethan said as his fingers automatically began toying with the ring on his left hand.

“When’s the big day?” I asked.

“Next month. And now that you’re back, Cain and I expect to see you and Nathan there. No arguments,” he said as he pointed his finger at me and gave me a stern look.

I nodded, but didn’t say anything.

What was I supposed to say?

That Nathan and I would have long gone our separate ways by then? “He still with Brody?” I asked.

“Yeah. Second door on the left. Quinn and Beck went outside to get some air so Brody and Nathan could talk.”

“Thanks,” I said as I began climbing the stairs.


I looked over my shoulder at him.

“Thank you,” he said, his voice going soft.

I held his gaze for a moment and saw the seriousness there. “You’re welcome, Ethan,” I finally said. Satisfied, he turned away, and I continued up the stairs. I knocked on the door I assumed was the one Ethan had been talking about, but when there was no answer, I carefully pushed it open.

Sloane Kennedy's Books