
I turn to Jase, who was walking on my other side. “Can’t you keep her occupied?”

He chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. “Dane doesn’t want her. Control your jealously princess.”

I make a scoffing noise. “I’m so not jealous.”

The men beside me laugh. I lower my voice and decide to change the subject. “Is there any way we can go around Aaron’s camp?”

Jase shakes his head. “Those ways aren’t safe. Why do you think we had to cut through his way? He knows it too. That’s why the bastard set up camp there.”

“Who the hell is he anyway?”

“Who knows,” Jase replies. “He sees himself as some sort of ruler.”

“Not a very good one,” I say. I see Lars and Gina walking side by side, next to Dane. “What’s going on there?”

Sam doesn’t raise his head. “It’s complicated.”

I look at Jase, wondering how much I can say in his presence.

He puts his hands up. “I know it all. I’m not stupid. I think everyone knows now Sam and Lars have something going on after they hugged each other like that.”

I clear my throat. “Have you and Gina...”

“No,” Sam replies. “Not into chicks. If I was, I would have gone for you Olivia.”

I look at my best friend. “You are so damn sweet.”

He shrugs his broad shoulders. “It’s the truth. I care for Gina as a friend and because Lars obviously cares for her.”

“But would you kick her out of bed?” I whisper. I hear Jase chuckling from my other side, so I turn to him. “You’re not all that bad, you know that?”

He smirks. “You’re alright yourself princess.”

“I think we need a group hug.”

I stop in my tracks and wrap an arm around each of them. “Thanks for always being there for me guys. I know I can always trust the two of you.”

Jase looks awkward as hell but Sam smiles down at me fondly.

“There’s only one Olivia,” he says, kissing my cheek. “We have to take care of her.”

I look up to see Dane has stopped walking and is watching us. “Everything okay?” he asks, walking towards me.

I nod. “Everything is great.”

Except for the Aaron thing.

He looks between Sam and Jase and nods once, taking my hand in his and walking with us. “We’re going to stop in an hour. The women want to rest for a bit.”

I look around. “I’m fine. Who wants to rest?”

I watch Gina, making sure she was okay.

“Dane when can we stop?” Jordan calls out, stomping one of her feet.

Just his name coming from her lips makes me want to strangle her.

“Of course,” I mutter under my breath.

“Wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole,” I hear Jase say, making me grin.

Dane’s hand tightens on mine. “We spoke about this.”

“Is she coming back to the castle?” I ask. The castle was full but we always made room. Soon, no one would be able to have single rooms with the way we were letting people in. With fifty men and about thirty women and twenty children, we were lucky the castle was massive.

Dane sighs. “Olivia. I can’t leave her out here with her only crime being getting f*cked by me. A long time ago. Before I was married to you.”

“Dane! My feet hurt!” she calls out.

“Why is she acting like you’re her boyfriend that has to tend to her every need?” I growl.


“You go deal with her Dane, before she yells loud enough one of those beasts finds us.”

He curses. “Baby, you know that--”

“Dane!” she yells out again.

“Please go,” I tell him. “My fingers are getting twitchy.”

I was holding my bow and was this close to reaching for an arrow.

“I’ll tell her to shut up then I’m coming back. You and I are going to have another talk.”

He quickens his steps to catch up to her.

“She’s annoying as f*ck,” Jase murmurs. “Must be amazing at giving head.”

I slap his arm.

He pulls me in and messes my hair.

I had bigger issues than Jordan though.

Aaron was going to want to either f*ck me, or kill me.

And I didn’t know which one was worse.

Chapter Eighteen

“Are you okay?” Dane asks me. “It’s like you’re expecting someone to jump out and get you at any second. I’m here, and I’m on alert. You can relax Olivia. You’re safe.”

He looks a little offended that I wasn’t feeling a hundred percent safe in his presence. “I feel safer with you than with anyone in this world Dane,” I tell him honestly, shifting on my feet. “There’s something I haven’t told you.”

He instantly stops and grips my wrist. “What is it? Are you okay?”

He looks down to my stomach and I feel my cheeks get hot. “I’m not pregnant.”

He lifts his gaze. “Then what?”

“Aaron…” I trail off looking away. Dane grips my chin and forces me to look back at him.

Chantal Fernando's Books