
Was that…?

“Dane?” I ask, my voice shaking. “Is that you?”

There’s a moments silence before the man holding me down is pushed away, and I’m rolled over onto my back. Cold hands touch my cheeks gently. “Olivia?”

“Oh my god! It is you,” I sob, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him.

He peppers kisses all over my forehead. “Fuck Olivia, what are you doing here baby? It’s not safe out here for you. Are you crazy?” He lifts his head and shouts. “Sam, you’re a f*cking dead man for bringing my woman out here!”

“You try and stop her,” Sam replies in a dry tone.

“You didn’t come back,” I say into his chest. “You said you’d always come back.”

“I was on my way home now,” he says, rubbing my back. “Something happened that took us a little longer than planned. I was coming home Olivia. Nothing could keep me away from you. I missed you so much,” he says into my hair.

Lifting my head, our mouths find each other. Our kiss is almost frantic. I can’t believe that he’s here, that he found us. Most of all, I’m happy that he’s okay.

He’s alive.

He was coming back to me.

Pulling away, I kiss his jawline and then begin with the questions. “Where are the other men? Lars?”

“They’re close by. We split up to look for somewhere safe to sleep. I’ll go and bring them back to the cave.”

“I’m coming with you,” I say, not ready to leave him just yet. “What made you stay so long Dane? Is everything okay? No one is hurt, are they?”

“No, we’re all fine,” he says, pulling me to my feet. “I still can’t believe you’re here Olivia. Evan would want me dead right now for letting you leave the walls.”

“Well he’s not here,” I say quietly.

He kisses my forehead. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Where’s Lars?” Sam asks, stepping behind me. “Gina is here too.”

Dane curses. “How did you make it past Aaron’s camp? Bastard only let us through after I kicked his ass in a one on one fight.”

No one answers him.

“Sam?” Dane prods.

“I’m going to tell everyone you’re here,” Sam says, leaving me standing there with Dane and the man that pinned me down, who I now knew was Jake.

“Jake go get the others,” Dane commands.

Jake leaves straight away.

“Tell me what happened with Aaron,” he demands, holding my face in his hands so I couldn’t look away. “Now, Olivia. Fuck, did he recognize Gina? Did he touch her? What happened?”

“No, he didn’t touch Gina,” I reply. “She’s fine.”

“Dane, what the f*ck man?” Jase says, storming out of the cave. “We’re on a rescue mission to save your ass and you find us instead.”

“Hate to steal your thunder,” Dane replies in a dry tone. “I’m glad I did found you. What the f*ck were you all thinking bringing Olivia? If anything happened to her, you’re all dead.”

“She’s fine as you can see. All in one piece,” Jase replies, crouching to start a fire.

“What aren’t you telling me then?” Dane asks, gripping onto the back of my neck with this palm.

I sigh. “Why don’t you tell us what took you so long?”

“We were on our way home when I saw someone I used to know… before everything happened--Jordan, and two others. They needed some help. One of them was injured. Everything took longer than expected, I’m sorry. We found some weapons and tinned food though. Also some medicine.”

“Good,” I reply. We especially needed the medicine. “I’d like to see the city. The old buildings and shops that you raid. I’ve only seen trees and jungle since I left the castle.”

“No, we’re going home Olivia. I don’t need you in danger any longer than you need to be.”

I cross my arms over my chest, staring up at his face. I could now see it clearly thanks to the fire Jase lit. “You need to stop with the alpha bullshit. I’m more than able to defend myself.”

“Maybe so,” he says. “But we just came from the old city. Do you want us to trek back there just so you can have a look?”

“No,” I reply, shoulder slumping. “I guess not.”

He nips at my ear. “I just want to be back in the castle with you. In our bed. Safe and f*cking sound. How do you still smell so good?”

“Sam?” I hear a man call out.


Sam peeps out of the cave at his name being called. Lars appears out of nowhere and the two of them embrace, unaware of all the eyes on them. Maybe they didn’t care.

“Gina’s here,” I hear Sam tell Lars. They both disappear into the cave.

“What the f*ck was that,” Dane mutters, sounding shocked. “Didn’t see that one coming.”

I grin. “That’s exactly what I said.”

Dane smiles, and suddenly everything is right in the world. “You look even more beautiful than I remember.”

“I was so scared Dane,” I admit. “I thought I’d lost you for a while there.”

Chantal Fernando's Books