
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” he says in a gentle tone. “Olivia there is something I need to tell you about--”

“Dane, there you are,” comes an unfamiliar woman’s voice. She’s walking in front of a group of people, men from the castle and two people I’ve never seen before.

Dane lifts his head as the pretty redhead saunters up to him. “This is my wife, Olivia.”

The woman looks at me, then slowly takes me in from head to toe. “Hello Olivia. I’m Jordan.”

I think she must realize that I haven’t heard anything about her from the lack of recognition on my face, so she clears her throat and continues, “I’m Dane’s… ex-girlfriend.”

I’m suddenly wishing I stayed my ass at home.

“She’s not my ex-girlfriend,” Dane says, his tone giving away nothing. “Remember I told you I saved a woman once, before I was held captive by Dravid with Gina?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Yeah, that was Jordan. We f*cked, yes. I wouldn’t call that dating. Running around and trying to survive with f*ckin’ zombies trying to eat you, how the f*ck is that dating?”

“You still found time to have sex with her,” I reply dryly.

He crosses his arms over his chest. We were standing away from the cave, trying to have a private conversation I hoped the others couldn’t hear. Knowing my luck, they could hear every damn word. After meeting Jordan, I couldn’t wait to get Dane alone to ask him about her. I’d pulled him away from the cave with the excuse of needing to use the bathroom.

“Sex was one of the only good things left we had in the world,” he says. “They took good food and everything else away. I’m a man Olivia. Yes, I f*cked her. There was no love or anything like that involved, it was just sex. I hadn’t even met you yet! You can’t hold my past against me.”

He still hadn’t even told me that he loved me so I sure as hell hoped not. “I was so f*cking scared that I lost you, I left our people who need me to find you, and you weren’t even in danger. You were saving some ex f*ck of yours. How am I supposed to not be a little put out over this?”

He steps to me and cups my face. When he speaks, I can tell he’s amused by the sound of his tone. “I can’t not help women just because I’ve been with them. What kind of man would that make me? Come on Olivia. You’re my wife. That means something to me. Yours is the only sweet * I’m going to be inside of, okay?”

My face flushes at his words. “No need to be so…”

“So what?”

“You have a dirty mouth!” I blurt out.

He leans down and whispers into my ear. “I know, and it makes you hot. So why are you complaining? Maybe you’re wet now? Hmmmm. Are you wet for me Olivia? It’s been a while since I’ve been inside you. It’s been killing me, but trust me baby, I’d rather use my hand than cheat on you. It’s you I need to be inside. Not just anyone will do anymore.”

Well, when he put it like that.

I swallow hard, looking around the dark area we were standing in. “Here?”

He lowers his head and kisses me. “No one can see us.”

He reaches his hand up my top and pulls down the cup of my bra. Lifting up the material, he goes to his knees and sucks my nipple into his mouth, then does the same to the other. He then pulls my pants down, undoes his own and pushes me back against a tree. The bark sticks into my back, but I couldn’t care less, I just want him inside me. Mouths fused together, he tries to untangle my pants at my ankles but can’t, because I am still wearing my shoes. With a groan, he lifts me up, and my thighs wrap around his hips as far as they can. It’s enough for him. He slides into me, muttering a curse into my neck when he’s in all the way.

“Like coming home,” he murmurs. “The castle isn’t my home anymore Olivia, you are.”

He kisses me then, our mouths colliding, his body pressed against me. Each thrust pushes me against the tree, but the extra pain just turns me on more. I bite down on his bottom lip, earning me an even harder thrust.

“Yes,” I moan.

“You’re mine,” he growls. “Tell me.”

“I’m yours,” I tell him on a gasp. “Only yours.”

“That’s right,” he whispers, pulling his face back and regarding me for a second. “No one else will ever have this.”

I grab the back of his neck and pull his mouth back down to mine.

Where it belongs.

Chapter Seventeen

“What’s your favorite meal?” I ask him as we lay together beneath the stars.

“Your *.”

I slap his arm playfully. “Fine, what’s your second favourite meal. And if you say someone else’s *, I’m going to stab you.”

He laughs deeply. “I like steak and potatoes.”

“Typical man,” I mutter.

“Are you hungry? Is that why all this talk about food?” He rolls towards me and kisses my neck. “I found you some honey flowers.”

“You did?” I ask, lifting my head up to give him more access. “I guess I’m a little hungry.”

Chantal Fernando's Books