Best of My Love (Fool's Gold, #20)(86)

“We were in the neighborhood and wanted to say hi,” Paris said with a smile. He knew which was which because London had a small scar by the corner of her mouth. Yes, London and Paris—obviously born to parents with a strange sense of humor.

London moved close to him. “We had such a good time with you last year. We thought we could do it again.”

Talk about every man’s fantasy, he thought, feeling no anticipation at the thought. In fact all he felt was tired, which had nothing to do with how little he’d been sleeping and everything to do with being without Shelby.

“No, thanks.”

They exchanged a look. “Why not?” Paris asked. “We were good together.”

“I’m in love with someone else.” It was, he realized, the second time he’d said the words out loud. Huh. It still sounded pretty damned good, so he tried it again. “I’m in love with Shelby.”

Paris and London looked at each other. “Really? We would never have guessed you were the committed relationship type.”

“Me, either, but it turns out I am. Very much so. I like loving Shelby. It makes me a better man.”

London raised her eyebrows. “Wow, that’s impressive. Most guys aren’t comfortable talking about their feelings.”

“You’d be amazed by what I’m comfortable with these days.”

Paris sighed. “Our loss. If things don’t work out, call us.”

Things weren’t working out, but calling them was about the last thing he wanted to do. If he couldn’t have Shelby, he didn’t want anyone.

He saw them out. As the twins walked away, Nick drove up. Aidan waited until his brother got out of his truck and walked toward them.

“Anything I should know about?” Nick asked, looking over his shoulder at the departing twins.

“They’re in town for the weekend, if you want a going-away present.”

His brother raised one shoulder. “Tempting, but no. I think one at a time is enough for me. By the way, you look like crap.”


Nick’s expression turned sympathetic. “Shelby?”

Aware of a few customers by the front counter and Fay close by, Aidan grabbed Charlie’s leash from the hook by the door and stepped outside. The little dog trotted along with him. He and Nick headed for the trail by the office.

“I haven’t talked to her in over a week,” he admitted when they were out of earshot of the main building. “Taryn said to give her time, so I am, but it’s tough.”

“I’m sorry.” Nick grimaced. “That sounds lame, but I am. You two were good together. Do you know what the problem is?”

“I can guess. She’s scared. We were getting more and more involved and she couldn’t handle that. Or maybe she knew that I’d fallen in love with her and it freaked her out.”

Nick stumbled to a stop, then stared at him. “You’re what?” He held up his hand. “Never mind. I don’t want to hear you say it again.” He swore. “Are you sure?”

“Yup. She’s the one. I love her.”

The more he said it, the better he felt. Loving Shelby was the best thing he’d ever done. It was right.

“How much time are you giving her?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to rush her, but I don’t want her thinking I’m not interested. Maybe a couple more days.” He didn’t have a plan so much as a feeling. When it was right, he would know.

“I have no idea what to say to you,” Nick admitted. “You’re a braver man than me.”

“I can’t take credit for being brave. When it comes to Shelby, I don’t have a choice. Turns out she’s the one.”

Nick looked both intrigued and terrified. “Good luck with that.”

“Thanks.” Aidan saw the back of the truck was filled with boxes. “You heading out?”

“Driving to Happily Inc. tomorrow. I’ve shipped most of my stuff already. I’m ready to get out of here.”

And then there was one. Aidan wondered what it said about his family that he was the only brother to want to stay in Fool’s Gold. Del had taken off years before and the twins weren’t coming back anytime soon.

“You’ll need to come visit me,” his brother told him. “Hell, if things work out with Shelby, come to Happily Inc. to get married. It’s the country’s best destination wedding spot.”

Aidan grinned. “Tell you what. If Shelby and I work things out, I promise we’ll come there to get married.”

“Shelby might want a say in that.”

“She might, but I’m pretty sure I can charm her into seeing things my way.”

Or so he hoped. Because not having her as his wife was something he refused to consider.

“You take care,” Nick told him. “Don’t let the bastard get you down.”

“He won’t bother with me.”

Ceallach was only interested in the talented brothers.

Aidan slapped Nick on the back. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re making the right decision. You need to get out of here and figure it all out. Just don’t be a stranger.”

“I won’t. I promise. Good luck with Shelby. Let me know when she says yes.”

Susan Mallery's Books