Below the Peak (Sola)(88)

Calemir crouched and leaned closer that he was in the man’s face. “You truly are a traitor. And a coward” feeling his fear leach into his skin.

Cheek twitching angrily, Eluon spat. “It doesn’t matter if you kill me. He is here.”


“Who are you speaking of” Calemir demanded.

“You know who” the man’s mouth curled up.

Having had enough of him, Calemir sank the blade into the elf’s throat. Standing up, he rubbed the blood from the blade on the dying man’s clothes. Re-sheathing the sword, he marched to his horse. He was heading to Pirn, the only town he had missed. Finn and Izza were already covering Fallkirk and Nuxvar.

His heart plunged into heaviness, as the darkness he held at bay, whispered sweet nothing into his mind. He rode fiercely, leaving the city in the dust.

Nothing strange happened in the town as days went by. People continued with their daily life activities. Still, the guards patrolled day and night, Nara could feel the tension in the calm atmosphere carried by the folks. Izza left the house earlier than usual once she had done the chores. Her parting smiles and assuring words didn’t abate the eeriness in Nara’s gut especially during the night when she was alone in the house. She carefully bolted all the windows and doors of the house which could be used as an entrance before retiring for the night. She slept with one eye open, a dagger under her pillow and a sword resting on the table beside the bed.

“You surely know how to keep a man from his own house,” the voice had her jumping, shaking remnants of sleep that was still clogging her head. Nara turned and faced him. “Not successfully” her voice was still raspy from sleep. She gave Calemir a quick look over, his hair tossed in a disheveled but attractive manner. He was clothed in a comfortable blue short-sleeve tunic and trousers with his feet bare as he stood outside his room.

“Hmm, perhaps not enough locks,” he said.

“Yes, maybe” Nara absently muttered, combing her hair with her fingers. “I’m going to open the door for Izza.” It was early hours of the morning, a little dark outside. She had made a habit of unlocking the front door in the mornings so Izza could let herself in easily when she came.

“I already did that.” He told her.

Nara nodded. “I’m going back to bed.”


Nara turned and got back into her room. She crawled on the bed and under the blanket, resting her head on the pillow. Was he alright? She thought. He looked fine just then. A little wave of relief washed over her.

He is fine. Eyelids shutting, Nara allowed herself to really sleep after whole five days. It wasn’t until much later, during lunch did she see him again. He sat across her as they both savored the meal quietly. “Can I ask you something?” Nara asked, breaking the silence.

“Go on.” He tore a piece of the bread and dipping it in a bowl of soup.

“How old are you?” It was certain the question caught him by surprise because he paused, his eyebrows lifting for a second. “A little over a thousand years,” he said, “I think one thousand and twelve hundred to be exact, I could be wrong” he shrugged.

Her face turned doubtful. “You don’t know your age?”

“Don’t give me that look” Calemir teased. “Counting each year would drive me insane. Gods, it would drive any elf crazy.” He drew his eyes to hers. “Time isn’t really significant to us and keeping a record of one’s age loses its appeal over the years.”

His words sounded almost like what Izza had told her, although he didn’t dive deep, she knew he meant the same as what Izza said.

“How old are you?” he turned the question back to her.

“Twenty-four.” She would be turning twenty-five in winter.

The bridge of his nose crinkled a little. “That makes me feel ancient.”

“You are very old if we aged you in in the span of human life,” she said.

“let’s not then” Calemir leaned back on the chair. Nara resumed eating.

“Tell me what is that you normally do on your typical day apart from talking to Izza and riding?” he asked.

“Not much.”

“What is it that you did back in Vessener when you were off duty?”

Nara lifted her head and looked at him, hint of curiosity resting in his eyes.

“I wasn’t off duty much” she began after a beat of thought. “but when I was, I went for rides” she finished lamely, not knowing what else to say. “It calms me” she added almost defensively when Calemir said nothing. He must be thinking she was boring, and no fun. Nara thought bitterly and held his gaze defiantly. She didn’t care what he thought of her. This was her, and she loved it. Despite her assumptions, there was no trace of judgement aimed at her on his face instead he asked, “Have you thought of going hunting again?”

Nara wiped her mouth with the serviette first, placing back on the table, she replied, “I had, but I decided against since I still not familiar with what kind of animals you do eat and don’t and which I can hunt and not.”

Calemir nodded. “That’s very considerate of you.”

She gave a light shrug. “I didn’t want to shock Izza with a dead rabbit.” He laughed. The contagious sound had her laughing too. Humor remained in his face even when they both recover into a peaceful silence. She watched as his mouth twisted, brows lightly furrowing before smoothing out. “Would you like to go tomorrow with me?”

Juliet Lili's Books