Below the Peak (Sola)(89)



Nara mulled it over for several seconds. It hadn’t sucked when she had gone with him the last time. Goodness, who was she lying to. It had been fun. Besides, she had nothing better to do.

“I would like that.”

Chapter Forty-two

“Are you ready?” Calemir asked as he stepped into the sitting room. She was sitting on the couch, her gear next to her. Her hair was plaited in two thick braids, her attire appropriate for what they had planned to do. Nara stood, picking up her stocked quiver and bow with her and faced him, “Yes I am.” She was excited.

Calemir turned, showing her the crossbow in the act as he began to walk.

They were at the stables when she asked. “Is it just us two?”

“Yes, just the two of us” he stated as he mounted. “is there a problem?”

“Nope” she muttered and quickly hoisted herself on the steed. Together they shot from the stables, down the hill and out of town. Nara noticed that they hadn’t used the same path as previous. It was entirely a new path for her. Short yellow tender grass rolled up to the thick woodland in front of them. She followed his lead closely as they neared the woods.

“Wild boar, do you eat that?” he asked, his sharp gaze scanning the thick shrubs in their vicinity. Birds and insect chirped freely. There were inside the woods.


“That’s what we are hunting.” He stated.

“Alright” Nara replied, keeping her eyes on the ground and ears open as they slowly moved.

“Perhaps, it would be better if we are on the ground” he spoke twenty minutes later that they still had to spot a boar. He didn’t wait for her reply, Calemir dismounted. Not a word, Nara did the same, feeling her excitement go down a notch. The steeds followed them behind as the two of them kept in their hunt. They found themselves moving further and deeper into the woods. Her skin began to get clammy of sweat from the trekking and hot air. It was the warm day that day.

Nara glanced at his side profile, he seemed a little put out. They had been scouring the woods for an hour now, and there hadn’t seen even clues such track marks that a wild boar had passed through. “I don’t think we will catch one today.”

“Your right” Calemir sighed and turned to her. “But we can still do something if you are up for it?” there was something in his voice, a light of hope she might say yes.

“Do what?”

“Fishing” he stated.

“Fishing?” she echoed back, surprised. Resting his hand on his hip, looking relaxed than he really was, Calemir said again confidently, “Yes. I know a place it’s isn’t very far from here.”

Still puzzled, she gave him a quizzical look. “We don’t have anything to fish with” pointing out the obvious.

“It’s already there,” Calemir said, swinging back on his horse. Nara remained on the ground, not moving. “Come on” he exaggerated the ‘on’. “Just trust me, it’s going to be good.”

She still didn’t move from the spot she was standing.

“We have come this far” he cocked one eyebrow. “It would be a waste if we go back home empty hand, don’t you think?”

“Alright” Nara reluctantly gave in even though she was still doubtful.

True to his word, it didn’t take them long to reach the place. A lake. A sparkling emerald blue lake was hidden and bordered by trees. Nara glanced at the two boats sitting on the rocks just a meter from the water. Dismounting, they strolled to the boats, the pebbles under their boots making crunchy noise. Nara studied the boats. One of the boats was worn out, the wood rotting, from too much heat and water exposure whereas the other one it seemed right, with a little brittle and discoloration on the dark woods. It also had paddles and a net. A beat up brown satchel under the plank seat caught her eye for a moment.

“How did you know the boat will be here?” she asked as she took off the quiver bow and put it in the boat. Keeping his gear also in the boat, he said. “It’s mine.” Calemir straightened, his eyes finding hers, “I come here when I need some quietness” something flitted in his eyes when he said that. Nara nodded understandingly. It wasn’t always easy to serve for your kingdom, being on the front line of life and death nearly every day. Having to make hard decisions that could haunt you for the rest of your life.

“Let’s get this boat into the water” she added lightly, chasing the gloominess that had invaded the air momentarily. Bending over, she pushed the boat by the side while Calemir worked it from the back until they had it in the shallow ends of the lake. Jumping on the boat and sitting as usual across from him, Nara grabbed one of the paddles and used it to push themselves to the shallow end and further into the lake. She was concentrating on paddling until he spoke. “I think this is a good spot.”

Nara rested the paddle inside the boat and took a moment to stretch her hands. Inhaling the clean air, she finally admired their surroundings. They were at the center of raw beauty and power. Both to her left and right, tall pine and willow trees and hills growing with small flowers hedged while to the very north, ice caped mountains gleamed under the sun. The breeze beat down on her face with caresses invisible fingers. She breathed in again, stealing the pleasant air for her quickly addicted lungs.

Juliet Lili's Books