Below the Peak (Sola)(83)

“Is there a problem?” the space between his brows scrunched as he stood in front of her. Nose crinkling, Nara gave a little shook. “No, I just wanted to say hello”. “Oh” his features slightly relaxing, Calemir rasped. “Hello.”

“You are back early” she mentioned. Nara could tell he didn’t know what to make of her behavior, from his hesitation. He wasn’t the only one caught off guard, it was strange to her too. She had never waited for him or asked such mundane questions. “I had little orders to give out today” he vaguely said, bringing down the sword from his shoulder to his side.

“Where is your horse?”

“She’s with Finn. Unfortunately, his took an accidental arrow to the ankle.”

“That’s terrible.”

“Uhh,” he mumbled.

……cricket sound...

“I’m going inside,” Calemir said, saving them from the awkwardness.

Whew. Nara wiped an imaginary cold sweat.

Calemir was sitting in his study, reading the message written on the lamp illuminated small scroll on the table before him when he heard the light steps coming up the stairs. He rose, moving across the span of the study room to stand outside by the door.

“Nara” he tested her name as it left his tongue. It felt good and intimate. He watched her halting just at the top of the stairs, head jerking, unsure eyes shooting to him.

“Come” his order assured her he had indeed called her name. He didn’t check to see if she followed him as he turned on his feet and went inside the study room.

Pursing her lips, Nara entered the room. Other than the first night in the house, were she had briefly peeked inside by the door, this was her first time to step inside the room. She took a minute to examine the intricately carved shelves against the walls stacked with the spine of books and scrolls. Her gaze returned to him, noting the wetness in his gold locks suggesting he had just taken a bath. She also took notice of the short sleeve white shirt he wore, revealing not overly toned arms. She traced the veins on his forearms. She had seen plenty of shirtless men and hadn’t an inkling of reaction on her but why was she fascinated by his bare arms?

“I have received word from my men back in Murisa. You remember them?” he asked, moving across the table, lowering himself on the chair.

She tensed, as a sickly sensation dripped down her neck.

She nodded then she asked. “What of Murisa?”

Two months and three weeks had already flown by since she was forced into this sham of a marriage and had been threatened by king Lorenz what he’d do to her family if she didn’t secure an army of elves for the Kingdom without caring how she’d do it, he demanded an army. Two months and three weeks since she left, uncertain of the safety of her family and the lives of the people of her kingdom. His gaze lifted to hers and in an assuring voice, he said, “You can breathe. There has been no war. My men were able to change Abasi’s mind in time.”

Calemir felt and, visibly saw some of the tension ease from her shoulders. Taking the short scroll from the table, he offered. “Read it for yourself.” She walked almost hurriedly toward him like she couldn’t get fast enough. As Nara took the inked scroll from his hand, her fingers grazed his. A warmth shot through her veins, the skin there tingling even after she pulled away. Bringing the papyrus close to her face, Nara examined it. She bit the inside of her cheek as she stared at the strange letters. The words could be gibberish, but she wouldn’t know. “I cannot read this.”

Calemir looked at her blankly for a second before realization hit him. “Sometimes I hear you speak our language with Izza and I unconsciously thought you can read it as well.”

“Unfortunately, I cannot” she muttered, handing him back the unreadable message.

“You’re learning skills are impressive, with just a little more time you’d be able to speak the language with little trouble,” he remarked. A blush rose from her chest to her cheeks at his sincere compliment. “I also think it will be to your advantage if you also learn how to write it too” he added, folding the piece of paper. Nara nodded absently, as another concern pressed on her mind. “What about my family, do you have any word of them?” her voice was apprehensive with hope and fear

“I do not,” he said softly as if he didn’t want her disappointed but she was as soon the words took life. Putting on a composed face, she moved her head in the barest nod.

The emotion that could be assumed as pity etched on his features. Sympathy aimed at her. She moved her eyes to his forehead, her skin crawling with a sudden shame. A woman of high caliber whored out by her greedy and vile king. She could hear the walls of the room echo the words.

The screech of a chair pulled Nara from the taunting thoughts and directed her attention to the prince. She watched as he moved fluidly to a shelve and picked a short sheet from a pile then returned to the table.

“Why don’t you write to them and I will send it, and one of my men back in Vessener will deliver it personally to your family” Calemir said as he pulled a drawer open on the side of the table and retrieved the ink bottle and quill from and placed in on the table. Nara’s mouth fell, his offer putting her at a conflict of emotions. Tears of gratitude itched her throat. She swallowed, with a quiet voice she expressed, “Thank you.”

Juliet Lili's Books