Below the Peak (Sola)(82)

He stood there as she studied him intently, the cogs working in her head, thinking about his words and what she should do.

Nara stretched her hand. Calemir glanced at it then at her, puzzled. “To fresh starts” Nara wiggled her fingers, waiting for him to shake it. She bit on her nerves, her muscles tightening with fear of their bare hands touching. Nara was beginning to doubt if he was going to shake her hand when strong fingers grasped hers tightly. Calemir gave a lopsided grin, his chest breaking with relief. He hadn’t realized how stiff and nervous he had turned.

Chapter Thirty-nine

“Where are you going?” Nara asked.

“To the market” Izza closed the front door then turned to face her. Nara eyed the empty straw basket on the elf’s hands.

“Care for the company?” she asked.

“Yes, join me” Izza chirped.

They strolled side by side as they went down the hill. It was a sunny late afternoon, the weather hotter than usual. “Is there something you want to buy?” Izza asked, swinging the basket back and forth. Nara shook her head, feeling a sweat trickle at the back of her neck. “Nothing really. I have time to spare, and I have yet to see the market.”

Izza glanced at her and smiled. “Then I’ll be glad to show you around.”

The walk was little longer than Nara anticipated but it was fine because after about ten minutes the colorful market stalls came to view. Elves moved and stopped from one booth to another, studying the goods on display. A smell only markets possessed wafted in the square. Some of the customers and sellers alike, glanced their way as they approached, their eyes lingering on her a little longer. Nara bit the inside of her cheek, dismissing the glances and whispers as mere curiosity. “We need spices” Izza weaved through the shoppers as Nara followed her lead until they stopped at a red canopy booth.

“Welcome,” the elf farmer greeted in elvish, smiling broadly at Izza before turning toward her. His smile wavered as his eyes grew absurdly large and exclaimed in elvish. “The rumors are true! A human in our town.” Nara rocked on her feet uncomfortable, however, before she could say something Izza clucked at the man and reproached in elvish, causing the guy to flush and cover his embarrassment with a cough. As if nothing happened Nara watched her companion studied the spices before them and went about asking for their prices. While Izza haggled over some yellow powder spice, Nara’s attention got snatched by a stall several meters away boasting gems and crystals that shone lustrously. Few people huddled around the booth of the jeweler and admired the jewels.

“You want to go and have a look?” Izza voice rose over the chatter and kept a small knotted sack of her purchase in the basket. “If you don’t mind,” Nara said.

“Come on.” Again, making their way through the throng before making a halt at the stall. The man and woman clothed in finery took several steps back with hands intertwined tightly. The jeweler slightly bowed at her and greeted. Nara was grateful when the merchant didn’t try to shove the goods in their faces but silently kept back and allowed the products on the wooden table to speak for themselves. Nara moved her eyes over the rows of beautiful pieces of necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings and bangles sporting colorful gems. “Beautifull” Nara muttered in Nyr as she continued to admire the pieces. Her gaze returned to a thin round bracelet with a small allodia gem in the middle. Nara took the gleaming bracelet from the table and brought it closer to her eyes. She admired its simplicity and beauty. Nara had never been one to covet to jewelry, she only wore one piece of jewelry, and that is the gold necklace hanging around her neck now. “Really lovely” Izza commented.

“It is” Nara agreed, returning the beauty back at its spot-on display begrudgingly.

“You don’t want it?” Izza asked.

“No money” was her simple reply. Nara’s eyes widened and started shaking her head when Izza showed her a porch of silver coins.

Just then the seller spoke in elvish, using words she still didn’t know. Izza replied then turned to her. “She reduces the price. We can buy” she translated. “It’s okay. I don’t need it” she told her in Nyr. She wasn’t going to spend Izza’s money. She just came to sight see and not deplete someone’s funds. Izza’s twisted her lips and shrugged. They had just turned to leave when the seller stopped them. Facing her, the seller held the bracelet and stretched her hand toward her. Nara frowned, puzzled. The seller spoke in elvish then bowed at her again. “A gift, for you lady” Izza smiled. She was about to refuse again when Izza muttered with brows furrowed. “Take it. It’s an insult to reject.” Controlling her glee inside she humbly accepted and even allowed the seller to fasten it on her wrist.

They left for home shortly after they had purchased fruits and vegetables.

Later in the early evening, as Nara wished Izza a goodnight, she found herself staring at the tall man casually climbing up, with a sheathed sword resting on his shoulder, fair hair plaited in one braid. She watched as he gave her friend a nod and a smile as she trekked down to her home while he ascended for his. He looked resplendent with the field and sunset glow behind him. Nara had no clue if she should wait or turn back to the house. His eyes made a choice for her when they latched onto hers, shinning hypnotically as he drew closer. Her stomach flipped as she stood there and waited for him.

Juliet Lili's Books