Below the Peak (Sola)(77)

Dreamy. A word she would use to describe the meadow if she were to be asked. Extensive with a tapestry of vivid, colorful flowers and grass. It induced a feeling of serenity and peace.

She gave a glance back at the steed, finding it lazily grazing. Trusting it won’t run away, she dropped the quiver bow down then took a sit beside it. She rested the short sword on her lap. The little flowers tickled her bare hands which had positioned on each side of her thighs. A soft breeze whispered, fluttering the field. Nara closed her eyes and laid back, hands folding to cradle her head. She willed her mind to be seduced by the tranquility until it became a blank slate with no thoughts. Time elapsed as she enjoyed the pleasant quietness.



Her eyelids fluttered open sharply.


Nara jerked to a sitting position. She twisted, and cast side long glances from left to right, searching for the culprit.

Traitor, the wind whispered.

Her eyes froze on the horse which had its head up, its gray slit eyes staring back at her. It held her gaze intently, accusingly. Her lips began to thin as she studied the being its strange eyes, markings on its blue skin. He was not Lucky.

Her conscience struck her, guilt souring her expression. How could she feel the content of riding another? Enjoy the bliss when it had not been that long since he died? A horse that had kept her company on her lonely childhood days until she had matured into womanhood and still was on her side. He had never betrayed her until his last breath. A suffocating sensation creeped into her chest. She ached and hurt as the memories of his death flashed in her eyes.

Such a fragile mind, quick to forget the words whispered in her ears.

No! She shook her head, finding it hard to swallow as she blinked the tears away. She shook her head again defiantly trying to convince herself and the damn creature still staring at her

. She fisted the grass, jaw tightening. Rage and vengeance burned within her soul.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Calemir needed not to patrol the lands since he had men for that but he didn’t think their risks should be any less than his. Also, there had been an attack by rebels on a family just outside the skirts of Uruloki. Surprising, the rebels only robbed them of their weapons and clothes. Odd was what it was and very out of character. He eventually decided to patrol the vicinity and together with Leena tried to track them but hadn’t any luck. He was confident they were hiding in caves of the mountains, but he didn’t pursue the search. Despite, the rebels being in a few numbers, they were still skilled and vicious because many of them had been warriors of the elves army before the exile. Hence, not going into their den just the two of them was a rational decision. After a day and night of patrolling and no other attack or suspicious activity and promising the young family he would send a guard to keep an eye, he and Leena decided to return home.

“It’s foolish of them to live in almost the middle of nowhere when they can live close to the base and be protected” Leena scowled as she mounted. “Perhaps they like the privacy” He commented as began to trot.

“Speaking of the subject, how is that going on for you lately” Leena casted a curious glance at him.

Mmmh… Calemir worked his jaw. Truth be told, in the beginning, he had worried the unsettling the human would make in his house. The invasion of his personal space and everything else. She had him stressed to the point of him despising her when she had stubbornly requested him to ride the carriage so she could ride his horse. He had expected similar stubbornness and demand when they had arrived at his house. And the biggest problem her emotion fragility, humans always made an easy target for him to manipulate their emotions. They were the weakest of creatures. But stunning him, Nara respected his privacy, shutting herself in the room or keeping in the company of Izza whenever he was around. And it wasn’t that she was avoiding him because they had shared a meal together four times, and in those occasions, she didn’t bother to engage him in small talk to fill the silence between them. Matter of fact, in all event, since they began to live together, he was the one who initiated conversation first, even the ‘good day’ he had wished her two days ago before he left the house.

“It’s fine” he finally replied and then added somberly, “We should hurry and give the patrolling guard reasonable time to make it to the folks’ house as soon as possible.”

Leena nodded curtly.

Both were at full speed when they suddenly pulled their steeds to a jerking halt. Three rough looking elves wearing clothes that have seen better days, and carrying gunny sacks stood on foot in front of them. Calemir let his eyes run over them, two thin, dark haired elves one boring a scar on his jaw and one with red haired. All men. The description fitted perfectly with what their terrorized victim described. Behind their smudges of dirt and sleep, deprived faces were young looks. Younger than he thought.

“What you got there, mates?” Calemir pointed with his chin toward the gunnysacks.

“Get lost!” one of the dark-haired spat. Calemir leveled his gaze at him, giving him a once over. “I’m just asking kindly,” he lightened his tone and taking a passive act, “Not looking for trouble.”

The red haired cursed, “It’s none of your damn business so get lost.”

Calemir dropped the friendly fa?ade, his voice hardening. “Did you three robe the house up there?”

Juliet Lili's Books