Below the Peak (Sola)(75)

Calemir shrugged, “Then let’s walk back together.”

Her stomach full and feeling drowsy, Nara decided not to argue. Instead, she walked by his side until they reached her room. They faced each other. “The people here won’t harm you, still… be watchful when you go out” Calemir said, holding her gaze.

“I always watch out for myself” she muttered with a slight frown to her brows that he’d think she wouldn’t. She wasn’t like a child to be told to be careful when sent to a market. “It is different here,” the words were hard and chilling.

“Sleep well (said in elvish)” Nara bid instead and opened the door and slid inside the room.

Chapter Thirty-five

“Come with me” Nikolas murmured in the blackness of Nadine’s room.

“To where?” Nadine asked, running her fingers through his hair gently. Nikolas lifted his head from her lap, sitting on the bed and looked at her in the dim light.

“Away from here, we could live in another city or” he rambled.

Nadine gave a light nervous laugh. “Slow down, I don’t understand you when you talk like that” She placed a hand on his.

Nikolas stopped, running his fingers through his hair, his features turned grave. “My father has failed to defeat the Muri, they now have elves as allies. It would be anytime now before they let death upon us. We should run away before things get worse.”

Nadine blanched, fear slicking down her spine. She had heard the rumors about three elves visiting the castle, but she hadn’t known they were here to warn the king of abandoning his plan for war.

“What about your father, are you just going to leave him? She asked.

“I have done the best I could, approached him with a more reasonable plan that benefits both of our kingdoms and he ignored it,” He muttered bitterly, “I won’t stay and watch the chaos he has incited upon us…No, I won’t.”

“You’re the prince…this is your kingdom, you have responsibility to the people…” Nadine interjected hesitantly.

Nikolas scraped his tongue over his teeth, shoulders slumping. “There’s nothing more I can do.”

“Where exactly would we go?” Nadine asked coolly, keeping the dread from cropping into her voice.

“I…um...anywhere from here” his gaze narrowed. Nadine watched as he became confused, the lost expression on his features. “We will figure it out once we leave.”

“We can’t just uproot ourselves when you don’t even know where to head,” Nadine argued.

“You and I are enough to begin somewhere” Nikolas smiled slightly, his face falling when Nadine glanced away.

“Aren’t we?” he chuckled nervously, “Do you not want to be with me?”

“Nik…” Nadine began, her heart plummeting when he pulled off her completely and straightened his shoulders. Hurt danced in his eyes before his whole body going rigid and cold. Nadine sighed, lifting her eyes to his. “I don’t need to tell you, you’ve always known my feelings toward you.”

“I’m not so sure right now” Nikolas gritted.

Her breath caught in her lungs. “Don’t say that.”

“Then why do you not want to go with me” his eyes narrowed on her face.

“It isn’t that just simple to pack and leave,” Nadine muttered.

“Yes, it is, I have money to sustain us,”, Nikolas insisted.

“Until when, are we are going to be hoping from one motel to another, and what follows when the money runs out, where would it leave us huh?” Nadine asked, her own anger rising.

“I will find us a house quickly before it gets that way. Then I will farm or do trade” Nikolas argued.

Nadine rolled her eyes, frustrated. As if it were that easy as he stated.

“Huh, what’s that for?” the corner of his mouth dropped.

“Nikolas, you are a prince, you know nothing of hardship” she clipped. His eyes darkened, lips pressed tight, a muscle on his jaw ticking. He got from the bed and tilted his face into the shadows. In the moment of heated anger, she had struck him. He didn’t need this from her when others did a fair share of mocking and looking down him already. His father…mother…the General and other court members all thought him undeserving…Nadine blinked, not wanting to think of them. “I’m sorry” she apologized, her voice softening. “I didn’t mean it, Nikolas please” Standing, she reached for his hand, her fingers clutched his forearm. He just remained frozen. She let her hand fall to her side and whispered, “Forgive me.”

This is turning into a mess. Argh! Her hands balled into fists, the need to scream burning in her chest as anger and frustration made her head ache. “You have to understand, my home is here…everything is here, I cannot just decide and abruptly pack and leave” Nadine muttered in the thick silence. Didn’t he feel her fear too, she was frightened of the fate of her kingdom, she wanted to escape too, to escape this treacherous life she had been living so long, but she dreaded the same of going somewhere unknown, to start afresh was both thrilling and terrifying.

“Am I not enough?” Nikolas bit, turning around, his darkened eyes locked unto her, demanding an answer. The pulse on her neck beat widely. Nadine swallowed and cast her eyes down. His humorless laugh startled her as it pierced the air between them. He leaned closer, his height dominating and terrifying her. In the coldest low voice, he said to her face, “I should’ve known a whore would always be a slut, it doesn’t matter who comes to save her. Not even the devil can rescue her from the pit she loves.”

Juliet Lili's Books