Below the Peak (Sola)(62)

For a moment, Val glared at the king, the hand which she held the cup shook, for a second she wanted to smash it to the wall. Instead, she pressed it to his lips.

Chapter Twenty-four

“They won’t catch you if you fall” he spoke. Nara blinked from the heaviness in her eyes and the pain in her skull. She stiffly turned and looked at him. The prince stood a safe distance away from her, studying her. “I don’t expect them to” She retorted, staring at the passerby’s once more below the balcony. She didn’t want to face him, knowing the moment she did her cheeks would heat from the embarrassment of how she acted back in the forest. She remained as she was, giving her back to him.

“Will you step away from there?” He ordered in his curt tone. Nara shuffled her feet till she was far from the balcony and the prince himself.

He did that thing again, the one thing that had her squirming like an eel on a fisher’s chop board whenever their eyes met. In a torturous silence, he regarded her with mere curiosity and hostility.

“The king will be expecting our audience soon.” He informed her.

She stilled and swallowed. “Must we meet the king?”

“Mmmh, yes we must” the prince replied.

“Alright,” she muttered tiredly.

“My mother will send servants to assist you” his eyes travelled over dirty clothing.

Chapter Twenty-Five

A servant walked in when the prince took his leave. The girl guided Nara to another room all the while remaining silent. They stopped when they reached a door. The girl pushed the door for her to step in the chamber. Being moved one place to another was beginning to take a toll on her. The room itself was enormous, thick carpets covered the floor, while lushly tapestries hang over the wall. Satin sheets sprawled on the inviting bed and pillows. There was also a table, and a chair placed close to the wall. Far at the end of the room, she spotted an alcove with a tub of steaming water.

“Her Majesty ordered to prepare a bath for you” the maid finally spoke. Nara turned and looked at her. “You speak Nyr?”

“Yes,” the maid nodded. “Will you like some assistance with your dress?”

“No, thank you I can do it myself” Nara replied. She was not going to let a stranger undress her.

Nara waited.

“Is something wrong?” the girl asked.

“Everything is fine. You may leave. I can wash myself.”

“Under the queen’s orders, I’m instructed not to leave you alone.” The maid replied.

“I told you I do not need help. I can manage by myself.” Nara gritted.

“It’s the queen’s orders” the girl insisted adamantly. The girl looked at her dead in the eyes, unmoving when she stared at her.

Nara’s lips thinned “And I said I don’t need your help.”

The girl didn’t budge.

“Turn around” she commanded the girl.

“I said turn around” Nara repeated, losing grip on the thread of calmness she was holding on. The girl gasped, huffed then spun to give her some semblance of privacy. Pride left as her only armour, she kept her chin high as she discarded her clothes, hurriedly walked toward the tub and sank in. Shamelessly her tired body thrilled in the warm water, feeling the ache rolling away. I’m in unknown territories I’m not supposed to enjoy this. She had to stop deluding herself. A weariness pressed her chest. As she scrubbed the dirt and grime away, the maid came toward her and started washing her hair ignoring her protest. Nara huffed and let her carry on. She was utterly exhausted that her body didn’t recoil from the girl’s contact.

“What is your name?” Nara asked trying to strike a conversation, as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Sleep was lulling her.

“Gilnith” the girl replied, pouring water on her hair and massaging her head. Nara bit back a moan.

“I am Nara,” she said feeling the need to introduce herself.

“I know, her Majesty told me.”

“How did you come to learn Nyr?” Nara asked. She could feel Gilnith hands still for a second in her hair, before resuming what she was doing. “I learnt it a long time ago.”

“Do you also visit Murisa during trade day?” perhaps that’s where she learnt to speak Nyr with such fluency-she must be a frequent visitor.

“No, I don’t. I had human friends a very long time ago. They taught me your language.” Gilnith walked toward a chair and grabbed a robe.

“And before you ask, I’m quite older than you, I witnessed the dark war.”


Gilnith shook the robe toward her, bent her head so as not to see her nudity. Stiffly Nara rose, got out of the tub and wore the velvety robe-feeling warm in it.

“The scars on your body, how did you come to get them?” Gilnith looked at her inquisitively.

“I” Nara began but just then, two other maidservants one carrying what appeared to be clothes on her hand and the other a tray of food walked in, saving her from explaining herself. They were clothed in the same style as Gilnith, slit plain tunics with pants. Together they curtsied before Gilnith and tried hard enough not to gape at Nara.

“We have brought the dress and food lady Gilnith.” One of the girls spoke in elvish.

“Place the food on the table,” Gilnith ordered and motioned Nara toward the chair. “Come and eat” Nara walked toward the table and sat. There was quite a spread of delicacies, she decided to start on the delicious stew first to ease her growling stomach. She ignored the two girls’ wide-eyed stares and continued to eat until the empty growling in her belly ceased.

Juliet Lili's Books