Below the Peak (Sola)(61)

“Lord Finn, Lady Leena you are back. I heard you were gone with prince Calemir,” The lady asked in the elvish language. Nara kept watchful on the woman as she walked toward them. The lady had long dark hair, and from the clothes she wore, Nara could tell she was dressed to impress others with her wealth. She also had a look Nara had seen on meddlesome ladies back in Murisa. The woman gasped on seeing her, her hand going to her chest as though to calm her racing heart. “Edan!” the she-elf shouted, narrowing her eyes at Nara and sized her up. “Who is this human?”

The lady took a step toward her, scrutinizing her with intense curiosity.

Finn stepped in front of her, blocking the nosy woman. He bowed slightly, lifting his head with a soft tight smile. “Good day to you too lady Evalyn.”.

Lady Eva glanced at Finn and greeted him back.

While Finn distracted Lady Eva by engaging her with monotone talks-clearly knowing Evalyn would respond because of ingrained manners, Leena grabbed Nara and lead her away. They passed several closed doors until they reached one that was much wider than the rest. Leena pushed them open, then turned to her with her usual hostile glare she gave her. “Go inside. Calem.... His highness will come and see you.”

“When?” Nara asked not missing the way she almost addressed the prince by his given name.

“When he wishes to” Leena replied. “Now stay here and do not come out.”

Nara glanced into the room. The room seemed clean and almost empty with nothing strange or anything you would find in a torture chamber. Why would the elves need weapons to torture her anyway? Nara suddenly remembered how they had taken down one of the best-appointed warriors of Murisa. The thought made her less comfortable to go in. Still, she entered reluctantly. The doors closed the moment she walked in. Startled, she turned abruptly and stared at the doors for a long minute. Left alone, she glanced around the room. The room was empty except for the sunlight flooding in from outside through the open private balcony and the gentle sound of falling water. Nara walked toward the balcony and what met her eyes was one most beautiful greenery land. Populous flowers and trees of all kind of shades groomed the vast land and houses. Her eyes drifted to the pond lined with huge boulders and rocks to prevent the water from flowing outward. She noticed water came from the mountain’s peak just above a nearby tower. Below her, life seemed to start with the day, elves moved about, busy in their own world. Nara leaned against the wall tiredly and nursed her aching head. She was already missing the warm smile of her father, the giddy laugh of her sister and the warm hugs of her mother! Nara’s braced herself with her hands on the balusters. Her lids shut tightly while her fingers balled into fists. She desperately wanted to see them. I will see them again. She must find a way to get out of this situation.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Calemir stood quietly by the door of his parent’s room while the queen sat on the edge of the bed near the king with a goblet filled with var. He turned to stalk out of the chamber when his mother brought the cup near the king’s pale lips but paused at his mother’s soft voice. “Stay.”

An ominous silence filled the room. His posture went rigid while thousand thoughts and emotions ran through him.

“I have to leave soon my men await my return in Vander” He replied, his voice guarded. He had done his duty by finding and bringing the water, now he needed to leave, he couldn’t leave his men alone for so long to watch the borders and the small towns out of the edge of the countryside and keeping them in check from enemies.

“He will want to see you after so long,” Val said.

Calemir tensed. “I’m sorry mother, I cannot stay, there are pressing matters that need my attention.”

He heard his mother’s regretful sigh and knew if he looked at her he would see brokenness on her face.

“He is your father, do not do this.” Val pleaded, her voice laced with hurt. “Give him a chance Calem, it has not been easy for him since Tarron’s death.”

He clenched his teeth, annoyed at his mother always defending the king.

“Has it been easy for me?” He asked with bitterness.

His mother’s lips pressed to a thin white line.

He did not want to be here when his father woke and find the same contempt on his face whenever their eyes met. Contempt for killing Tarron even though he had just been following orders and contempt for being a disappointing son.

“The girl is she from Murisa?” Val asked, changing the subject.

“Yes, she is.”

“Lorenz was not readily willing?” she asked inquisitively. The frustration on Calemir’s lips answered her.

Val narrowed her eyes, and the words slipped from her lips to her dismay, knowing it would offend him. “Is she your captive?”

Hurt flashed in his eyes and was briefly hidden behind coldness. “No, I did not manipulate her. Her king offered her in exchange for our hand in battle.”

Val nodded slightly. She was ashamed she doubted her son. Even though he changed, it was not easy not to hesitate. Familiar tiredness pressed on her shoulders, yet she pushed through like always, finding strength from her own imperfect family.

“The king would want to know why she is here after all she is human” she informed him.

“I understand” her son replied tonelessly before bowing and leaving the room.

Juliet Lili's Books