Below the Peak (Sola)(60)

“Beautiful” Nara muttered under her breath in admiration.

“Welcome to the house of Gwainor,” Finn said behind her with a broad smile. Nara turned her gaze to what was supposed to be an ordinary estate for the majesty, yet it was unlike any other castle she had ever seen. The palace had been built to a different design and structure, its several towers-dome shaped with spaced stoned pillars around far-flung floors and aisles of short stairs that connected to opposite wings. The various colored plants and trees from green, red and yellow to shades she had no name for grew on the ground and crawled over the columns making the dwelling more extravagant. The fortress was not left unguarded whatsoever, warriors dressed in sophisticated dark blood red armory with swords and crossbows watched zealously from high up the towering walls while others patrolled the grounds. Nara felt an unseen force surrounding the mighty fortress, making her more on edge and watchful than the deadly warriors. A queasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, her pulse thundered crazily, and her hands became clammy despite the morning chill as she willed herself to remain brave.

Movement at the front caught her attention.

An elf, strikingly tall and beautiful-garbed in an elegant lavender gown which its hem floated airily near the ground hastened toward them. The woman’s long hair-a shade of the darkest red was pinned delicately away from her luminous skin. She had a face of timeless beauty. She commanded attention without asking for it. She embodied the image of a goddess.

The woman came short to where the prince stood. A stark intangible air surrounded her. The prince dismounted and approached the beautiful elf in short quick long strides, his brows pulled in. Finn and the lady elf saluted.

Royalty perhaps? Nara pondered as she watched him speak to the woman in the elvish tongue. They exchanged words for a moment.

The new elf looked past Calemir’s shoulders to where his horse remained, her eyes settling on the tightly tied water bags hanging on each side of the horse. She observed the other warriors until her gaze fell on the human who seemed to have had better days in her mortal life than she was now. Her golden eyes sent a shiver down Nara’s spine. She moved past Calemir to get a clear view of her. “Who is this you have brought with you?” she asked in Nyr.

“She is lady Nara Jae Thani, your Majesty-” Calemir replied in Nyr, his eyes meeting Nara’s briefly.

Nara tensed when she realized the beautiful elf was the queen of Forod. The queen studied her for a moment before turning back to her son. The prince said something dismissively in elvish at the queen which she sensed was about her. He unloaded the large water skin bag tied securely on the saddle. He carried it effortlessly on his back and headed toward the castle with the queen beside him. Nara watched Calemir leave with the queen by his side. Around her, it looked the rest took the queen and the prince’s departure as their dismissal since each one began to leave, lady Leena and lord Finn dismounted and headed for the stairs across where Calemir and the queen had just climbed and disappeared inside the heavily protected doors leaving her behind. She was suddenly aware of where she stood. Standing in the middle of the square like a target waiting for the archer to shoot the arrow straight to her head. She suddenly felt alone and nervous. A sense of loneliness warmed itself inside her and rivaled the coldish fever rubbing her bones. Not to mention her whole body felt heavy downright to her tongue. Her legs were numb and sore, her head ached as her shoulders shook from slight cold tremors wreaking her occasionally. In short, she felt sick. A lot has occurred in such a short time. She looked around aimlessly. She turned her he ad again to Finn and Leena. Finn was coming toward her. Over his shoulder, Lady Leena waited with a scowl. Nara straightened her shoulders, hiding the lonely feeling with a blank expression.

“You must forgive us for our rudeness since it has been quite a journey,” Finn said, stopping in front of her. A trip it has been. She dared not recall the cursed spirits corpses and what they did to Lucky. Nara answered with a blank expression and watched how one corner of his lip tip upward. “As you saw, the prince has pressing matters to attend otherwise he would never leave his guest unattended.”

Is this what she was, a guest?

“Stay with me until he comes looking for you.” Nara hesitated for a minute. What gave him the reason she would want to stay with him? Seemingly to read her thoughts, he said. “You can come with me or choose to remain here and become a spectacle for everyone. I care less.” his friendly tone no longer there.

The court had begun to get much brighter with the rising sun so were the five other non-guards walking the open floors of the towers.

“I will follow you” for now, she gave in. She hoped ‘for now’ didn’t become the norm.

Nara followed Finn’s lead as they strode to a set of concrete stairs that lead to one of the balconies. Her legs ached with every step she took, as though she was walking on fractured legs. She had little to no sleep the last few days. Her head felt heavy. She blinked continuously to keep her gritty eyes open. A faint tremor rippled through her. Her body gave an involuntary tremble, she stumbled. A firm hand wrapped around her upper arm, holding her steady. Looking up, she met Leena’s harsh glare.

“Walk properly!” Leena clipped as she peeled her fingers away from her as if she had touched something disgusting. It was the first time the two ladies faced each other this close and lady Leena had spoken to her since their first encounter. Leena as Nara had come to know her name from hearing lord Finn call and encourage her in small conversations which resembled what someone might call friendly banters, had said little to no word on the road. In silence, she rode close to the prince as a protective and loyal warrior would beside his lord over the days. They crossed the wide-long spacious balcony, passing through a doorway which gave way to a lavish long hall. Nara’s eyes darted to the walls, taking in the elegantly carved drawings. The images told a story. Battle stories were elves war against orcs. An extinct race. A female coming down the hall had her taking her gaze from the tales to a lady who had been about her way but paused after seeing the three of them.

Juliet Lili's Books