Below the Peak (Sola)(113)

“May Odin welcome you in Valhalla” Dagny whispered her eyes on her dead husband. She removed her hand from his chest then shouted. “Guards!” The guards who kept watch outside their chambers barged into the room.

She jerked her hand at the king, her features morphing to worry, her eyes thick with tears. “I don’t know what is wrong, he is not waking up” she sobbed. “Please call the curers!” she cried harder.

One of the guards bowed and ran from the room to execute her orders.


“Don’t unless you wish to join your father” Dagny warned, halting in the empty dark lit hallway. Nikolas emerged from the shadows, a dagger in hand. Fist shaking, he glared at the back of her head. “Are you satisfied now that my father is dead? He hissed with rage. They had just cremated and buried his father in the afternoon, and here this witch was, walking without a care in the world. Irritation crossed her face and sank back behind an unreadable mask. Dagny turned and looked at the boy. Dark eyes raked him from head to toe, taking his haggard appearance. They paused on his flushed face. Lifting a finger up, she said. “I’m going to spare you today. However next time I won’t be merciful.”

Calemir glared at her even harder, his eyes shooting daggers. “I’m going to kill you.” He gritted.

A bitter smile slid on her face. Dagny chuckled with amusement. “Take my advice, grab your whore and run away if you don’t want me to serve her head to you on a platter and kill you after.”

Nikolas tensed, the words chilling him to the core past the dizziness from drinking to stupor.

“Now” Dagny bowed her head slightly, “if you may excuse me prince Nikolas, I have matters that need my attention.”

Dagny strode to her chambers, closing the door behind her. She dropped her gaze to the man with blue eyes and pale brown hair sitting on the chair at the corner of the room.

“Mother” he stood to his feet.

“The time has come my son, spread the word and prepare for war,” She said.

Barra smirked.


Chapter sixty

It has been ten days since Calemir had left with his brother. Not that Nara was counting but, it was the truth. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t thinking of him.

“Strange things keep happening lately.”

“Why do you say that?” Nara looked from the window to Izza. Izza placed a cup of juice on the table before dragging the chair out and taking a sit. “Earlier on my way here, I saw lady Leena and lord Finn escorting a half elf to the barracks.”

Nara stopped playing with the bracelet on her wrist, jaw dropping. “a half elf?”

Izza nodded, took a sip of her juice and added. “I told you time has a way of making things interesting. It never gets dull to live many years.”


Just then a loud knock echoed in the room.

“I’ll get it” Nara stood and headed to the main door of the house. She pulled the door open and met face to face with lady Leena. “You have a guest” Leena clipped.

Nara’s gaze snapped to the half elf beside the fierce warrior. Her eyes widened. The half elf was king Lorenz’s mage. How had he gotten here? Knew exactly where to find her?

“The king sent me” the half breed spoke first before Nara could. Apprehension coiled in her belly. “Is my family alright?”

“They won’t be for long” the mage admitted.

Nara stiffened. “Are they ill?”

“No” the mage answered. “but they will be harmed if the army that was promised doesn’t show up soon. Words from the king.”

A dreadful sensation flooded her. “Are we going to war?”

“Yes,” the half-elf grimly confirmed.

“Then we must leave now,” Nara said tightly, suppressing the fear she was beginning to feel.

“Where is the army?” the mage inquired. “Where is the prince?”

“He is not here” Nara clipped. “Give me a minute so I can grab a coat” Nara didn’t wait for his permission, but raced to her room. Nara flung the doors of her closet and reached for a black cloak and wore it then dashed to the armory room. She picked a sheathed sword and a bow with a full quiver. Nara marched to the door. “Let us go.”

“The king won’t be pleased if you don’t return with the army” the mage interjected. Anger flaring, Nara snapped. “There is no army of elves. Stop wasting time and let us go now!”

The mage’s face fell to a scowl. “Do not say I did not warn you of the consequences.”

Nara’s face hardened, pushing past the two, she fastened to the stables.


Nara galloped toward the towering closed gates she had not seen in a while. Her entire body protested with pain with each gallop, but that didn’t slow her down. Days of tireless riding and sleepless nights weren’t going to take their toll on her now. She wouldn’t allow it when danger hanged in the air. She halted at the closed doors, the mage too coming to some seconds later beside her.

“Who are you?” a man from one of the crenels demanded whilst aiming a loaded crossbow at her.

“Nara daughter of Jae Thani” she shouted.

The gates did not open. Annoyance crossed her face. “Open the gate” she demanded, her lips thinning. From the corner of her eye, she noticed the mage pushing the hood of his cloak back, revealing his face.

Juliet Lili's Books