Below the Peak (Sola)(110)

“Look at me,” Calemir said in a rough voice.

Nara peered at him with lust lidden eyes. Calemir stroked her again, slowly, deliberately, with eyes still on her rosy face. He teased her with his fingers, causing her to pant, whimper and moan. Her body trembled as pleasure spread in her veins.

“You look so divine like this” Calemir rasped, his slicked fingers stroking and teasing faster. He loved the expression on her face. Nara sank her teeth on her bottom lip, fingers burrowing into his biceps as pleasure exploded behind her closed eyelids. She trembled when he slid his middle finger over sensitized folds and tensed when he slid her slowly until she felt his erection against her arse. Her eyes shot open and looked at his face. Desperate need gleamed back at her. Even though he did nothing other than stroking her thighs, Nara saw he wanted to be inside her. And he was giving her choice on that matter. She could roll from him or take him in herself at her own pace. Mustering courage, Nara reached between their pelvis and grabbed him. Calemir hissed through gritted teeth. She lowered herself on him until he was completely sheathed in her torturous delicious heat and clenching muscles. His whole body locked for several seconds as he grunted in pleasure. Calemir grabbed both her arse cheeks and bent to suck her nipple into his mouth. Nara grabbed the back of his head, her partially braided hair falling over his shoulder when she rested her head on the nook of his neck and began to rock. She could feel his desperation for her to rock faster from the grip of his fingers on her arse but refrained from doing something, only letting her continue with the pace she had set for them. When Nara started to reach the peak, her hips rocked fervently. Calemir tugged her braid, tilting her chin up and kissed her. His hips started thrusting up. They muffled each other’s moans when they climaxed with open kisses.

Nara and Calemir were sleeping when someone knocked on the door. Calemir opened his eyes with a sigh. It was dawn, the orange beams of the sun filtered into the room. He glanced at the woman in his arms with fondness. Her heart beat was strong and steady against his own. He didn’t know what to make of their current relationship, but whatever this was, he enjoyed it.

A knock sounded again.

Calemir rubbed a hand on his face, then gently so as not to wake Nara, he moved her head from his chest and rested it on the pillows. Nara stirred, turned her head on the other side but didn’t wake up. Calemir got out from the bed, glanced around on the floor and picked up his trousers. What does Izza want? Calemir dragged the trouser over his naked legs and did quick work on closing the button on his waist. He didn’t bother wearing a shirt, he strode to the door and opened it.

“Hello brother,” metallic eyes greeted him.

Chapter Fifty-seven

Calemir froze, his whole body turning rigid as a mountain.

“Hello to you too brother” Tarron wittily said in elvish to himself with a lazy grin.

Color drained from Calemir’s skin, leaving him white as a sheet. Was this a dream? Some sort of nightmare? He gripped the door hard, his knuckles turning white.

“Who are you?” Calemir demanded.

The humor in those familiar and terrifying silver eyes dissolved. “You hurt me brother, have you already forgotten about me?” the words spoken in elvish. Eyes filled with joy, shock and trembling fear Calemir studied the man, who looked so strange yet very familiar. His face, silver eyes of stormy clouds, wicked smile and built. Except for his hair, which was once red, it was silver. No, no, no. Impossible, perhaps he just resembled his brother. Or maybe he was hallucinating Calemir thought, but the voice was Tarron’s.

“Tarron?” the name squeezed from Calemir’s throat.

“In flesh and breathing” Tarron stated, the laidback easiness returning in his expression.

Calemir blinked, mind muddled. “How, how is it possible?” his voice came out as a whisper, as if afraid if he asked a little loud Tarron would vanish as a ghost would.

“Calem” Nara called hesitantly. The deep male voices had pulled her from sleep. Naked, Nara had hiked the sheets higher over her chest before sitting up on the bed. She would have admired Calemir’s defined wide back if it wasn’t how stiff he looked from her point of view. A terrible feeling had found its way into the pit of her stomach. “Who is it?” she asked when Calemir didn’t turn or say anything.

His brother looked past his shoulder with a mischievous smile he said to him. “I see you are occupied. I’ll be waiting downstairs.” With a pat on his shoulder that made him tremble, Calemir watched his brother stride away. It was when Nara called him again, did Calemir snap back from shock. “Who was that?” she asked.

Calemir looked at her, his face inscrutable to her.

“Hey,” she said softly. “What’s wrong?” He looked shaken. With a shake of his head, Calemir fled the room, leaving Nara confused.

No words could describe how terrified he felt as he descended the stairs. Hearing Tarron’s voice talking with Izza, sent a cold chill through his veins. His pulse drummed perilously and found it hard to breath as he neared the dining room. Calemir’s stomach knotted with unimaginable fear. Braving himself for the worst, he stepped into the dining room. Izza standing in front of his brother was the first to speak to him in elvish. “Is not this wonderful” her enlightened smile almost blinding him. “He is alive.”

Calemir forced a smile for the woman who had practically raised him and his brother. “It’s hard to believe.”

Juliet Lili's Books