Below the Peak (Sola)(106)

“The moon is the strongest tonight as you can see it for yourself.” The orange moon was shining brightly into the forest, basking the men’s faces and revealing the doubts on their features. Its light orange gliding over the pool of wolves’ blood in the small lake. “You only need to drink and bathe yourself in the blood” she stated.

Dagny bristled when the General didn’t drink from the bowl.

“How do you expect to defeat elves?” she gritted. “All of you will die in your mortal strength” She glared at the men when they didn’t move a muscle. Cursing, she stomped to the General and grabbed the bowl from him. “Is this what you want?” she demanded and tipped the bowl to her mouth. She glared at them as she drank the blood, some spilling over her chin. She swallowed without a grimace. She pushed back the bowl into the General’s hand. “Now drink!” she commanded, anger simmering beneath her skin.

Unlike him who drank monotonously, his men drank with disdain looks on their features, grimacing and gagging. Schmerz had never thought one day he would drink wolf blood, but if brought him the victory he didn’t care much what he needed to do. And if the woman was playing a trick on him, Schmerz would keep the end of his word. He didn’t care if she was a queen. The king was dying, no one would care about her death. In fact, he would be doing a few a favor including prince Nikolas. He was aware of the prince’s hatred toward him and the queen. A ringing in his skull jarred him from the thoughts. His face knitted as the ringing grew. At the exact time, a numbness overtook him, causing his legs to buckle as a sharp pain replaced the ringing in his head. A wave of something strong started from the tip of his toes and travelled to his skull again. Schmerz repeatedly blinked before turning a steely gaze at Dagny. Her sensuous lips slanted to a sinister smile. “You feel it? Now complete the ritual” she tilted her head to the pool of blood. She reflected as the men stripped and dived into the pool. One more step left, and it would begin. Now all that was left is to get all the soldiers to drink. The rest won’t be strong as these men who had drawn power from the harvest moon, but they would be more than strong to fight.

Chapter Fifty-four

Nara still felt the exact same way, butterflies swimming in her stomach, and whole-body warm with undulated heat. The tension between her and the prince hadn’t gotten better, it was strung high now, she could almost touch it. She climbed the stairs quietly, very aware of him beside her.

“You didn’t have to escort me to my room,” Nara said, standing at the door of her room. He could’ve just left her at the top of the hill and returned to the celebration, and she would’ve been fine and gotten home by herself. But he hadn’t, without speaking a word, he had walked her to the front door of the house, together they had entered and strode to her room.

“I know,” Calemir said.

Their gazes locked. Murmuring under breath, Nara grabbed the back of his neck, lifting her chin, she pressed her mouth against him. Having taken him by surprise, Calemir tensed but only for a second before he grabbed her waist, pushed her back against the door and kissed her hard. His tongue licked at the seam of her lips, asking for permission. Parting her mouth, a little wider, his tongue dipped to the recess of her mouth. Tongues dueling, Nara threaded her fingers through his hair. She had always wondered how it would be like to run her fingers through his hair. His hair was soft and smooth as she had imagined. Nara enjoyed feeling his taut back as she flattened her palm on his back as they kissed deeper and seemed to lose track of time. Calemir pulled back slowly, his hot breath fanning her face. Rubbing his thumb over swollen lips, he regarded her. Her expression sent a shiver down his spine. Her face was warmly flushed, brown eyes lidded with desire and innocence as she looked back at him with intensity. Her desire swam around him, sunk into his pores and fanned his own lust into scalding flames. He leaned in and softly placed a kiss on her cheek. Nara’s eyelids fluttered to a close when he continued to pamper her with light kisses.

Gripping both his arms, Nara arched when he kissed her throat. Calemir bit gently and sucked on the crook of her neck and shoulder, earning him a soft moan that had his blood rushing to his crotch. Nara blinked when the door fell open. She hadn’t noticed him opening it as she had been too distracted with the tingling kisses he feathered her neck with. He backed her into the room, closing the door with his leg. She was just starting to get a semi-clear mind from the overwhelming sensation when he bowed back and sucked her plum bottom lip. He kissed her with a new hunger that she felt down to her toes. Calemir’s hands ran over Nara’s body, grasping her arm, neck, wandering down her back like they couldn’t decide what to grab for themselves because they wanted every inch of her. His heart pounded beneath her palm where it rested on his chest.

Still kissing, they staggered back until the back of her feet hit the bed. Calemir lowered her gently on the bed. Nara laid back and scooted to the middle of the bed.

Pulling away, Calemir sat on his haunches. Nara stared at him with slightly parted lips. Her eyes lowered from his handsome face to his broad shoulders, down to his chest and much farther his abdomen and paused at the bulge there before finding their way back to his face.

“Nara” Calemir rasped.

Nervousness slithered in her body. However, Nara didn’t look away but instead looked at Calemir directly. “I have never done this before” she admitted. The tiny twitch of his eyebrows gave him away. She had surprised him, apparently he hadn’t expected to hear that from her, not after kissing him back as though she was experienced.

Juliet Lili's Books