Below the Peak (Sola)(103)

“Nara” she had felt the rumble in his chest when he had said her name in a gruff voice. She had feigned sleep as her heart drummed loudly. His fingers dug in her hair one more time before he had pulled his hand back and folded it behind his head. She had heard him sigh before he said again. “I know you are awake.”

To say it had been awkward when she finally got up would be an understatement. The whole ordeal had turned embarrassing when she had been withdrawing herself from him and accidently brushed her knee on his crotch. She had profusely apologized before she leapt from the bed and made a dash to the confines of her own room to burrow in humiliation.

Now as Nara looked at him, she could see he was also thinking of the incident. However, she was startled that rather than not wanting her imposing on him again, he was inviting her back. How could he say that with such ease?

“I believe it will be fine” Nara finally replied then stood up. “I am going to sleep. Have a good night” she wished and quickly made her way to her room, shutting the door behind her. She changed into her night gown and flopped on the bed.

What game was he playing? She frowned, her body feeling strangely warm and not because of the weather.


Part Four

Chapter Fifty-one

“What are the pyres for? Nara asked as she climbed the small hill, heading home after spending the afternoon at the military quarters and watching elves train. The last two days she had noticed the large heap of woods gathered in different parts of the town. On her way from her usual rides, Nara had seen elves mounting piles of woods upon woods at the center of the meadow. It was the tallest of all she had seen.

“We’re preparing for Ithil ivann” Calemir replied.

“What does that mean?” she asked as they reached the top of the hill. “Is it like a bonfire? A ritual?”

“Sort of. It means moon harvest. We give sacrifice to Freyr, the god of fertility, peace and wealth.” Calemir rested his hands on his hips as they paused at the door and looked at her. “I would invite you for the hunt tomorrow, but only elves are permitted to participate in capturing the great boar for the sacrifice.”

“Oh” Nara gave a small pout then said. “It is alright. I’ll be here with Izza anyway.”


“You are in high spirits” Nara commented, watching and listening to Izza hum.

Izza beamed her with a glowing smile and joined her on the porch, sitting on the chair beside her. “It is a glorious day today.”

Nara nodded. Early in the morning, she had come across Calemir as he was heading out for the hunt. He was garbed in a high collar brown coat, a white shirt beneath, leather trousers and boots with a sheathed sword on his hip. He had curtly greeted her before leaving her standing on the stairs alone. There had been an eagerness to his tone, as though he was anticipating something. It seemed the prince wasn’t the only one worked up for the event.

“Tell me how it is going to be,” Nara said.

“I think it is best you wait and experience by yourself” Izza replied.

“The prince said I cannot participate since I am human.”

Izza shook her head. “You can’t participate in capturing the great boar, but you are not forbidden to attend the ritual.”

Nara blinked. “I must’ve misunderstood him.”

Silence fell between them for the next several minutes. The curiosity of how it was going to be filled her mind. Back in Murisa they also performed offerings to gods and had various festivals. But the events were dull, just people going through the motions. She wondered how different the experience would be compared to the ones she had. Softly like a gentle wind brushing over the fabric of her clothes, goosebumps broke over her skin, the tiny hairs standing.

“They have killed the great boar” Izza sighed in relief.

“How do you know?” Nara cocked her head in her direction.

“The magic, did you not feel it?” Izza gave her a questioning look, then explained. “That gentle wind you just felt is because they’ve completed half of the sacrifice.”

Nara nodded. She felt it, it tugged at her senses, rousing her.

Standing, Izza faced her. “I must now go and prepare.”

Nara glanced at the pinkening clouds in the sky and back to Izza. “I hope I will see you later.”

Izza’s lips tipped up, her eyes sparkling. “Perhaps.” And took off.

Not long after Izza left, Nara decided to get inside the house. She had just bathed and was dressing when her ears picked up the far away beat of drums, the tempo same as her heartbeat. It has started, Nara thought. She tied the strings of the white lace sleeve shirt she paired with simple cotton trousers and sandals. Nara listened to the sound as she braided her hair into one lose braid. Done, she walked toward the door to her room, clasping the handle and opened. Her shoulders jerked lightly when she came face to face with Calemir standing outside, one closed fist suspended mid-air. From the look of it, he had been about to knock. He lowered his hand to his side. Nara took notice of his change of clothes, like her, he had chosen to sport white for an upper cloth, wearing a white tunic with a slight slit on the front that showed a sliver of his skin and firm chest. She shifted her eyes back to his face. “Ready?” he asked, his eyes scrutinizing as she had done him.

Juliet Lili's Books