Below the Peak (Sola)(117)

Calemir clashed his sword against the man’s when he charged toward him. Blocking, Calemir stared at the man’s raging eyes. The man’s pupils expanded and shifted to gold hue as those of a wolf. What the heck?

The man snarled at him madly, with elongating teething.


The Transformation

Schmerz plowed through the battlefield, throwing foes and friends alike aside as he charged forward to his target. King Lorenz. A chill shot up his spine, causing his bones to shudder as black spots swam in his vision. His skin burned with a fever, muscles shivering ever so lightly. He shook his head like a rabid dog, fighting off the pull for a little longer. He wanted to kill the bastard king before he succumbed to the beastly calling. Irritation crossed his face when he saw two men stand in front of the king, with a shield and sword waiting for him. Strength and speed of a wolf, he bounded and ran faster, wielding the sword with two hands. His sword clashed with a strident pang against his opponents’. His lips pulled back into a snarl, revealing his gums and yellowing teeth. He battled barbarously against the enemies enclosing around him. Through the fighting, someone kicked his hands making him drop his sword. Schmerz spun on his feet, grabbed the attacker’s hand with one hand and with his other hand, Schmerz hit him hard on his throat with his elbow. The attacker collapsed to the ground.

Angry the king hid cowardly behind his men, Schmerz decided to use his fists. A good soldier needed not a sword to slay his foe, his hands were good of a weapon as was a honed blade. He fought hard, cracking skulls and breaking limbs with his own hands and feet. The more he fought, the more the pull grew stronger, his pulse beat like a heavy drum beat, his fingernails grew to claws that tore through his enemies’ flesh. Schmerz face contorted harshly when the opposing General dashed ahead of the king.


Trepidation grew within Nara. Whilst she fought, she glimpsed with gloom and fear at a couple fellow warriors as they fell under their foes brutality. Her people and even several elves were falling to the ground dead like flies. Their opponents fought with incredibley inhuman strength, growling and snarling like wolves. They attacked with abandonment, no caution and without fear, with only one sole purpose of destroying them. What is going on with them? Nara pondered at the back of her mind as she discerned their glowing golden eyes. Before Nara could ponder on it further, a strong hand she hadn’t seen grabbed her by the collar and yanked her forcefully down from her horse. Nara hit the rough ground with a painful grunt which she had no second to nurse.

Nara was springing to her feet, ready to defend herself when it happened. A man jumped over her mount, missing her within seconds and tumbled to the ground a foot before her. Her mouth fell as she watched with shock. Before her very own eyes the Kali warrior began to change. The man let out an agonizing howl as his face turned into a snout, teeth sprouting to sharp yellow canines from his widening jaw. The man shook violently, bones twisted, cracked and reshaped. Nara watched with horror as the man grew in stature, his whole physique transforming against the confines of his armour which he tore through with his dagger like claws which had replaced his human nails. Fur coat spread over his once human skin, tuft ears protruded upward. The man resembled more of a wolf each speeding minute. She jerked back when an arrow shot into his thick skull.

“Watch yourself!” Leena warned her. It had been the female elf who had dragged her from her mount. Leena had seen the beast man jumping from the side when the human girl had been engaging in combat with another man, unaware there had been another opponent pouncing toward her. Leena knew of people who drew power from animals …berserkers… and fought with the strength of the creatures they had obtained power from but never had she seen the likes of this, men transforming into the very creatures. With grim eyes Leena observed the foes change completely to beasts, monsters that looked like wolves but were far more monstrous and cunning who stood several feet taller than them on their hind legs with their long arms extended ready to shred.


“Birds flying high, you know how I feel…Sun in the sky you know how I feel…breeze drifting on by…” Nina Simone.

“Sister you have done well” the elder Valkyrie, Gunnr said.

Dagny smiled as she peered below at the ongoing fierce battle. The two Valkyries sat on top of a hill that gave them a perfect view of the bloodshed happening. An intoxicating sensation rose from the war field and breezed to them. Gunnr inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, feeling the excitement course through her blood, and renewing the strength in her weak bones. Power surged in her bones as the war intensified.

Gunnr peeled her eyelids open. With beaming eyes, she said. “It is time.”

Juliet Lili's Books