Actual Stop (Agent O’Connor #1)(68)

I looked at Allison. “It’s my boss.”

Her forehead wrinkled. “Why’s he calling you now?”

“No clue.” I sighed heavily. I never wanted to talk to Mark on a good day, so I definitely wasn’t in the mood for his special brand of shenanigans now. I rubbed my temple as I thumbed the answer button and lifted the phone to my ear. “O’Connor.”

“Where are you?” Mark sounded almost angry, which didn’t improve my disposition.

I watched Allison as she slid back into bed and pulled the covers over herself. She propped herself up with several pillows and busied herself with her phone. She didn’t appear angry, but she didn’t look happy either. I didn’t blame her. I wouldn’t have been particularly pleased if she’d interrupted our fight to take a phone call.


“Yes. Sorry. I’m here. What did you need?”

“I need to know where you are right now.”


“Are you at home?”

Alarm bells jangled loudly in the back of my head. He didn’t generally concern himself with my whereabouts when I was off duty, and I wasn’t willing to set that precedent. “What can I help you with, Mark?”

“I need to know how quickly you can get to NYFO. I know you live in the city.”

“Why? What happened?”

Allison glanced up from her phone then and gave me a questioning look. I shrugged and rolled my eyes.

“The two-to-ten guys locked someone up tonight, but obviously they won’t be able to get him before a judge for several more hours. I need someone to babysit him until the six-to-two guys come on so they can go home and get some sleep.”

Inwardly, I groaned. I closed my eyes and thumped my head lightly against the wall. This was most definitely not the best time for me to come to the aid of my country or my coworkers. For one thing, Allison and I apparently had some issues to resolve. For another, I was still a little tipsy.

“Are the midnight response guys available?” I wanted to know.

“Do you think I’d be calling you if they were?”

I did, actually. But now didn’t seem like the best time to point that out. My shoulders sagged, and my heart sank. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Tell the guys to expect me within the hour.”

I didn’t bother to wait for a reply. I simply hung up and took a deep breath. Would Allison be relieved I was leaving or angry we wouldn’t get to finish our argument? With a bellyful of dread, I opened my eyes and met her frank stare.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly. “I have to go.”

Allison’s eyes narrowed, and she folded her arms across her chest, pursing her lips. “Okay.”

My intestines tried to climb up into my chest and suffocate my heart. I took a tentative step toward her, unsure how to proceed. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted, let alone how to get it. I stared at her as I attempted to divine my own desires as well as hers.

“I really am sorry,” I said.

Allison unfolded her arms and ran one hand through her hair. She still seemed annoyed but not necessarily at me. She shook her head and waved her other hand. “Don’t worry about it. If anyone understands, it’s me. Duty calls. What can you do?”

“Yeah.” That about summed it up.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“You had quite a bit to drink tonight.”

“I’ll be fine. I’m not driving, and I only have to babysit this guy for a couple hours until the day tour comes in. He’ll have already been searched by the time I get there. I won’t have to actually interact with him. I’ll just have to watch him and make sure he doesn’t somehow try to kill himself. I won’t even need to take my gun out of its lock box.”

“Okay.” She was studying me intently.

I had no idea what else to say, so I started to collect my clothes. Allison stared at me silently the entire time. I didn’t look directly at her, but I could see her out of the corner of my eye, and her attention never wavered. Each second I remained under her scrutiny, I became more tense.

Finally, when I was completely clothed and out of reasons to avoid looking at her, I turned back to the bed. I wanted to rush over to her and fall back into her arms. I wanted to run from the room as fast I could. I wanted to sit down and hash out all the issues we’d never bothered to resolve. I wanted her to never speak to me again because I was terrified of what she’d say. I didn’t know what the hell I wanted.

“Allison, I—”

“It’s okay.” She seemed guarded, almost cold, totally impenetrable. That made me nervous.

“Are…Are you sure?” I hated to leave things with her like this.

She attempted a smile, but the result was pitiful. “I’m sure. Go.”

I hesitated. Should I kiss her? I’d never had to leave anyone this abruptly in the middle of an unfinished argument. I’d certainly never had to run out on someone I had a history with, someone I might have a future with. I had no idea what she expected.

Allison pulled the sheet tighter around her and nodded in the direction of the door. “Good night, Ryan.”

My heart cracked. “Good night, Allison.”

Kara A. McLeod's Books