You Are Not Alone(108)

My parents, John and Lynn Pekkanen, fill in the gaps during deadline weeks by picking up my kids from soccer practice and drum lessons and dropping off pizzas. They’re also among my earliest readers and biggest champions, as are Robert, Saadia, and Sophia Pekkanen—the West Coast Pekkanens—who are all stellar writers themselves. Ben and Tammi Pekkanen have given me so much support and laughter—as well as a perfect nephew, little Billy.

Roger Aarons, thank you for making me laugh every day, for always planning new adventures for the two of us, and for reading every single draft of this book and catching errors with an eagle-like intensity. Most of all, thank you for making me so happy.

And finally to Jackson, Will, and Dylan, my three sons, who fill my days and my heart with pride and love.

Greer Hendricks's Books