You Are Not Alone(107)

I glimpsed her eyes as she was falling onto the tracks. They were wide open, glittering with a silent accusation.

Some people might consider me a murderer. But I hope most would say I acted in self-defense.

My subway car grinds to a stop and the doors wheeze open. A few people get off, and others crowd aboard.

I watch them move in and out of view. Some will get raises during the next year, while others will be asked for a divorce. A percentage will suffer physically—anything from a broken bone to the diagnosis of a terrible disease—while others will fall in love. The numbers tell me so.

As for me, I don’t know what the future holds. But I choose to believe that the statistics are now in my favor.


From Greer and Sarah:

Our thanks goes first to our brilliant editor and publisher, Jennifer Enderlin, who deftly steered us toward finding the right way to tell this story and whose creative vision elevated it immeasurably. Her support and enthusiasm for us and our writing are appreciated every day, and we feel so lucky to have her at the helm.

Our passionate publicist, Katie Bassel, is like a ray of sunshine, and she goes above and beyond to promote us and our books.

The incredible crew beside these two women nurture our novels through the publication process with meticulous care, boundless energy, and limitless creativity. We are so lucky to have them working on behalf of our books. Thank you to Rachel Diebel, Marta Fleming, Olga Grlic, Tracey Guest, Jordan Hanley, Brant Janeway, Sallie Lotz, Kim Ludlam, Erica Martirano, Kerry Nordling, Gisela Ramos, Sally Richardson, Lisa Senz, Michael Storrings, Dori Weintraub, and Laura Wilson.

To our new family at William Morris Endeavor: Jennifer Rudolph Walsh, Margaret Riley King, Sylvie Rabineau, and Hillary Zaitz Michael, thank you for taking us on and hitting the ground not just running but sprinting. We are elated to be working with you.

Our gratitude to all of our foreign publishers who have shared our work around the globe, especially the charming and hilarious Wayne Brookes at Pan Macmillan UK.

A big thanks to Victoria Sanders, Bernadette Baker-Baughman, Jessica Spivey, and Diane Dickensheid.

And to Benee Knauer: Your enthusiasm and insights always make us feel better!

A special shout-out to Holly Bario, Mia Maniscalco at Amblin Entertainment, as well as producer Jared LeBoff, for their guidance, support, and patience as we wrote the screenplay for The Wife Between Us. We are thrilled to be on your team.

Our deep appreciation to Shari Smiley, Lindsey Williams, and Ellen Goldsmith-Vein. And to Carolyn Newman, Jackie Secario at eOne, USA Network, and screenwriters Josh and Rachel Abramowitz: We are so grateful for your work in bringing An Anonymous Girl to the screen.

And last but never least, a huge thank-you to our readers. We love connecting with you, so please find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And to sign up for our very occasional newsletters, please visit our websites, at and We’d love to stay in touch with you.

From Greer:

Sarah, I have two words for you: BETTER TOGETHER! Whether we are joyously celebrating a success or struggling in the trenches (cake toppers, timelines, cats), there is no one I would rather be with on this magical journey. With you by my side I am never alone!

I am deeply appreciative of my friends both inside and outside the publishing industry who come to readings, host events, and recommend our books. I am especially grateful to Marla Goodman and Alison Strong (who did double duty as early readers), Karen Gordon, Gillian Blake, and my Nantucket Book Group.

Thanks also to Georgeanne Dinan, Patty Allocca, and Detective Will Acevedo, who helped with some of the research. And to Kirsi Insalaco and the team at SoulCycle East 83rd, who keep me physically fit and mentally sane.

Extra-special thanks to my family: the Hendricks, the Alloccas, and my incredible parents, Mark and Elaine Kessel.

Robert Kessel: Little brother, this one’s for you. Your love and support over the years have meant the world to me. Rabble Rabble, my special friend!

Paige, our tech adviser, your intellectual curiosity and smarts made this a better book. Alex, I can always count on you to lift my spirits with your generous heart and good cheer. And finally to John, who lives through each book from its inception through publication and beyond. Even the sky isn’t the limit with you by my side.

From Sarah:

Greer, what a ride we’ve been on! I’m so grateful we have each other to cling to during the scary dips, and that we get to soar to heights side by side—often wearing outfits that we didn’t plan to be matching!

So many dear friends assisted with this book, beginning with Susan Avallon, who provided a smart critique that improved our pages. Thanks to my sister-in-law Tammi Lee Pekkanen, who helped us come up with a breakthrough plot twist, and to early reader Jamie des Jardins.

Retired Montgomery County, Maryland, Police Chief Tom Manger patiently explained police procedure to me over a delicious breakfast. We took a few liberties in this novel in the name of creative license, but you grounded several key scenes in fact. I owe you another breakfast—this time with the lovely Jacqueline, too!

My gratitude to Russell and Lisa Pompa for their assistance, and to Amy and Chris Smith, Cathy Hines, Joe Dangerfield, and Rachel Baker for always being there. And to Glenn Reynolds, for being a terrific co-parent.

Laura Hillenbrand, a special thank-you for your generosity and for always listening. P.S. Your books aren’t half-bad, either.

Greer Hendricks's Books