He didn’t hesitate at all. “Definitely. Let’s go.”
The Sharks in Heaven music wrapped around them like an embrace when she started her car. Jonathan took her hand and held it tightly as they pulled out of the parking lot. For just a moment, Felicity looked back at her classmates, standing openmouthed among the shattered remains of her old life.
And then she turned her eyes to the road ahead.
I am overflowing with gratitude toward the following people:
My rock-star agent, the incomparable Holly Root, who believed in this book long before it was book-shaped. Thank you for always magically knowing when I need a pep talk and for laughing with me, not at me, when I make a complete fool of myself. You are, quite simply, the best.
My brilliant editor, Wendy Loggia, who has transformed this book into something I actually want people to read. Thank you for loving Felicity as much as I do and for making me laugh with your margin notes.
My Delacorte Press publishing team, for all the hard work you’ve put into bringing my book to life. Extra-special thanks to my genius copy editors, Jennifer Prior and Colleen Fellingham, and my book designer, Heather Daugherty.
My amazing critique partners and early readers: Nicole Lisa, Liz Whelan, Lauren Billings, Christina Hobbs, Julia Reischel, Renee Lasher, Adam Bowker, Evie Gaynor, Rachel Handshaw, and Marianna Caldwell. Thank you for your honesty, your humor, and your kindness and for never letting me take the easy way out. This book is so much better because of you.
Elizabeth Little, for introducing me to the world of young adult literature and for helping me navigate the treacherous waters of publishing for the first time.
The wise and hilarious ladies of Team Root, for welcoming me into the fold with open arms and making me feel like I belonged there. I am so lucky to know all of you. A special shout-out to Rae Carson, who shared her top-secret beauty pageant knowledge with me.
My debut group, the Lucky 13s, who have been the best support system a girl could ask for. Giant hugs to Brandy Colbert, Kristen Kittscher, and Lindsay Ribar—I would never have survived revisions without you.
SCBWI, for inspiring me, setting me on the path to publication, and introducing me to such spectacular people.
My incredibly supportive friends, who understand when I sometimes disappear from society for months at a time and reappear with a slightly crazed look in my eyes. Thank you for cheering me on and for forcing me to talk about things other than writing. High fives to Lissa Harris and Jenna Scherer, without whom there would be no Crucial Douches.
My sister, Erica Cherry, for all the times you dropped everything to read my new pages and for motivating me by incessantly clamoring for more story. You (and your brains) are too awesome for words.
And finally, my mom, Susan Cherry, my toughest critic and my biggest fan. Thank you for helping me with every single draft of this book. Thank you for being nothing like Ginger St. John. And thank you for passing on the genes that gave me my love of words and my red hair.
Unlike Felicity, Alison Cherry is a natural redhead. She is a professional photographer and spent many years working as a lighting designer for theater, dance, and opera productions. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. This is her first book. Visit her at or on Twitter at @alison_cherry.