Opposite of Always(98)

Thank you to Tiffany J, for all the long talks, pep and otherwise, for having my back, always; you know I’ve got yours the same. LB4L.

Thank you to Angie T, for all your sage advice and bottomless encouragement, for always being real, for casting the best movies, haha; you deserve all that you’ve gotten.

Super thanks to the Stupid Smart Kids: we met at NASA and took off from there (oh snap, that subtle pun-work). Drew—I don’t know anyone who’d want to read through all my awful half-baked stories, except you. Thanks for all the chats, for letting me crash, for telling me I was a writer. Jesse—you could grow a full beard since we were fifteen (jealous), but you never let that go to your head, haha. Thanks for all the jokes, brother, and for the belief. Khadijah, my sister in words, few people understand the power of the written word more than you; hold on to your fire. We, and this world, need it. Karen, always so direct but also so genuine, and hella caring; thanks for working to keep the crew together; Rhode Island is blessed! And Amma, my sister and eternal homie, thanks for listening to all my literary scheming and for insisting that all of it was not only possible but eventual. You’re my favorite artist by a landslide. Life’s a dash . . . dancing around the living room to “Little Boxes” . . . all of that, always. By the way, Kwame, I’ll read you the same stories over and over again any day, little man.

Big ups to the Trash Can Writers Crew: Ashley (it’s fitting we’re agent sibs because we’re also twins!), Mark, Patrice, Kwame, Zoraida, Jalissa, and Saraciea. You guys are the best, and I meme it! Wakanda forever! And special Trash Can honorary shout-out to Nic and Dhonielle, who know all the things and share accordingly.

Thanks to my Beoples family for all your support and humor. I’m in awe of your talent and generosity.

To the following teachers, thank you for your near-irrational belief in my potential. It started with Mrs. Bennett in third grade (also the year I found out I needed glasses) who assured my mom I had it; Ms. Johnson in junior high, who guided me to Power of the Pen; Bruce Weigl, who saw something in me I didn’t even recognize and who told me over and over through the years; Dr. Rachel Carnell, who wrote one of the best recommendation letters ever (that letter got me through some hard times), thank you; and to Sheila Schwartz, possibly the greatest teacher Cleveland State University has ever seen, but certainly the most inspirational. You got me my first fellowship despite reading some of the crappiest things I’ve ever written, all with graciousness and style; rest in peace.

Thank you to Mojo’s for the best coffee (medium miel) in NE Ohio but also for never kicking me out. I drove past many a café to make it to you. You guys are awesome.

Thank you to libraries everywhere for giving me refuge and hope.

Thank you to the city of Cleveland, for nurturing me, for pushing me, for giving me a place to call home. We take a lot of crap, but we keep it moving. Cleveland versus the World, always.

Thank you to Love. Damn if we don’t need more of you. Please stick around.

Thank you to Life. Maybe we didn’t get here conventionally, but to heck with convention, right?! We made it, anyway.

Thank you to all the friends and family that I didn’t mention expressly by name; you’re not forgotten. I carry you in my heart.

Thank you to Papo and Aunt Elaine, I would gladly trade this story for another moment with you both, but between these pages, you live on.

And to Jack, Kate, Franny, and Jillian—thank you for all your words. But mostly, thank you for reminding me no one ever really dies.

About the Author

Courtesy Justin A. Reynolds JUSTIN A. REYNOLDS has been a pest control operator, night security guard, steel mill janitor, NASA intern, salesman of high-end faucet fixtures, and carpet flooring installer. He was most recently a registered nurse before trading his stethoscope for a pencil, but he likes to think both instruments reveal the heart. He lives in northeast Ohio, home to snow, Lake Erie, and the Cavaliers. You can visit Justin at www.justinareynolds.com.

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