Opposite of Always(97)

So, no, not good dancing.

Not even halfway decent.

Nothing you’d be impressed by.

We’re not turning heads at any party—not in a good way, anyway.

But give us our freaking aerial shot, please.

Because, fuck, we dance.


Thank you to the two most amazing people on this planet and elsewhere, Brooklyn and Kennedy. Brooklyn—you’re so funny and artistic. But most importantly, you have the biggest heart I’ve ever known. Never stop feeling. Kennedy, you’re never gonna be taller than me, I don’t care what the doctors say. But I know you’ll definitely pass me in all the best ways. You both inspire me each and every day to be better than yesterday. Thank you for loving me, for teaching me what it means to love someone else, unconditionally, eternally.

Thank you to Pam. Whew. So many crazy times, but still we’ve always come out the other side (It’s been colder). We’ve shared lots of laughs, tears, and memories. Thanks for holding me down and for your unwavering love. For falling asleep during every movie. For all our period-piece TV show binges and our House Hunters–Project Runway–Top Chef marathons. I wouldn’t change a thing. I hope you wouldn’t either. Always and forever, P.

Thank you to the best sibling anyone could ever ask for, Allisyn. We’ve been through so much, but we’ve been through it all together. Thanks for telling on me when I tried to run away. Also, I’m sorry you never get to have a mini–license plate with your name on it because Mom chose to spell your name funky, but hey, silly memorabilia isn’t everything, right? Seriously though, I just want you to know, when I finally leave this place, you get: NOTHING! (Hahaha.) Until then, let’s keep plotting our global takeover.

Greyson, you’ll get those waves eventually, keep brushing; I believe in you, haha. Thanks for being the best big cousin ever, for being patient and kind and protective. You’re great. Keep banging those drums, man.

To Mom and Dad, it all started with you. Mom, thank you for instilling in me a love for words, for guiding book after book into my hands, for reading to me, for reading all my stories, for talking me through life. This book doesn’t exist without you (hey, just like me!). Dad, thanks for being pragmatic and making me think about things like supporting myself, and for reminding me from an early age that kids can go bankrupt, too, without sound financial planning. Also, thanks for letting me root for Michael Jordan and the Bulls at all the Cavs games. I love you both, always.

Beth Phelan, the best agent ever. Sometimes the stars align, but other times, entire galaxies. Thank you for believing in me from the beginning beginning. For all our talks, book-related and otherwise. For knowing when to push and pull. For your steady hand, and your wise (and funny) words. Out of all the Twitter pitches, in all the Twitterverse, I’m glad you walked into mine. Seriously, thank you for masterminding #DVPit and championing diversity. Let’s keep this thing going; we’ve got a lot more work to do. No pressure! But PRESSURE, haha! ?

Ben Rosenthal. What can I say? You’re a brilliant editor, but an even better person. Always positive, constantly encouraging. Thank you for believing in this book from the start. Maybe it’s because we’re two Midwest kids, or because we both have a love affair with sports franchises that perpetually let us down, but I think we get each other, on and off the page. In your excellent editorial-speak: let’s keep it authentic, haha.

Special thank-you to Mabel Hsu, for your insight, spot-on notes, and willingness to answer ALL the questions. And for understanding that texting drama is the WORST, haha.

Thank you so much to Katherine Tegen—I can’t imagine publishing my first book anywhere else. Shout-out to Erin Fitzsimmons for your fantastic design work; thanks for pushing and pushing! Thank you to Allison Brown, Emily Rader, Gina Rizzo, Audrey Diestelkamp, and copy editor Megan Gendell—your contributions were so crucial.

Thank you to Rachel Petty for understanding this story and for being so awesome in general. Also, thanks for letting me think I could name your twins, haha. Thanks to the incredible UK Macmillan team; you rock!

Thanks to Gemma Cooper for your enthusiasm and tireless support, for talking me through all the things, and for figuring out overseas three-way calls like a champ.

Many thanks to everyone at the Bent Agency for their hard work, and their incredible sub-agents who pushed to ensure more than just my mom reads this book. And a special shout-out to Victoria Cappello for her diligence and behind-the-scenes heroics.

Thank you to Stephanie Singleton; they say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but if it’s your dope artistry on the jacket, I’d wholeheartedly disagree.

Thank you to the incredible team at Gallt and Zacker for your enthusiastic support and for making me feel at home.

So much love to my original crew and hometown friends, who always hold me down: Tony—man, our sitcom is still funny, I don’t care what anyone says. You’re so . . . tall. Des—few people understand me like you do, which should scare everyone else, haha. Drew—I don’t care what Des says, keep shooting. Scales—my “little brother” through and through; thanks for bringing me cookies and relaying messages, no matter the content, verbatim. Anthony—man, I can’t imagine nursing school without you; let’s keep working smarter not harder, haha. Ariana—you were there when this story was just an idea. If I ever need killer makeup, you know where I’m coming. Thanks for the laughs and the best TV recommendations. I hate it, hahaha.

Justin A. Reynolds's Books