More Than Friends (Friends, #2)(41)

The thing is, I never went to parties and definitely didn’t drink ever the first three years of my high school life. Tara and I were pretty much scared of everything. We weren’t part of the popular kids’ social circle, so I don’t know exactly how this happened but…

I’ve done a one-eighty compared to last year’s version of Amanda Winters. A different set of friends, a different extracurricular activity, and I sort of have a boyfriend. My parents would hardly believe it.

And if they knew I was with Jordan last night all by myself, pretty much naked in his bed with his hands all over me? Forget it. I’d be grounded for life.

“I’ll take the SAT again next Saturday,” I tell her, desperate to change the subject. “Maybe I can up my score.”

“Oh, I think that’s a really smart idea.” The relief on her face is evident. “Your father feels the same way. We know you can do it, honey.”

“Thanks.” The overachiever in me knows I should study all week and prepare. But that sounds so boring. I’d rather spend my time with Jordan, if he wants to spend time with me. I work this afternoon from noon to six but don’t work Sunday. Maybe we could get together then…

“I have something else I want to talk to you about,” Mom says.

Oh. She sounds serious. “What’s up?”

“Your brother needs to take your car back to school with him.” She holds up a hand when I open my mouth, ready to protest. “I know you need that car to get to work, but he needs it more to get to his new job, sweetheart. I hope you understand.”

I don’t. Yeah, I so don’t. “How am I supposed to get to my job? The job you made me get in the first place?”

“We did not make you get that job.”

“You so did! You told me I didn’t have a choice. That you didn’t have enough money to pay for my college education so I better start saving my money.” I stand, my blood boiling. “Now I’m going to have to quit!”

“You will not quit,” she says, calming studying me. “We’ll figure out a way to get you there. You can ask your friends. I’m sure they’ll help you.”

“Not like I have a ton of friends to ask, Mom.”

Ugh. My older brother is the biggest pain in the ass ever. He always gets what he wants, no matter what. Our parents always give in.

“Tell George thanks a lot for ruining my life,” I toss out as I stalk out of the kitchen.

“Quit being so dramatic,” Mom yells after me, but I ignore her.

Instead I go to my room and slam the door, falling onto the bed with a huff. It’s barely nine o’clock. I could go back to bed and sleep until eleven. Then take a shower, get ready and go to Yo Town— I frown. If I even have a car to drive to Yo Town. I’m sure George is already gone, headed back to college with the car, firmly believing it was always his so he deserves it.


My phone dings from my bedside table and I grab it, melting when I see who the text is from.


I can’t stop thinking about you.

My smile can’t be contained as I read his text over and over. How should I respond? I need to say something cute. Something flirty. But my mind is drawing a total blank.

I can’t stop thinking about you either.

Not incredibly original, but it’s true.

He immediately starts to text me back. I see the gray bubble and wait, sliding under the covers and rolling on my side, my gaze never leaving my phone screen as I wait for his response.

You work today?

Nibbling on my lip, I answer.

From noon to six.

What are you doing after?

Hanging out with you? :)

He doesn’t respond right away and I wonder if I screwed up. Ugh. I’m still not confident with this dating thing, especially the dating Jordan thing.

A few minutes later he finally responds.

Want to go out to dinner?

I am giddy with excitement. It’s like a real date. I have to contain myself not to answer with a thousand exclamation points. I go for calm and collected instead.

That sounds good.

My phone buzzes with a text from Livvy as I wait for Jordan’s response.

Tell me you were with Tuttle last night after the game.

I smile.

I was with Tuttle last night after the game.

Yay!!!!!!! OMG!!!! What happened?????? I want deets!!!!

There’s nothing much to tell.

Meaning there is no way I’m telling her what happened between us last night. Forget that.

You’re being a tease. Are you two getting together tonight too?

I think so.

Let’s double date! I bet Ryan would be up for it. I can ask him.

I don’t know…

We’re doing it. Let’s go to dinner together or something. It’ll be fun!

Huh. Will he think it’s fun, to hang out with Liv and Ryan tonight instead of just the two of us? I don’t know.

Monica Murphy's Books