More Than Friends (Friends, #2)(36)

“I don’t know. I didn’t think so.” But what do I know? Look what happened with Thad. I didn’t give it up to him quick enough, and he screwed my old best friend instead.

Maybe I’m too much of a prude. Maybe guys give up so easily on me because I don’t put out. Maybe that’s what I need to do—put out for Jordan Tuttle. Get on my knees and…

I wince. I have no idea how to do something like that. I’d probably make a fool of myself and do something wrong. And then Tuttle wouldn’t like me anymore. It would be over. He probably prefers a girl with experience, and I am not that girl.

Dumped because I can’t give a blowjob. Or even a hand job. That would be awful. Humiliating.

“Don’t do anything you’re not ready to do,” Livvy says firmly. “I’m serious. Don’t let him pressure you.”

Turning away from her, I blow out a harsh breath. “What’s it like anyway?”

“What’s what like?”

I turn back around to face her. “Giving a blowjob. Or a hand job—like, what does it feel like, touching his…”

Livvy looks like she wants to smile, but she’s doing her best to keep a straight face. “Touching his—penis?”

“Well, yeah.” We both dissolve into giggles. I’m not used to saying the word penis. I’m guessing she’s not big on it either.

“I don’t know if I can have this conversation right now,” Livvy finally says once she’s composed herself. “I need to have, like, three drinks in and be at a party. We can’t talk about dicks here in front of the school.”

“Who’s talking about dicks now?” Ryan rushes up behind Livvy and wraps his arms around her, lifting her up off her feet and twirling her around. Livvy squeals and struggles against his hold, but I can tell she’s loving every minute.

I guess there goes our dick talk.

“You are,” Livvy says in between peals of laughter as he swings her around. “Now put me down!”

He does as she says, but not before he lays one on her. The kiss is long and tongue-filled. I know this because I see actual tongue.


I avert my eyes, feeling like an intruder. When Ryan finally breaks the kiss, Livvy is wobbly on her feet and she shoots me a lopsided smile. “Um, we’ll have to talk some other time.”

“I’m holding you to it,” I tell her, pointing a finger in her direction.

She laughs and stumbles into Ryan, who tugs her close. “We’ll wait with you until Tuttle comes out,” he says to me.

My chest goes warm. How sweet. “Thanks, Ryan.”

“No prob.” He shrugs. “Tuttle said I couldn’t leave you, so…”

So he didn’t do it out of the kindness of his heart. Figures. “I’ll be all right alone.”

“No way.” Ryan shakes his head. “If Tuttle knew I left you alone, he’d kill me.”

I doubt that, but whatever.

Within minutes Jordan approaches and the four of us chitchat until he takes my hand and asks me, “Are you ready?”

I nod, pressing my lips together. “Yeah.”

“We should double date sometime,” Livvy says, like she’s trying to gauge what Tuttle’s intentions are.

“We should,” he agrees, though his expression is reluctant. He lets go of my hand, and I immediately miss his touch.

“Us girls will have to plan something soon.” She grins at him before pulling me into a tight hug. “Remember what I said,” she whispers into my ear. “Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. If he’s a good guy, he won’t pressure you.”

“Okay. Thanks for the advice,” I whisper back. I squeeze her and she squeezes me in return. “Have fun tonight,” I say as we pull away from each other.

“Mama’s not home until late, so we have the house to ourselves,” Liv says with a big grin. “She went to a concert with her gross boyfriend.”

“Fitch?” I’ve met him. He’s sort of a creeper.

Liv shudders when I say his name. “Please. Don’t ruin my good mood.”

We say our goodbyes and I turn to look at Jordan, see the impatience written all over his face.

“Come on.” Jordan takes my hand once more and leads me toward his Range Rover. He opens the passenger side door for me and I climb inside, breathing deep the leather scent that lingers once he closes the door. My heart thumps wildly and I rest a hand over my chest, telling myself I need to get a grip.

I’m in control of my destiny. What I say, goes. I know he won’t push me to do anything I don’t want to do.

But what if I get caught up in the moment and want to do…everything?

Guess I’ll figure it out as we go.

We walk inside the quiet, dark house and the second the door is shut, Jordan gathers me in his arms and pushes me up against the wall just before he kisses me. I open my mouth in shocked surprise and his tongue is there, sweeping inside my mouth, circling my tongue, making me gasp. I clutch at him, my arms going around his neck, my hands sliding into his thick, soft hair.

He presses into me and I can feel his hard, hot body. When we’ve kissed before, it’s always been different. Lighter. More explorative. This is nothing like that. It’s urgent and edgy and full of passion. I break away from the kiss first so I can catch my breath, and he dives for my neck, his damp mouth blazing a trail of hot kisses along my throat.

Monica Murphy's Books