Kingdom of the Cursed (Kingdom of the Wicked, #2) (106)

Regardless of our past and the circumstances that brought us here, to this moment, together, I wanted this night of passion with him.

The prince did not appear to feel the same. He prowled over to the fireplace and leaned against the mantel, watching as the flames turned silver and writhed before him. He did not speak on our walk here, nor did he look at me once we’d entered his suite.

Without turning to meet my stare, he said, “It’s not too late for me to give up a secret instead. We do not have to do this. I vowed you would have a choice. I stand by my word. My brothers will not vote against me, no matter what they said earlier.”

“I did choose.”

He finally turned, his expression thunderous. “Choosing between two less-than-ideal options is not a choice.”

My lips curved upward. “Will bedding you be less than ideal?”

“Do not make light of the situation.”

“I’m not.” My voice lost the teasing edge. “I’ve never wanted to give up a fear or secret. I cannot say the same about desiring you.”

His focus slid from my eyes to my mouth. “This is not the same.”

“Is it the most romantic proposition? There’s no denying it isn’t. However, I cannot say I’m displeased. As you’re an expert at sensing emotions and lies, I should think you know that. Therefore, I’m left to believe you’re upset because you feel as if your choice has been stolen.” A different thought occurred. “Or perhaps you don’t want to bed me.”

“Is that what you believe?”

“If you visited someone else last night and do not want to be with me, I understand. We can go back downstairs and I’ll complete the fear ceremony. You do not owe me anything.”

Wrath stalked across the room, and I held my ground. He gently set his hands on my hips and pulled me against him. A little thrill shot through me where our bodies connected. Even through his trousers and my beaded gown, I could feel his truth pressed against me.

“You see?” His voice was rough, deep. It scraped against some inner part of me, making me want to lean into him more. “It is not a matter of wanting you, Emilia.”

“Then what is it?”

“Call it selfish. But I do not want there to be any outside forces driving you into my arms.” He tilted my face up, his lips hovering above mine. “When you decide to come to my bedchamber, I want you to know whose sheets you’re climbing between. I want you to call out my name.”

“I know who you are.”

“Do you?” His lips lightly trailed across my skin, almost touching the sensitive area of my neck, but not quite, as he brought his mouth to my ear. “I should like to hear you say it.”

“Your brothers only said ‘tryst.’” I abruptly changed the subject. “They did not specify that we needed to…”

“To?” He leaned back, his mouth twisting up on one side as he waited. The devil knew exactly what I meant. And he’d feign confusion until I said it.

“Fuck. Or fornicate. Though I’ve only heard the first word in this circle, repeated like a wicked prayer when I left the pleasure garden last night.”

His laughter was loud and lovely. I wished I could stuff the crass word back into my stupid mouth as my cheeks pinked and I silently cursed them and the demon.

He brushed his knuckles across my jaw, his expression filled with warmth.

“No, I suppose they did not specify whether we had to fornicate.” His eyes darkened to a molten gold. “What would you have me do instead, my lady? This?”

I didn’t have time to answer. He trailed little love bites along the column of my throat. I didn’t even attempt to rein in the sigh that escaped me as his tongue flicked over my pulse point.

“Tell me what you desire and it will be yours.”

I closed my eyes and leaned into his caress. An image of the lovers spread out on the table in the entryway during our arrival crossed my mind. Wrath’s mouth moved along my shoulder, his kisses hot and distracting the closer they drew to my décolletage.

“I want…”

He stopped long enough to draw back and look into my eyes. “Yes?”

“… you to take off my gown.”

Nimble fingers began undoing the buttons along the side of my dress. Unlike his assistance during our trek through the Sin Corridor, he did not move swiftly. He took his time, as if he knew precisely how each button coming undone was driving me wild with want. Each accidental graze of his fingers on my skin, each hitch of my breath… I was already close to combusting and my clothes hadn’t even come off.

He slipped the straps from one shoulder, trailing openmouthed kisses as he went. Then the other strap slid off, his tongue and teeth following the path. He carefully tugged the top down, halting only when he’d freed my breasts.

“You are so godsdamn beautiful.” He looked like a man who’d been offered the finest meal money could purchase after nearly starving. But instead of feasting, he planned to enjoy every bite, savoring it. One thumb slowly passed over my nipple, causing it to tighten with pleasure. Heat pooled low in my belly. “What else would you like, my lady?”

“Pleasure. Seduction.” I gathered up my courage. “I want you to stay. All night. With me. And if you even think of bowing afterward and leaving like you did last time you touched me, I will hunt you down and make you regret it.”

Kerri Maniscalco's Books