Kingdom of the Cursed (Kingdom of the Wicked, #2) (102)

Fauna leaned close. “That’s the Prince of Pride.”

I watched the striking figure stroll through the crowd. Like the other princes, he wore a wolf mask that covered all but his bottom lip and chin. His was silver and gold. Ornate yet retaining elegance. He did not glance at anyone, nor did he acknowledge those who curtsied or bowed as he passed. His hair was a chestnut brown with threads of gold spun in. It was cut close on the sides and stylishly longer on top. Not a strand was out of place.

Not a crinkle to be found in his swallowtail suit.

Dressed in dark navy and silver, he did not blend into the shadows. He stood slightly apart, as if he wished for them to remember who owned them.

I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath, openly staring at him behind the safety of my mask, until I exhaled. The devil stood only a few feet away. A figure reviled and loathed by almost all. If the stories were true, here was a rebellious angel, cast from Heaven.

Now the king of demons. So corrupted by sin, so monstrous, that he ruled over the worst denizens of each realm. His silver gaze collided with mine, flashing like a star streaking across the sky. A chill rolled down my spine. If I hadn’t accidentally betrothed myself to Wrath, and if he hadn’t accepted the bond, I’d be staring at my husband now.

Pride scanned me from mask to toe, his head tilted to one side. I had an awful feeling he was sizing me up, debating how to best show off his skills as he took down his prey. If Wrath reminded me of a caged panther at times, Pride was a golden-maned lion.

Both princes ferocious. Both deadly. But only one could blend into the night, strike hard and fast under the cover of darkness, then slip away, undetected. I tore my attention from the devil and searched for Wrath. He’d disappeared.

“Hello, Lady Vengeance.”

The low, slightly gravelly voice was at my ear. It took all of my effort to not show surprise or tension. I hoped he didn’t sense the item I’d smuggled on my person. I slowly brought my attention to the prince at my side and offered a slight incline of my head. He was not my king. And I’d never been instructed to bow. “Your highness.”

“Would you honor me with a dance?”

Fauna sunk her teeth into her lower lip, practically dancing on the balls of her feet as she nodded vigorously in encouragement.


“You?” He swept his attention around the room, a knowing gleam entering his eyes. The crowd surged back, as if terrified of his attention settling on them. The dance floor cleared. “Is there someone else you were hoping to dance with first? If so, let’s make him regret not asking before I did.”

“I will dance with you, but there’s no ulterior motive in it.”

“Of course.”

His amusement remained as he whisked me onto the dance floor and the orchestra immediately began playing a waltz. For a few beats, we didn’t speak. He simply whirled us around the room, my nerves over dancing in public a forgotten memory as he easily led us through the steps. He was lovely. A shining diamond encapsulated in pure platinum.

Or maybe that was what he wanted me to believe. Maybe he was really a blade. Forged in hellfire and deadly as sin. As we waltzed closer together, I waited for some spark of memory to catch and ignite hidden flames of desire. If he was the lover from my vision, my body didn’t seem to recognize him.

He leaned scandalously close. “If you’re this intrigued by my mask, wait until I take it off.”

“I assure you I am not looking at your mask, your majesty. Honestly, I’m trying to find a new set of horns or fangs.”

Pride’s eyes glittered. “I can be terrifying. When I want to be.”

“I’m sure you can, but not like someone I know.”

“Wrath?” His mouth turned down at the edges as my gaze searched the dance floor, hoping his name would be enough to summon him. “I’m unused to such beautiful dance partners thinking of my brother while in my arms.”

I couldn’t help myself. I laughed in the devil’s face. “You’re exceedingly conceited.”

“One of our most prominent family traits. Though I assure you my ego is well justified.”

“I’ll have to take your word for it, your highness.”

We waltzed across the floor, between other couples who’d joined us, his steps steady and smooth as he led me around and around. Even after Wrath’s impromptu lesson, I’d been worried I’d miss steps or stomp on his feet, but his skill was enough to overcome any of my mistakes. Part of me was disappointed. If this had gone terribly, it might have been my current largest fear.

“The Prince of Wrath is quite serious compared to the rest of you.”

“That’s what he does—he excels at war and justice. Both serious matters. And it’s why none of us have to bother with the messy bits of ruling.” I drew my brows together. “This realm would have ripped itself apart if he didn’t terrify it into submission.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

Pride swung us around until I could see Wrath leaning against the marble column. His mask was tugged back and his gaze followed each step, each glide around the ballroom.

He looked neither pleased nor angered, but there was something about his expression that made me think he was… jealous. Pride lowered his hand, skimming my spine, no doubt purposefully stoking Wrath’s annoyance. I stepped on his foot and internally smiled as he winced.

Kerri Maniscalco's Books