Gathering Darkness (Falling Kingdoms #3)(18)

“Everything except the answers I seek,” Ashur said. “Perhaps you can be more accommodating to me another day.”

“Perhaps.” Magnus turned to go, but stopped himself. “I almost forgot something.”

“What’s that?”

He reached into the inner pocket of his jacket, pulled out a tightly wrapped package, then unfolded the cloth to reveal a small golden dagger.

Ashur blinked.

“Princess Cleiona offers much gratitude for your wedding gift of this Kraeshian bridal dagger, but she has asked me to return it at my earliest convenience. It’s such a pretty present, but it could easily injure someone by accident. We wouldn’t want that, would we?”

Ashur took the blade and dared to meet Magnus’s gaze. “No, we wouldn’t.”

“I’ll see you again soon,” Magnus said, turning away for good now. “I hope you continue to enjoy your stay in my father’s little kingdom.”

The Kraeshians weren’t the only ones capable of playing games.




The walls were closing in on her.

For far too long, Lucia had been cooped up inside the palace. Her father’s concern over her health had kept her from being able to freely roam around outside. She’d tolerated the king’s overprotective nature, knowing he kept her confined only because he loved her, but as the weeks passed, her desire for freedom had grown.

It was now too strong to ignore. She had to make a stand today, to demand permission to seek fresh air beyond the palace courtyard, to explore the kingdom she had helped to conquer. And she wouldn’t allow anyone—not even the king—to control her.

She prayed to the goddess Valoria for the strength and wisdom she needed, then left her chambers, confident in her quest.

Just the thought of breaking free breathed new life into her as she made her way to the throne room, where a council meeting was just letting out. She stood and waited as members of her father’s trusted circle brushed past her at the entryway.

“So pleased you’re feeling better, princess,” one bald, squat man said with a curt nod in her direction.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

Magnus was there among the councilmen, but he offered her no greeting, friendly or otherwise, as he slipped from the room like a shadow. Aside from the pleasantries they muttered during formal gatherings to keep up appearances, all of their interactions had been just as cold recently.

It wasn’t his fault that their relationship had soured—not entirely. The thought of their broken bond made her heart ache.

Once the last of the councilmen had departed, her father greeted her. “Lucia. It’s wonderful to see you, my dear.”

She’d practiced the words on her way through the still-unfamiliar corridors. Now all she had to do was say them.

“I’d like permission to leave the palace today,” she said, rushing to speak before she had the chance to doubt herself.

He raised his dark brow. “Would you, now.”

“I know you don’t think it’s safe, but I disagree. The city is walled and well secured. I’ll take several guards with me. But I—I can’t tell you how much I need to get out of here and breathe some fresh air. To see something new. Even the courtyard and gardens are oppressive to me now. I feel like a prisoner here.”

“Of course you’re not a prisoner, Lucia.” The king drew closer, his expression one of genuine concern. “You think I’d deny you this request?”

“I don’t know. I know you worry about my safety.”

He touched her cheek, a smile playing over the thin line of his mouth. “I’ve seen what you can do. I have no doubt you would be able to protect yourself if you were ever threatened.”

Her heart leapt. “Then you’re giving your permission.”

“And if I say no?”

A spark of anger ignited within her. “But why would you? I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me. Everything! You yourself said I can protect myself. And I can! I ask for one little thing in all these months and you would deny me—”

“Lucia,” he said, cutting her off. “I was merely asking rhetorically to see if you’d be willing to fight for what you want. I see now that you are, and that you came here knowing you would accept only one response from me. Good. I like to see that fire in you, that strength. If ever anyone tries to deny you something you want, then you just take it, no matter who they are. Is that clear?”

Lucia relaxed. The king was only imparting a lesson, one that she received happily. “Yes, Father.”

“However, I do suggest you consult a knowledgeable guide so as not to waste your valuable time on mediocre sites.”

She nodded eagerly, her heart thudding with anticipation. “I will.”

“Good.” He went to the long council table, glancing at the parchment and letters and formal documents still strewn on its surface from the meeting, then returned his attention back to Lucia. “Tell me, though—how is your magic coming along? Your control?”

The king asked her the same questions every day. He knew how much her abilities had troubled her in the past and had tried to find tutors to help her—so far to no avail. Her magic was more powerful than anything her tutors had encountered before. “Better, I think. I work on it every day.” On trying to repress it, to keep it from killing anyone else, she thought. “I try my best.”

Morgan Rhodes's Books