Gathering Darkness (Falling Kingdoms #3)(13)

“For both of us.” Something beyond Cleo caught Lucia’s gaze, and her expression soured.

Cleo turned to see Princess Amara approaching along the winding cobblestone pathway as two Kraeshian guards in dark green uniforms hung back near the castle entrance.

Cleo couldn’t be more annoyed. This uninvited guest was interrupting her precious private moment with Lucia. She’d only met Amara briefly at the banquet, but the girl hadn’t made a good impression. She was too eager, too familiar in her greeting, and Cleo had instinctively recoiled from the girl.

Her brother Ashur had made a similar first impression on Cleo. Were they friends or foes?

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you two,” Amara said brightly. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were avoiding me.”

“Certainly not,” Lucia replied. The faint uncertainty in her tone had been replaced by a confident crispness. “It’s a pleasure to see you again. Where is your brother?”

“Out exploring the area around the villa King Gaius is preparing for us.” Amara sighed and glanced at the flowers. “Ashur loves exploring the countryside. Alone, no less. He refuses the company of guards.”

“That sounds dangerous,” Cleo said.

“It does, doesn’t it? That’s my brother. An adventure seeker at any cost. Cleo, we barely had the chance to speak last night before you disappeared. Were you unwell?”

“Yes,” Cleo lied, happy to agree with this ready-made excuse. “My stomach couldn’t handle another bite of food.”

Amara raised her brow. “Are you with child?”

Cleo opened her mouth to immediately deny any possibility of this. Since, thankfully, it was absolutely not possible she was pregnant. She and Magnus had not . . .

Well, they had not. Nor would they ever. She shivered with disgust at the memory of standing so close to him on the balcony the previous night.

Loathing, as Lucia had said earlier, was a pale word to represent her feelings toward the prince. Every time she thought she might see something more in him, something pained and vulnerable that pulled at her, she had to stop and remind herself of the unspeakable things he’d done and why she would hate him forever.

“If I am with child,” Cleo said as she brushed a hand over the folds of the pale blue gown that hid her flat belly, “it would be a very welcome surprise.”

Amara’s gaze grew sharper, as if she was assessing every inch of Cleo with much more scrutiny than she had last night.

“It’s so wonderful that you’re visiting,” Cleo said, changing the subject. “My father extended an invitation to your family years ago.”

“Auranos is very beautiful, but Father always believed that such beauty held no true value. I, however, completely disagree.”

Cleo exchanged a glance with Lucia, who seemed mildly alarmed by Amara’s candor. Cleo kept her mouth shut, the corners of her lips turned up into what she hoped was a pleasant expression.

“You must find life here so different from Limeros, Lucia,” Amara said, reaching out to touch a rose, carefully avoiding its thorns.

“It couldn’t be more different,” Lucia agreed.

“All that ice and snow, all those jagged cliffs. It’s much more pleasant here, isn’t it? If I spent more than a half-day in frozen Limeros I might throw myself into the sea so I could drown and be free from such unthinkable conditions.” She laughed, then realized that both Cleo and Lucia were gaping at her in shock. “Apologies. Kraeshians are known to speak their minds without hesitation. Don’t hate me for being blunt.”

“Of course not.” Lucia offered a smile. “No apologies necessary. Such bluntness is . . . refreshing. Isn’t it, Cleo?”

“Oh, yes,” Cleo agreed. “So refreshing.”

Amara considered Cleo closely. “I have to say, I’m surprised to see how well you’ve adjusted to your new life. I half-expected you to be confined to your chambers, allowed out only for meals. That the Damoras seem to trust you, their former enemy’s daughter, fascinates me.”

Amara might use the word blunt. Others would say rude.

Cleo struggled to find an appropriate reply. “My father was defeated because he wouldn’t bow down and surrender to King Gaius. Such conflicts are common over the world, in many kingdoms. I can only be grateful that King Gaius didn’t punish me for my father’s choices, and that he’s given me a home here with his family.”

The words tasted rancid in her mouth.

“And you’ve accepted it? Accepted your new family?”

Family. The word made her soul cringe. “As best as I can.”

“Cleo is a welcome addition. She’s like a sister to me now,” Lucia said.

While Cleo’s throat burned from having to speak such lies, her heart was lightened to hear Lucia call her sister. The fact that Lucia was willing to come to her defense after all but ignoring her just minutes before proved that Princess Amara’s admitted lack of tact might have the power to make friends of enemies.

“What a lovely sentiment, Lucia,” Amara said, her gaze moving down to Cleo’s hand. “What a lovely ring, Cleo. Wherever did you get it?”

Cleo resisted the urge to cover up the amethyst. “Thank you. It belonged to my mother.”

“It’s very beautiful.” Amara’s accented voice was even. “It’s almost magical how beautiful it is, really. You’ve very lucky to have it.”

Morgan Rhodes's Books