Empire High Betrayal(38)

“Well, at least he knows you’re off-limits,” Matt said as I pulled him outside.

“I’m off-limits to everyone but you. The ring and the jacket, remember?”

“Promise not to take them off?”

“I promise. But I’ll have to take the jacket off in gym.” I took every promise very seriously now. And I wanted to make sure he knew it. “I don’t think Coach Carter would like it if I was running around on the track…” my voice trailed off. I couldn’t run today. I was wearing my thickest socks and walking still hurt a little. “Actually, I guess I won’t be participating in gym today.”

“You’re sure you don’t want another day to rest?”

“No, that’s ridiculous.”

“We’re good, man,” Mason said as Miller approached us. He lifted up a pair of keys. “I’ll drive them.”

“She comes with us or doesn’t leave at all,” Miller said.

Wait…Miller? Miller was waiting by a brand new SUV. Miller and the SUV were both a surprise. He’d said he was going to quit.

“I’m a good driver,” Mason said. “Most of the time I don’t even speed.”

“Miss Pruitt, let’s go,” Miller said, ignoring Mason.

“What’s going on?” I asked, letting Matt’s hand fall out of mine.

Donnelley poked his head out of the passenger window. “Like the new ride? It’s top of the line. Safest vehicle in its class. Bullet-proof windows and everything.”

Bullet-proof windows? What the fuck? Did that mean Isabella still had a gun?

“Miss Pruitt, you have to drive with us to school,” Miller said. “Your father insists.” He opened up the back door.

Mason shrugged. “Are you coming with me or going with them, Matt?”

“I’ll stay with Brooklyn,” Matt said.

“Suit yourself. See you guys at lunch.” Mason hopped into his convertible and sped off.

I couldn’t ask Miller what was going on. So I did the only thing I could do and climbed into the back seat. Maybe he just hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to my dad yet. But if my dad had sent this car…he must have had a chance. Right?

The ride was silent and awkward. Maybe only awkward for me and Miller. We’d said goodbye. I’d assumed I’d never see him again.

Matt didn’t seem to find it weird at all though. But then again, he had no idea Miller was the guy I’d been seeing.

The closer we got to school, the more uneasy I felt. I’d been so excited to walk into school with Matt that I hadn’t thought about the fact that more had changed than just our relationship status. A few weeks ago, James would have been driving Matt to school in his Benz. A few weeks ago, Isabella hadn’t pointed a gun to my head. A few weeks ago, I had been Matt’s dirty little secret. But now everything was different. And there was a lump in my throat getting bigger by the second.

“We’ll be here waiting after school,” Miller said as he pulled up outside Empire High.

We’ll? As in him again?

“Will you need a ride after football practice, Matt?” Miller asked. “I can have someone sent for you.”

This was too weird. I unbuckled my seatbelt.

“Nah, I’ll catch a ride with Mason. Thanks for driving us,” Matt said.

“And Miss Pruitt?” Miller added. “If Isabella does anything at all to you, please notify either of us right away.”

“Like what?” My voice was so small, I wasn’t sure Miller or Donnelley had heard me.

But then Donnelley turned around to look at me. “She’s not supposed to talk to you at all. Mr. Pruitt and her are still negotiating the specifics, and until something is signed she’s not allowed to have any contact with you. She understands this. So if she talks to you at all…you text us right away and she’ll be removed from school.”

“She’ll be expelled?” I asked.

“No. This is a family matter. One of us will come escort her out for your safety.”

My safety? I nodded. This was a good thing. Isabella wasn’t allowed to speak to me. That was great. Except…the knots in my stomach didn’t feel great. Since when did Isabella ever do anything she was supposed to? “Okay,” I said. I had a feeling I’d be texting them in no time. I followed Matt out of the SUV.

Matt threw his arm over my shoulders as we made our way up the front steps. He waved at one of his football friends and then kissed the side of my forehead. “Today is going to be a great day,” he whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry about Isabella. Let’s just enjoy this moment. No more wasting time.”

It was what I’d always wanted. For him to love me in public. What was I doing worrying about Isabella? I wouldn’t let her rob me of this moment. And Matt knew how much wasted time weighed on me. He’d said the exact right thing to get me out of my head.

He held the front door for me and the hallway hushed. Everyone was staring at us as Matt walked me to my locker. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the prostitute rumors, the fact that Isabella had tried to murder me, or that Matt was holding my hand. Probably a combination of the three.

Matt seemed to think it was the last one, because when we reached my locker, he pulled me against his chest and kissed me, showing our relationship off to the whole school. I didn’t care about the rumors swirling around. For the first time at Empire High, I felt safe. As long as I had Matt - really had him - everything would be fine. And I did. His hand slid dangerously close to my ass and I laughed.

Ivy Smoak's Books