Empire High Betrayal(33)

Rob laughed, but I didn’t.

Enough was enough. I’d come here for two reasons, and the second was more important than revenge. “Okay, here’s the deal,” I said. “I will help with whatever plan that the three of us come up with if you both swear to stop messing with me with all this silly flirting,” I said.

“We’re not…” James started, but I cut him off.

“And after I help you pull off the most epic prank on Isabella ever, you have to try to make up with the Caldwells.”

Rob laughed. “I’m not down with either of those conditions. Especially the first one, Sanders.” He winked at me.

“Me either,” James said.

God, they were both infuriating. “You need me in order to get access to Isabella’s room. There’s no prank without me. And those are my conditions.”

“Ugh.” Rob grabbed another slice of pizza.

“Do we have a deal?” I asked and put my hand out for James to shake. I trusted him more than I trusted Rob. Rob would shout “just kidding” or something. James would make the deal.

“Deal on the second contingency,” James said. “I can’t make any promises on the first.”


He placed his hand on top of mine instead of shaking it. And then Rob threw his hand on top of James’.

“Operation Disappearing Troll on three,” Rob said.

I laughed as they both threw their hands up and yelled, “Operation Disappearing Troll!”

“And if Isabella dies in the process, all the better,” Rob said.

“That’s not funny,” I said. But I laughed anyway just because he looked so excited.

“We’re basically planning on giving her a heart attack, so it’s a possibility,” added Rob. “Oh, should we do it right after Thanksgiving? Isabella’s always so happy during Thanksgiving break because all her evil relatives are in town.”

Evil relatives? I hadn’t even thought about my new extended family. Would they all be so horrible?

“Good thinking,” James said. “Besides, it gives us more time to plan.”

I wasn’t so sure more time with the two of them was a good thing.

“What the hell! Are you trying to get Donnelley and me killed?” Miller’s head had just popped up through the floor of the treehouse. His face looked so beat up that for just a second, I didn’t recognize him.

I jumped, knocking over Rob’s soda.

“Shit,” Rob said under his breath as he grabbed a napkin. “Who the hell are you?”

“Out,” Miller said, ignoring Rob. “Now.”

“Miller…” my voice caught in my throat. This was not at all the way I wanted to start our conversation.

“I swear, Miss Pruitt, if you don’t get out of this treehouse right now, I’ll tell your father that you can’t be trusted here.”

Miss Pruitt. I hated that he was calling me that. Even more than I hated the idea of having to leave the safety of Matt’s house. “I’m sorry,” I said to James and Rob. “I have to go.” Seeing Miller’s bruised face made tears well in my eyes. And the anger in his voice? I deserved it. But it still hurt me. I tried to scramble out of the treehouse before the tears started to fall.

This time James and Rob didn’t stop me with proposals or jokes or food. But James did put his hand on my shoulder right before I climbed down.

“Are you going to be okay with him?” he asked.

“Yeah. He’s my security guard.” I tried to wipe away my tears.

“Okay.” James searched my face like he was trying to figure out why I was crying.

I hoped he didn’t see the real reason.

“Well…call me if you need anything.”

I didn’t have James’ number. Which was for the best. I climbed down the little ladder. Miller was already walking through the Hunters’ perfectly manicured gardens.

“Wait!” I called.

Miller didn’t stop.

I tried to run after him but my feet hurt. Ow. “Miller!”

He just kept going.

Fuck. I pushed through a fence and tried to run again. Each step was worse than the one before. I stopped and pulled my foot out of my slipper. There was blood on the bottom of the bandage. “Miller,” I said, but he was already through some hedges into the neighbor’s lawn.

I took another step. I bit the inside of my lip as I made my way past a massive pool house. But as the back of Miller’s head grew farther and farther away, it felt like there was no point. I wasn’t going to catch up to him. And clearly he didn’t want to talk to me. Just reprimand me.

I sat down under a willow tree and let myself cry. Not for my stupid feet. But for my own stupidity. I hadn’t thought about putting Miller’s career in jeopardy by going with Rob. I had only been focused on fixing Matt’s friendships. But not thinking about Miller was selfish. He’d been there for me when I needed him. And by the look of his face, he needed me now. Instead of seeking him out, I just made his day a million times more stressful by disappearing.

I pulled my knees into my chest. I couldn’t seem to get anything right recently. I just kept hurting people over and over again. Before I lost my uncle, I thought I was finally getting my life under control again. But when he died, it was like everything crumbled around me. And I was so tired of hurting all the time. And doing the hurting.

Ivy Smoak's Books