
Hi was rubbing his forehead. “Tell me they didn’t catch you.”

“Not sure.” I staggered upright. Wiped spittle from my cheek. “Don’t think so.”

I replayed the moment my consciousness touched the bubble. I’d known it was Madison, not Chance. Was certain. For a nanosecond I’d recognized her thoughts, though I hadn’t understood them.

Had Madison felt something on her end? Did she sense it was me poking around?

How could I be so stupid?

“How could you be so stupid?”

Ben unsealed a bottled water and held it to my lips. I gulped, swished a mouthful, then spat on the grass.

I agreed with Ben, but would never admit it now.

“They were saying things. About me.” My brain was still slightly derailed. “They suspect. I was trying to find out what they know.”

“Not cool.” Surprisingly, it was Hi who said it. “Breaking into their minds? That’s going way too far.”

“Didn’t work.” Though my pride wouldn’t let me simply agree, I was ashamed of my impulsive decision. The intensity of the last few days was warping my judgment.

The bell rang. The trio examined me, appraising my condition.

“I’m fine.” No way they’d decide what was best for me. “Just help me to class.”

My eyes wouldn’t focus. Golf balls rattled inside my skull. My stomach writhed like a shaken Coke. But I was determined to avoid more attention.

You did this to yourself. Take your punishment.

Wobbly, I allowed the boys to shepherd me through the front doors.

It was going to be a long afternoon.

Trudging up my front steps, I thanked every deity I could name. I’d survived. My bed was mere seconds away.

I hadn’t fully processed the incident with Madison. Keeping upright in class had required all my energy. But standing outside my home, fumbling for keys, I finally reflected on what happened.

Why had my telepathy failed? Because I’d reached outside the pack? Because the boys hadn’t been flaring? Because Coop wasn’t there?

My splitting headache proved the experiment had been dangerous.

Had I learned my lesson? Probably not.

If anything, I was even more curious about what my powers could do.

Flashbulb images strobed in my head. Darkness on the golf course. A thin, gleaming wire. Myself, seen through Coop’s eyes.

Was that what I’d been hoping for? To sneak inside my enemies’ minds?

A sour feeling clenched my gut. So blatantly wrong.

But I had touched Madison’s thoughts, if only for a moment. It was possible.

Then some force had repelled my probing, KO’ing me in the process. Since I didn’t understand how I’d made contact, how could I guess why things went sideways?

Problems for another time.

Right then, a nap topped my agenda.

Which made Whitney’s presence so incredibly cruel.

“There you are, sugar!” Practically dancing across the carpet in her lavender ballet flats. “You’ll never guess what I have!”

“What?” Choking back tears. It was sleepy time. I glared at Cooper snoozing in his doggie bed. Thanks for the warning, mutt.

Whitney swept a hand toward a long white box on the dining room table.

“Your gown is finally ready.” As if its status was of national importance. “At long last. I can’t wait to see it on!”


I’d forgotten about the damn dress.

Whitney had nattered on about it for weeks, casually reminding Kit and me that it was expensive, trendy, and very hard to find. Her boutique BFF had resisted the idea of alterations—the dress being a loaner—but Whitney had insisted. The woman is a world-class insister.

So there it was.

And I couldn’t have cared less.

“Let’s try it on later.” I opted for manipulation over defiance. “I’m exhausted from school, and won’t do the dress justice. After dinner we can make a show of it.”

Whitney’s smile nearly dislocated her jaw. “What a fabulous idea!”

Banging. Loud.

“Tory!” Kit yelled through my door. “It’s past seven. Time to eat.”

“Wha happa cha?” My thoughts were scrambled by dark dreams of snapping jaws and watching eyes.

“Dinner. Whitney says you two have a surprise planned?”

The lingering nightmare was replaced by a waking one.

I had zero interest in parading for my father’s girlfriend.

FML. “Coming.”

I trudged to the bathroom, scrubbed my teeth, then plodded downstairs. Whitney and Kit were at the table, spooning salad into bowls.

“There’s our princess!” Whitney virtually bounced in her chair. “Are you excited? Think you’ll sleep tonight? I didn’t get a wink for two days before my debut!”

“Hope so.” Diplomatic. I might not sleep later, but not because of any stupid ball. “Where’s Coop?”

“Enjoying a rawhide thingy in the guest room,” Whitney said. “He’ll be fine there until after the fashion show.”

Kit aimed his fork at me. “Hudson stopped by my office this morning.”


Kathy Reichs's Books