
Hudson. Registered weapons must fall under his jurisdiction.

Ben interrupted my thoughts. “Check it out!”

The lining of the left-hand drawer had dislodged, revealing empty space beneath.

“A false bottom.” Ben wedged a key into the newly exposed gap. “I knew I heard something.”

Ben levered upward, then used his fingers to remove the panel. A single object lay in the shallow compartment beneath. A red flash drive.

Tiny words were printed on its side: “Property of Dr. Marcus Karsten. Private and Confidential.” The drive was stamped with a bright yellow C.

“Oh my God.” I could hardly breathe. “This belonged to Karsten.”

“Concealed in a hidden compartment, in his private desk, in his secret lab.” Ben’s eyes were Frisbees. “What did we just find, Tor?”

My pulse thumped. I’d thought all hope of learning more about our affliction had died with Karsten. Yet because I’d pounded a stupid desk, we might’ve stumbled onto . . . everything.

Another realization struck. “The logo! That C is a trademark of Candela Pharmaceuticals!”

Ben whistled. “The company that underwrote Karsten’s secret parvo experiments. Chance Claybourne’s company,” he added unnecessarily.

“This is huge.” All thoughts of the Gamemaster had been blasted from my mind. “This drive might hold the key to understanding our condition. Our prognosis. If there’s any chance of cure!”

“Plug it in!” For once, Ben sounded as wired as I was.

Hands shaking, I inserted the drive into a USB port and clicked it open. A single folder appeared: MK.

A text box demanded a password.

“Frick.” I chewed my thumb in agitation. “Any ideas?”

Ben gave me a flat look. “How would I know Karsten’s private password?”

Footfalls sounded in the hall. My heart went hummingbird. I yanked and pocketed the drive an instant before the door banged open.

“What are you two doing in here?” Mike Iglehart wore an eye-blistering white lab coat and a surly expression. “This isn’t some teenage make-out room.”

My face flushed scarlet. “Excuse me?”

“We were using the computer!” Ben barked. “That’s it.”

Iglehart smirked. “I’m sure. Which reminds me this terminal needs to be removed. We can’t waste bandwidth so you kids can play Angry Birds.”

I rose, furious, intending to storm out.

“Does your father know you’re here?” Iglehart’s brows formed a V above his nose.

“He said we could use a lab.”

Half true. Kit’s prior approval hadn’t been date specific.

“Yes, I heard you were grubbing up my workspace a few days ago.” Iglehart spread his arms to encompass the room. “But this is clearly not a lab. I’ll be sure to inform Kit you’ve been sneaking into empty spaces unchaperoned. I’ll brief Hudson as well.”

My cheeks burned, but I kept my mouth shut. There was nothing to be gained by arguing. Ben just stared at the floor.

We weren’t doing anything wrong, Ben. Not like he’s implying.

Yet Ben looked like a kid caught stealing.

Iglehart escorted us down to the lobby, where Dr. Sundberg was waiting impatiently.

“We need to hurry, Mike.” Anders nodded my way. “Hi, Tory. Hope the project is going well.”

“I doubt these two were studying.” Iglehart’s expression was close to a sneer. “They were locked away in that . . . room we found. It was awfully quiet before I opened the door.”

That did it. I’d stomach Iglehart’s private taunts, but no way was he going to defame me to others. “We needed to use a computer. That’s it.”

“Whatever you say. It’s your father’s problem, not mine. Thank God I don’t have a teenage daughter.”

“Leave off, Mike,” Sundberg said wearily. “We’ve got work to do. I’m sure Tory and her friend can look after themselves.”

Sundberg tossed me a sympathetic glance as he and Iglehart exited the building.

“Who the hell was that jerk?” Ben asked. “Will he really tell your dad?”

“And Hudson,” I confirmed. “Mike Iglehart doesn’t seem to like me much.”

“Then let’s jet before anyone finds us.” Ben said. “We need to get that drive to the bunker.”

I couldn’t have agreed more.


“Let’s see what we’ve got.”

Shelton double-clicked the flash drive icon.

“Is there any way around the password?” I was watching over Shelton’s shoulder. Hi was beside me. Ben was slouching in his usual spot on the bunker’s window bench.

“Doubtful.” Shelton glanced at me. “You don’t happen to know it, do you?”

“Oh sure.” I leaned back against the table behind me. “Karsten emailed it to me right after we stole Cooper. I have his ATM code too, if that’d be helpful.”

“Just asking.” Shelton popped the collar of his navy polo. “Because this is gonna be a tough nut to crack.”

“Ideas?” Hi rubbed his chin. “We’re incredibly smart. Maybe we know enough to figure it out.”

Kathy Reichs's Books