Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(82)
Behind the bar, the alley widened out and a row of dumpsters kept company with a questionable puddle. There was no one waiting in the shadows and a sense of unease settled on me as we glanced about.
“This seems like a pretty shady place for a meeting,” Darcy muttered, eyeing the alley we’d used to get here in a way that suggested she wanted to go back.
“Agreed,” I said, rubbing my hands up and down my arms to try and coax a little warmth back into them. “So how long are we going to wait for our mystery man?”
“Or woman,” Darcy added and I nodded vaguely, though our current position in a darkened alleyway definitely had me imagine a hulking man coming for us, jagged knife in hand, backpack full of rope and duct tape...
“I don’t like this,” I breathed. “Maybe we should just leave?”
My Atlas buzzed again and I quickly pulled it out.
Falling Star:
The Shadow is moving closer. I can’t risk a meet now.
You should find away to safety before the darkness claims you!
Darcy leaned close to read the message too and I cursed our stupid mystery messenger for leading us out here for nothing.
“We should get out of here,” Darcy said, her voice low as she glanced around.
“Come on,” I agreed, taking a step towards the alley we’d used to get here.
A dark shadow moved to block the light from the street beyond and I fell still. Darcy bumped into me as she failed to notice that I’d stopped and I caught her arm to prevent her from falling.
“Who’s there?” I called hesitantly, wondering if Falling Star had decided to turn up after all.
The silence echoed for several long seconds then a deep rattling noise came as the shadow drew closer.
My magic flared in response as I backed up a step, driving Darcy back with me. She tried to move to my side to get a better look but I wouldn’t let her, keeping my body between her and whoever the hell was blocking our exit.
Ice trickled through my veins and I tried to draw on my magic to light a fire in my palm.
Heat swelled along my fingertips just as that rattle sounded again, deeper this time, louder.
My magic stuttered. A small flame sprang to life then died as if someone had sucked it away.
My heart lurched with panic as the figure took a step closer and we took another step back.
I could feel my magic swarming like a tempest beneath my flesh but I couldn’t draw it out.
“I can’t summon my power,” Darcy breathed, her voice tinged with fear.
“Me either,” I whispered.
Was this whole thing some trick? Were we about to be surrounded by the Heirs, ready to spring some new horror on us?
The third rattle was so loud that my limbs trembled in response to it. I didn’t know what it was but it felt like it was forming a cage around my power and locking it up tight. The next step I took felt weighted with lead and I sucked in a sharp breath as I realised that the noise was starting to harness my limbs too. If we didn’t get out of there quickly, I was sure we wouldn’t be able to escape at all.
“Run!” I yelled, snatching Darcy’s hand in mine and spinning in the opposite direction.
We broke into a sprint, our stilettos made it difficult but we refused to let them slow us.
Darcy’s grip on my hand was tight as we shot past the row of dumpsters and that rattle sounded again. For a terrifying moment we slowed despite our intentions and the sound of pounding feet closed in behind us.
I released a scream, throwing every inch of my resolve into placing my feet down as fast as I could.
Darcy stumbled and I caught her arm, righting her as I shoved her ahead of me. I whirled towards the nearest dumpster and snatched a large sack of trash from the top of it before launching it back towards whoever the hell was chasing us just as that rattling started again.
The noise cut off with a muffled grunt as I managed to hit my target and power surged in my fingertips.
A rush of air slammed past me as Darcy unleashed her magic. The wind carved around me like it was made of stone and barely even pulled at my hair before crashing into our stalker with the strength of a tornado.
The shadowy figure was thrown back and I staggered to Darcy’s side with my eyes wide as I tried to draw on my own magic to join with hers.
Before I could, the rattling came again and all access to my power was snatched away once more.
The figure stood again, shadows seeming to cling to them as if they were drawn by a magnet. It concealed everything about them apart from the certainty in my gut that there was something horribly wrong with them.
Darcy whimpered as she caught my arm and dragged me back.
We started running again, fear lending strength to our limbs as we raced down darkened alleys, one after another.
I could feel the shadow drawing closer with each step, imagine their breath on the back of my neck.
The rattling began again and I clapped my hands over my ears, not understanding what the hell it was but knowing that it was doing something to me each time I heard it.
Darcy staggered as the force of the rattle hit her but I urged her on and we managed to sprint even faster as adrenaline spiked through my limbs.
A warm light illuminated the end of the alleyway ahead of us and relief spilled through me as I spied the exit.
We leapt forward and ran straight out onto a well lit street before a busy bar. Tables were sat outside it full of students who were laughing and drinking.