Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(81)
Tory steadied her, glancing at us. “I thought she said she could handle her drink,” she teased.
“I caaaaan,” Sofia slurred, clutching onto Tory to stay upright.
“It was only a few shots,” I said in confusion.
“Maybe she doesn't drink often,” Diego said, rising to his feet. “I should take her home.”
“No.” Sofia planted her hands on her hips. “I'm fiiiine.”
Diego looked to us. “I think it'd be best. There's a shuttle bus that runs back to the Academy at the end of the street. Do you mind catching it home?”
“Yeah that's fine,” I said as Sofia reached out, trying to grab hold of Tory's arm while Diego led her away. She quickly gave up and clutched onto Diego instead, looking up at him with dreamy eyes. “Your hat...I like your hat. Can I wear it?” She reached for it and he chuckled as he caught her hand in his, holding it as he led her out of the door.
The waitress appeared, planting two glasses of some bright pink cocktail down in front of us. “From your friend over there.” She pointed at the group of professors and Washer grinned at us, licking his lips and wiggling his fingers. He was jammed up against Astrum who threw us an apologetic smile.
I couldn't even disguise the disgust on my face.
Tory clucked her tongue.
“Ergh Washer is such a pig,” she muttered, but picked her glass up and held it out to me anyway. “From this point on, this night is going to be about having fun without any creeps.”
I grinned, picking up my cocktail and clinking my glass to hers. “To no creeps.”
She whooped. “To no creeps!”
A TELL-TALE vibration came from my clutch and I pulled my Atlas out, hoping it was Diego letting us know that he’d gotten Sofia back okay.
Falling Star:
New information has come to light.
Can we meet?
I raised an eyebrow in surprise and nudged Darcy to draw her attention away from trying to summon the barman again.
“Why are they so keen to meet us all of a sudden?” Darcy asked curiously.
“Only one way to find out, I guess,” I replied as I tapped out a response.
Tory Vega:
Falling Star:
Ten minutes.
There’s an alleyway behind the bar.
I’ll see you there.
A shiver raced along my spine as I read their response and I snapped my head up, scouring everyone around us to see who had their Atlas out. Whoever Falling Star was, they knew where we were, which meant they were here somewhere. The restaurant was thronging with people and plenty of Zodiac students had come and gone.
Was it a coincidence? Or was Falling Star following us? The idea gave me the creeps.
“Are we sure we should trust this stalker?” I muttered as I narrowed my eyes at a group of sophomores who were laughing loudly in a booth behind us.
Darcy cast her eyes around the restaurant too. “I don’t know. But they seem like one of a very few people who are actually trying to help us in this place. Even if they are annoyingly cryptic.”
I bit my tongue, glancing down at the message again. Was it completely insane to trust an anonymous stranger who wanted to meet us in a dark alley at night? Yes, probably. But was I curious enough to take the risk? Apparently so.
“I want answers from this weirdo and I don’t think we’re going to get any unless we meet them. So I say we do it,” I said firmly.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Darcy asked hesitantly.
“Honestly? No. But I still think we should do it.”
“Okay,” Darcy agreed, chewing on her lip. “I’ll order us some Dutch courage.”
I grinned as she finally snagged the bartender’s attention and ordered us a round of drinks.
As it drew nearer to our arranged meeting time, I tried to keep an eye on anyone who was getting ready to leave but it was pretty hard to say. Quite a few of the students were heading on to some of the other bars down the street now that they'd finished their meals. I guessed we’d be finding out soon either way.
“Are you ready?” I asked as I placed my empty glass down on the bar.
We’d planned to head onto another bar soon anyway, neither of us mentioning the fact that Geraldine was meant to be coming back to meet us. I felt a little guilty knowing we were ditching her but I only had to think about those goddamn ass badges and I knew that it had to be done. No way I was spending my time hanging out with people who happily branded themselves as an ass.
“Let’s see what they’ve got to say for themselves,” Darcy agreed as she pushed her stool back and got to her feet.
She led the way outside and the cool evening air washed around us, making promises of the winter to come. I should have worn a jacket but I’d been tricked by the warmth of the sun before it had set. I wrapped my arms around myself as my thin cami did nothing to protect me from the Elements and wondered why I always sacrificed my comfort for fashion choices.
We headed along the sidewalk, falling into silence as we reached a narrow alleyway between the bar and a dark store which occupied the space beside it.
I offered Darcy a reassuring smile before taking the lead into the alley.
The music from the bar faded to a muffled thump of bass as we delved into the darkness and goosebumps rose along my skin. Yep, we were definitely heading into a serial-killer's wet dream and I couldn’t help but question our sanity a little as we failed to turn back.