Without a Hitch(60)

“Or what?” Her voice wavers with a mix of hate and fear, and it settles heavily in my gut. At least I’m no longer the only one feeling fear here.

“Or…” I want to force her hand. I want to be the bastard and take what I want. It’s what I do, but when I glance over my shoulder at the expression in her dark brown eyes, I tug roughly at my hair as the fight leaves my body in a whoosh. “I don’t understand this connection, Tilly. I don’t. But I can’t walk away from it, so I’m going to make a deal with you. A deal you’d be a fool to walk away from, and a deal that you have ten minutes to consider.”

What are you doing? How do you know you can trust her? Self-preservation screams at me to reconsider this. Not to force her hand into something that will tie her to me and my company, but I don’t back down. She’s not Christine. Of that, I’m sure. I’m also sure if she betrays me, there will be no digging myself out of the dark hole she’ll cause.

Her shoulders are hunched around her ears, but I see fire in her expression. She’s ready to give me the verbal beatdown of my life.

I stop her in her tracks.

“Spend three weeks in California with me. Help me close a deal out there with the winery. We’ll spend every second getting to know each other. The owners want a family man—we’ll give off that vibe easily, and if you’re still searching for your happily ever after at the end of our time, we’ll part ways.”

“That’s not a deal, Lochlan. The only thing I’ll walk away with in that scenario is heartache. What you’re really saying is that you want me to choose between you and your ideals for a successful, happy life, and a dream I’ve had for myself since I was a little girl.”

She’s so sure she’ll fall for me. My brows pinch together, and I have to physically restrain myself from clutching a hand to my chest. A broken heart would destroy her very soul. The truth is, I know I could fall for her too, but not the way she needs. She’s putting so much on the line—it’s up to me to do the same, even if for very different reasons.

I need her to fulfill my quest for revenge. She needs the fairy tale version of love.

“You don’t understand, Lochlan. Being with you meant something to me, even if they were one-

night stands. Beyond the walk of shame, I knew what the risks were. Pushing this, spending time with you…”

“You’ll get my hotels,” I interrupt.

Her jaw drops open, and she stumbles as she jumps to her feet. I take two quick strides closer in case she faints. I’ve never seen someone pass out before, but I imagine Tilly is the poster child for it right now. Her heart-shaped face is pale, eyes unblinking. I’m not even sure she’s breathing.

A phone buzzes on the table, but I don’t know if it’s hers or mine, and I really don’t care. Tilly’s bottom lip lowers and rises like she’s testing out her jaw, but nothing else on her moves for the longest time.

“Y-Your hotels? What in God’s name are you talking about?”

I don’t know, I almost shout. I’m reacting instead of the meticulous planning I usually take with me into negotiations. My methodical arguments go out the window when confronted with the fear of losing her. I take a step back, and with measured breaths that feel like dragon fire through my nostrils, I slowly and carefully lay out my plan.

“If we still want different things at the end of three weeks, I’ll walk away. I’ll leave you alone.”

Even when it kills me. Because, let’s face it, I will be walking away. She’s a means to an end. I can’t and won’t give her what she needs, but I’m not bastard enough to tether her to me indefinitely for my own gains.

Her eyes dart to my mouth, waiting for the rest of my proposal. “And you’ll have exclusive access to my boutique hotels and the winery for your parties and…and weddings.” I don’t mean to gulp like a bullfrog, but that’s what happens. She turns me into an unsteady teenager without even trying.

I search her molten eyes. Does she feel this? Does she know what I’m giving up for this chance?

Does she care?

“I saw your business plan, Tilly. Or at least the one in progress. I know you have more to offer than being a wedding fixer. Your ideas for expansion, for event planning, are spot on. If you have access to three of the premier venues in New York and California that no one else can secure, you’re guaranteed clients, which means…”

“You’re padding my business plan. With your hotels, I’ll have built-in, top-tier clientele because no one else can offer what I’ll be able to.”

Her beautiful brain is working overtime behind her fearful eyes.

“But if we want the same thing at the end of three weeks, we both win.” Except I know that’s not true. Even if I get her in the end, it’ll be tainted. For me to win, she’ll have to give up her vision for happiness, and I’m not sure I’ll be strong enough to stop her.



“W hy would you do this? Why don’t you allow weddings at your hotels? That seems like professional suicide. Why are you willing to hand them over to someone you don’t even know?” Questions pour from my lips as I sink back into my chair with a heavy thud.

None of this makes sense. I shove a mini quiche into my mouth to give my brain a second to catch up. I’m almost surprised food and spittle haven’t flown from my lips yet.

Avery Maxwell's Books