Without a Hitch(32)

“He’s a needy bastard.” I laugh. Tyler Grant, Blake Kingston, and Colton Westbrook are the entirety of my inner circle, but with the exception of Blake, who no longer talks to anyone, they’re much too chatty for my liking. “I’ll call him back. Anything else?”

“That’s it for now. But you really should reconsider the wedding. You never know who you’ll meet there.”

My mind instantly drifts to Pepper. Not that she’s been far from my thoughts lately anyway. The damn girl ghosted me. Sure, I would usually plan a quick escape, but I fell asleep that night knowing I wasn’t done with her. When I woke up the next morning, she was gone. No trace of her. I’m not sure if I’m pissed that I didn’t get to experience her again or that she didn’t give me a say in things, and it has made me a right surly prick ever since.

I shake my head, realizing Angie is still speaking. “Didn’t you have fun at Mr. Grant’s wedding?

You stayed for the reception, so you must have found something to fill your time.”

I’m nodding along but not really listening because I did find something. Someone, rather. Someone I would very much like to see again. Just one more time. It’s unusual for me to want a repeat, so it must be the chase with Pepper. She left, so I want more?

I’ve refrained from reaching out to Tyler because I’ll only sound like a lovesick puppy by asking, but as more days pass, I realize I won’t simply forget her.

“Yes, Angie. I did have a good time at Tyler’s wedding.” I grin. “A very good time.”

She huffs and storms out to her desk. Perhaps I missed part of her conversation, but I’m already lifting my mobile phone.

Tyler answers on the first ring. “Lochlan? This is a surprise. I thought for sure I wouldn’t hear from you until I kicked down your office door.” He chuckles. “Is everything all right?”

“Of course, of course. How was your holiday?”

“We’re still here, actually. Heading to the Greek isles next.”

“Very good. Very good. Give…” Shit. What’s his wife’s name? “Give the missus my best.”

“Jenna, Lochlan. Her name is Jenna.”

“Right, yes. I know that. Give her my best.”

“Did you need something?” he asks, but I hear the teasing tone. He’s not about to make this easy on me.

“You called me first, arsehole,” I remind him, then shake my head. I always sound more British when my emotions are out of whack. “But actually, I did need something. I have a, uh, job opportunity for one of Jenna’s bridesmaids. I believe her name was Abby Chambers. She and I had a lovely chat at the reception, and I think—”

“I think you’re full of shite, mate,” he mocks.

“Bugger off. Seriously, I just need her number.”

“Jenna? Lochlan’s on the phone. He’s looking for Abby.”

I hear their murmurs but can’t make out their words. Then his voice is back. “Okay, I’ll meet you over there. Sorry, Loch. Abby apparently has a rule about giving out her contact information. You’re shit out of luck.”

“Bloody fucket,” I bite out.

“Whoa. Someone’s gotten under your skin.”

“Whatever, Tyler. Have a great trip. We’ll catch up when you get home.”

“You know,” he drawls. “I was calling to tell you that Audra Foundry has a wedding next week.”

“Have fun. I don’t do—”

“You might want to take a look at their wedding website, especially at the wedding party. I think you’ll find it interesting. Talk soon.” He hangs up.

I toss my phone away in my hurry to Google the Foundry wedding.

It takes only a moment, which isn’t surprising. The only family with more money than the Foundrys might be the Westbrooks. I scan the header, searching for the wedding party. When I find it, I click it so many times my computer freezes. Not cool, Loch. Not cool at all. Slowly, the page loads, and I scroll down with as much patience as I can muster until my gaze lands on the wedding party.

Abby Chambers, Bridesmaid

“Angie?” I bellow and hear her drop something just outside my door.

She remembers herself and uses the old-school intercom she insisted I install when she came to work for me. “Yes, Mr. Blaine?” She asks, not bothering to hide the snark in her tone.

“I changed my mind. Tell my parents I’ll meet them at the Foundry wedding. And please RSVP for me.”

“May I ask what changed your mind?”


I swear I hear her laughter through the thick wall.

Okay, Pepper. This time I won’t let you escape so easily.



The Foundry/Bamford Wedding

T he music starts, and I feel her before I see her. I turn my head just enough to see the women walking down the aisle, but my body zings in anticipation for only her.

Pepper is more beautiful than I remembered, and her face has been at the forefront of my thoughts for weeks. Her dark hair cascades over one shoulder in waves so shiny the light reflects off them like diamonds.

She hasn’t noticed me yet because she’s too busy whispering orders as she marches down the long path of the old Catholic church we’re in. She wears a lavender slip dress designed by my sister. It hugs every curve and dips low between breasts that taste like salty wildflowers. My mouth waters when I remember the freckle on her sternum like she’s a mirage in the desert of my desire. I mentally slap myself. I would kick the shit out of my mates for having thoughts like this.

Avery Maxwell's Books