Without a Hitch(117)

“That would be amazing. Thank you.” She reaches up on her toes to kiss me. Tilly still doesn’t want gifts, I’ve realized. She wants my time and my love, but she doesn’t seem to realize they are hers for the taking, so every time I do the smallest thing, she responds like I’ve just given her the world.

It doesn’t take long to fill the giant tub, but when I go in search of Tilly, I find her passed out in the hammock. The beach and a hammock are still her favorite places, but I go about putting cushions under her anyway. She’s only four months along, but I’m not taking the chance of her falling out of the floating bed of doom. Not even if I have grown fond of the damn things.

When I’m confident she’s safe, I pull a chair over. Sitting down next to her, I take in our surroundings and notice the piles of M&Ms on the small table to her left. After the bathtub incident, I haven’t been able to eat Skittles again. But, shortly after Tilly moved to New York, I found small bowls of M&Ms all over the house, all sorted by colors, and she’s done it everywhere we go ever since.

Every time I think I can’t love her any more than I do, she does something like this and rips my heart wide open so it can grow even more.

My life is so much different than how I envisioned it just a few short years ago. Remembering the hatred that was rotting me from the inside out is always hard. It’s also a reminder of Tilly’s giant heart.

She is the only one who could have pulled me from the dark. She’s truly the better part of me, the magical part. My hand rests on her ankle, and I rub her soft skin with the pad of my thumb.

“My sweet, sweet Tilly.” Her eyelids flutter but don’t open. “I love all your bloody fucket magical ways, my amazing angel.”

“I love you too,” she mumbles automatically. Even in sleep, she loves me, and happy contentment washes over my entire body.

It’s true that love changes a person. I will be forever grateful that Tilly Camden Blaine changed my DNA the day she entered my life. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

*Want to see how Lochlan responds when Tilly goes into labor after wrangling a baddie? Download

the bonus epilogue here! *


There are always so many people to thank when I finally finish a book. It’s a process that takes many eyes, many ears, many hugs, and so much patience. I never pretend that I do it all myself because the reality is, that’s not possible for me. It takes a village. So, these are my people: My husband and my children. Thank you for bending, for your patience, and for your unconditional love you’ve always given me. We’ve had to pivot as a family so I can make these stories happen, and I couldn’t do anything without your LUV and support. I’m not me without you.

Rhon, my fabulous PA who listens to my months of tears, rage-typing, fears, and anxiety attacks, and never makes me feel bad about my process. There is so much that you do behind the scenes to keep me afloat, and I’d definitely sink without you. XO.

Marie & Carissa, thank you for always helping us keep The Luv Club the kindest place on Facebook. I appreciate your time and support more than you could ever know. XO.

My Street & ARC teams, thank you for luving my stories and for your never-ending support.

Readers are finding my books and The Luv Club because of you. XO.

The Luv Club, you are truly the best group of people. Social media can be daunting. It takes time and a lot of effort to keep it all going, but with you, it feels like coming home. Thank you for all your support and for helping us make the world a little kinder, one group at a time. LUVS!

Beth, my medical proofer, my longtime friend, my always-give-it-to-me-straight friend. Thank you for your honesty, your friendship, and for always being unafraid to tell me to get my head out of my ass. You’re the best. XO.

Joyce, just thank you. Thank you for being a sounding board. For being one of my biggest supporters, and for being the voice of reason when things go nuts. I “Care Bear” the heck out of you.


“A.A.A.” friends. Thank you for being a safe space to vent, cry, chat, laugh, and sometimes just not feel quite so alone. You help keep me sane in the insanity of this crazy business and I luv you all for that. XOXO.

TWSS, thank you for taking a chance on me and for all the support you give. I am forever thankful for your guidance, your encouragement, and for your all-around awesomeness. I’m beyond thankful for all that you do.

Kari March, thank you for the phenomenal cover design. You took my ideas and gave them the perfect visual representation.

Jessica Snyder, editor extraordinaire. Thank you for making my words sparkle and shine!

Emily, thank you for proofing my book with fresh eyes to make sure it’s the best it can be!


I’m a New-England girl born and raised, but now I live in North Carolina with my husband, our four kids, and two dogs.

I write sweet, sexy, small-town contemporary romance because I’m a romantic at heart. My stories are of friendship and trust, heartbreak, and redemption. I try to bring my characters to life and make you feel every emotion I pour onto the page.

I’ve always been a fan of the happily ever after and the stories that make them, and now I get to write a soul mate for us all. My heroines have sass, my heroes have steam, and together they create the stories you won’t want to put down.

Avery Maxwell's Books