Without a Hitch(116)

In true Tilly form, she waves me off. “Nah. Her ex was cheating with her best friend. I just gave her perspective when she needed it. She would have figured it out on her own—I was just the catalyst.”

My spine stiffens like it always does now at the mention of a cheater. “What happened to him?”

She peers up at me through long lashes with a quizzical expression. “Sybil’s ex?”

I nod. “And her friend?”

“Oh, they got what they deserved.” She smiles up at me, and I wait expectantly. I need the bad guys to get their comeuppance.

“Which is?”

“Her friend and her ex got together right after Sybil broke things off. They eloped, and within a year, they were both cheating on each other. But there’s this weird law in North Carolina. If a spouse is caught cheating, the harmed party can sue the person they cheated with. Her friend and her ex both got sued and are paying out the nose for their indiscretions. Quite literally.” Tilly laughs, and my shoulders relax.

“Is that really a law?”

“Yup.” She goes onto her tiptoes and places a gentle kiss on my lips.

We stand arm in arm, waiting for Hadley’s car. We were expecting a taxi, so we both do a double take when she climbs out of a Tesla with a man I don’t recognize and a giant dog.

“Who is that?” I ask.

“I have no idea, but look at the smile on Hadley’s face. I’d say she and mystery man have hit it off.”

Tilly releases my hand and speed walks to meet her friend. I hang back and try to size up the stranger who now has his hand on the small of Hadley’s back.

“Who is this?” I bark, catching them all off guard. I’ve become very protective of all Tilly’s friends, but Hadley especially because she always seems so scared.

“Lochlan, you scared the crap out of me,” Hadley says with a hand over her heart. She walks to me and gives me an awkward hug. “Ah, well, this is my new friend, Noah.”

Tilly stares between them. “I thought you were taking the bus to Florida?”

I tried like hell to get her on the plane with us, but she refuses to fly. Or drive. There is actually a lot she won’t do. Tilly explained it’s leftover fear from losing her parents years ago. It makes me that much more protective.

“How new?” I growl.


Glancing over, Tilly tells me to be nice with her eyes, but I don’t heed her advice.

“Ha, ha, ha. Funny story, actually. There was a giant tornado in Georgia, and the bus couldn’t get through. I had to get an Airbnb.”

“And?” Tilly elbows me in the gut, but I barely flinch as I glare at Noah.

Hadley’s voice shakes as she continues. “Well, I accidentally booked a shared Airbnb.”

“We both did,” Noah smiles, and I narrow my eyes. He steps forward and offers his hand. I don’t take it, and he awkwardly pulls it back. “I appreciate that you’re protective of Hadley, but I’m not here to ruin anything.”

“What are you here for then?”

Hadley squeaks, and I feel like an ass for making her uncomfortable. But someone has to watch out for her.

“Believe it or not, this guy here is Jimmy Chew.”

I glare at him, then the dog he has on a leash, waiting for an explanation, but it’s Tilly who speaks.

“Connor’s dog, Jimmy Chew? You’re the best man?”

“In the flesh.” He smiles and offers his outstretched hand to Tilly.

Tilly has a mischievous expression on her face that I know means trouble. “You two booked a shared Airbnb in Georgia, that you were stuck in for four days, and randomly happen to be coming to the same wedding. In Florida?”

“Er, crazy coincidence, huh?” Hadley pushes her glasses up high on her nose, and Noah takes her hand. I recognize the moment she relaxes, and I see him in a different light. I’ve never seen Hadley quite like she is right now, and obviously, by Tilly’s shocked expression, she hasn’t either.

“Some people would call it a coincidence. I’m calling it fate. Karma is repaying me for the good deed of watching out for Sybil in that bar bathroom, and destiny is now smiling on us all these days, I think.” Tilly shines with her magical happiness like a sunbeam.

Hadley looks up at Noah with stars in her eyes and a happy, content expression on her face.


Tilly’s grin is so broad that I swear I can see all her teeth. So much freaking smiling, it makes my scowl deepen even as Tilly pushes forward with her plan. “Well, come on, you two. I’ll show you to your rooms. Or should it be room?”

“Tilly,” I warn, “don’t push.”

“Um,” Hadley hedges, turning an uncomfortable shade of red.

“Why don’t you give us both rooms, and we’ll figure it out later,” Noah suggests. I’m still not sure I like the guy, but when Hadley smiles, I give in and follow them all to the front desk.

I don’t miss the fact that Tilly arranged for their rooms to be next door to each other, but I bite my tongue as we drop them off.

We walk back to our bungalow in comfortable silence. When we cross the threshold, I wrap her in an embrace and feel her body deflate. She’s exhausted. “How about if I run you a bath?”

Avery Maxwell's Books