Wild and Free (The Three #3)(97)

“After this is shared, we’d strategically release Leah and Lucien’s story. And after that, we would share about Callum and Sonia, they being last as both are wolves,” Gregor continued. “However, Sonia’s lifetime as a human would be carefully communicated. We also have other wolves who have taken human mates, not to mention vampires who have recently coupled with humans. We would ask they tell their stories as well. And the concubines have agreed to come out about what they do for vampires and share our own version of…” He paused, “Humanity.”

I knew about concubines, or the women (and dudes) who, for centuries, provided their blood to vampires so that vampires didn’t have to go out and find their meals, freaking out humans in the process. There had been a lot of rules around selecting them and keeping them. Some of those rules ended when Leah, who had been Lucien’s concubine, fell in love with her vampire and he did the same in return, this being forbidden. Until them.

“The Council is crafting a media plan that will eventually expose wolves and vampires within society,” Gregor kept going. “Doctors. Nurses. Businessmen and women who provide jobs. It will be explained we already live harmoniously with humans. We own property. We pay taxes. We purchase goods and services. We provide employment opportunities. We’re involved in our communities.”

“Did you live amongst humans all your centuries?’ Abel asked when Gregor quit speaking.

“I have, indeed, Abel,” Gregor confirmed.

“Right, so you know all that’s shit and they…are gonna…freak,” Abel returned. “It doesn’t matter that I’m a biker who has a Chinese American family and Lilah’s the shit. They’re just gonna freak.”

I was feeling warm inside about Abel describing me as the shit when Gregor kept at him.

“This would be you doing what you need to do as a member of The Three to convince the American people, the people of the world, that your people mean no harm.”

I felt Abel preparing to reply so I squeezed his thigh and quickly leaned into him.

“He’s right. It is,” I said quietly.

“He’s right. It is,” Abel agreed. “It’s also not gonna work.”

“That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try,” I pointed out.

“And put your face out there for people to think shit about you? You with a werewolf vampire? So even when we do sort out those *s, everyone everywhere knows you and me and can give us shit…for eternity?”

“Uh, babe, you’re hot. Women the world over are totally gonna get it,” I shared, and he stared.

Then he stated, “Lilah, this is not about me bein’ hot.”

“People forgive a lot if you’re hot, believe me. That means Lucien is gonna kill and so is Callum, and I mean kill in a good way. Everyone will want their own vamp or wolf.” I turned to Gregor. “Actually, that’s more of a problem than the other stuff. Especially if it gets out that vamps can make their mates live for eternity.”

“Specifics about certain things will be shared carefully, Lilah, or not at all, until that knowledge is needed,” Gregor told me.

“Good call,” I muttered.

“Seriously, are you thinkin’ of goin’ for this shit?” Abel asked, and I looked back to him.

“Do you have another idea?” I asked.

“Find those f*ckers who wanna turn the world upside down, obliterate them, then go back to normal,” Abel answered instantly.

“This idea holds more merit for me as well,” Lucien put in.

“We’re working on that too,” Gregor shared.

“That’s good since an eternity of fame is far from tedious. It’s often frustrating and can be aggravating and I’d rather not expose Leah to enduring it,” Lucien shot back. “Therefore, I can obviously understand why Abel feels the same.”

“Lucien can seriously kick ass, as you know,” Leah said as explanation to me. “What you might not know is that the immortal world knows it too and thinks it’s awesome, and that’s not always good.”

“Ah,” I murmured.

“Find another way,” Lucien ordered Gregor.

“We are all destined to live in harmony,” Gregor returned, then finished on a dire note. “Or not.”

“We can accomplish that without all of us being poster couples in the press,” Lucien retorted. “So find that way.”

“Do you have another idea?” Gregor asked calmly.

“That’s not my job,” Lucien bit out, not calmly. “My job is to save humanity while keeping my bride and the rest of The Three alive. You’re the politician. Do your job.”

“I had concerns our plan would meet with negative reactions, so this isn’t surprising,” Gregor replied. “However, I’d still request that all of you consider it.”

“You’ve explained that you’re concerned about your family’s safety.” Cristiano spoke for the first time, his attention on Callum, “That being the case, I would further request that you consider utilizing Calder. He has a vast worldwide network and is able to find out a good many things. If The Three don’t wish to come out publically, then we must intensify our efforts privately to understand what the enemy is planning.”

Kristen Ashley's Books